Part II

Implementing an Oracle Database


pt_webextra_bw.TIF Visit to see how to upgrade an existing database with the Database Upgrade Assistant.

In this part . . .

check.png The first step to using any Oracle database is creating one, which you find out how to do in Chapter 4.

check.png After you create your database, you need to connect to it to use it. You also need to tell the application users how to connect to the database. Chapter 5 covers the different ways to connect to a database.

check.png As soon as you’re in your database, what’s next? You need to speak the language of SQL. Chapter 6 is a primer for getting started in the SQL language.

check.png Storing your data in Oracle is a big part of the job of any DBA. You find out the basics for putting data in the right place in Chapter 7.

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