15 E-commerce Security Issues

THIS CHAPTER DISCUSSES THE ROLE OF SECURITY in e-commerce. We discuss who might be interested in your information and how they might try to obtain it, the principles involved in creating a policy to avoid these kinds of problems, and some of the technologies available for safeguarding the security of a website including encryption, authentication, and tracking.

Key topics covered in this chapter include

Image  The importance of your information

Image  Security threats

Image  Creating a security policy

Image  Usability, performance, cost, and security

Image  Authentication principles

Image  Authentication on your site

Image  Encryption basics

Image  Private key encryption

Image  Public key encryption

Image  Digital signatures

Image  Digital certificates

Image  Secure web servers

Image  Auditing and logging

Image  Firewalls

Image  Data backups

Image  Physical security

How Important Is Your Information?

When considering security, you first need to evaluate the importance of what you are protecting. You need to consider its importance both to you and to potential crackers.

You might be tempted to believe that the highest possible level of security is required for all sites at all times, but protection comes at a cost. Before deciding how much effort or expense your security warrants, you need to decide how much your information is worth.

The value of the information stored on the computer of a hobby user, a business, a bank, and a military organization obviously varies. The lengths to which an attacker would be likely to go to obtain access to that information vary similarly. How attractive would the contents of your machines be to a malicious visitor?

Hobby users probably have limited time to learn about or work toward securing their systems. Given that information stored on their machines is likely to be of limited value to anyone other than the owners, attacks are likely to be infrequent and involve limited effort. However, all network computer users should take sensible precautions. Even the computer with the least interesting data still has significant appeal as an anonymous launching pad for attacks on other systems or as a vehicle for reproducing viruses and worms.

Military computers are obvious targets for both individuals and foreign governments. Because attacking governments might have extensive resources, it would be wise to invest in sufficient personnel and other resources to ensure that all practical precautions are taken in this domain.

If you are responsible for an e-commerce site, its attractiveness to crackers presumably falls somewhere between these two extremes, so the resources and efforts you devote should logically lie between the extremes, too.

Security Threats

What is at risk on your site? What threats are out there? We discussed some of the threats to an e-commerce business in Chapter 14, “Running an E-commerce Site.” Many of them relate to security.

Depending on your website, security threats might include

Image  Exposure of confidential data

Image  Loss or destruction of data

Image  Modification of data

Image  Denial of Service

Image  Errors in software

Image  Repudiation

Let’s run through each of these threats.

Exposure of Confidential Data

Data stored on your computers, or being transmitted to or from your computers, might be confidential. It might be information that only certain people are intended to see, such as wholesale price lists. It might be confidential information provided by a customer, such as his password, contact details, and credit card number.

We hope you are not storing information on your web server that you do not intend anyone to see. A web server is the wrong place for secret information. If you were storing your payroll records or your top secret plan for beating racing ferrets on a computer, you would be wise to use a computer other than your web server. The web server is inherently a publicly accessible machine and should contain only information that either needs to be provided to the public or has recently been collected from the public.

To reduce the risk of exposure, you need to limit the methods by which information can be accessed and limit the people who can access it. This process involves designing with security in mind, configuring your server and software properly, programming carefully, testing thoroughly, removing unnecessary services from the web server, and requiring authentication.

You need to design, configure, code, and test carefully to reduce the risk of a successful criminal attack and, equally important, to reduce the chance that an error will leave your information open to accidental exposure.

You also need to remove unnecessary services from your web server to decrease the number of potential weak points. Each service you are running might have vulnerabilities. Each one needs to be kept up to date to ensure that known vulnerabilities are not present. The services that you do not use might be more dangerous. If you never use the command rcp, for example, why have the service installed?1 If you tell the installer that your machine is a network host, the major Linux distributions and Windows will install a large number of services that you do not need and should remove.

1Even if you do currently use rcp, you should probably remove it and use scp (secure copy) instead.

Authentication means asking people to prove their identity. When the system knows who is making a request, it can decide whether that person is allowed access. A number of possible methods of authentication can be employed, but only two forms are commonly used on public websites: passwords and digital signatures. We talk a little more about both later.

CD Universe offers a good example of the cost both in dollars and reputation of allowing confidential information to be exposed. In late 1999, a cracker calling himself Maxus reportedly contacted CD Universe, claiming to have 300,000 credit card numbers stolen from the company’s site. He wanted a $100,000 (U.S.) ransom from the site to destroy the numbers. The company refused and found itself in embarrassing coverage on the front pages of major newspapers as Maxus doled out numbers for others to abuse.

Data is also at risk of exposure while it traverses a network. Although TCP/IP networks have many fine features that have made them the de facto standard for connecting diverse networks together as the Internet, security is not one of them. TCP/IP works by chopping your data into packets and then forwarding those packets from machine to machine until they reach their destination. This means that your data is passing through numerous machines on the way, as illustrated in Figure 15.1. Any one of those machines could view your data as it passes by.

Figure 15.1  Transmitting information via the Internet sends your information via a number of potentially untrustworthy hosts.


To see the path that data takes from you to a particular machine, you can use the command traceroute (on a Unix machine). This command gives you the addresses of the machines that your data passes through to reach that host. For a host in your own country, data is likely to pass through 10 different machines. For an international machine, it may pass through more than 20 intermediaries. If your organization has a large and complex network, your data might pass through 5 machines before it even leaves the building.

To protect confidential information, you can encrypt it before it is sent across a network and decrypt it at the other end. Web servers often use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), developed by Netscape, to accomplish this as data travels between web servers and browsers. This is a fairly low-cost, low-effort way of securing transmissions, but because your server needs to encrypt and decrypt data rather than simply send and receive it, the number of visitors per second that a machine can serve drops dramatically.

Loss or Destruction of Data

Losing data can be more costly for you than having it revealed. If you have spent months building up your site, gathering user data and orders, how much would it cost you in time, reputation, and dollars to lose all that information? If you had no backups of any of your data, you would need to rewrite the website in a hurry and start from scratch. You would also have dissatisfied customers and fraudsters claiming that they ordered something that never arrived.

It is possible that crackers will break into your system and format your hard drive. It is fairly likely that a careless programmer or administrator will delete something by accident, but it is almost certain that you will occasionally lose a hard disk drive. Hard disk drives rotate thousands of times per minute, and, occasionally, they fail. Murphy’s Law would tell you that the one that fails will be the most important one, long after you last made a backup.

You can take various measures to reduce the chance of data loss. Secure your servers against crackers. Keep the number of staff with access to your machine to a minimum. Hire only competent, careful people. Buy good quality drives. Use Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) so that multiple drives can act like one faster, more reliable drive.

Regardless of its cause, you have only one real protection against data loss: backups. Backing up data is not rocket science. On the contrary, it is tedious, dull, and—you hope—useless, but it is vital. Make sure that your data is regularly backed up and make sure that you have tested your backup procedure to be certain that you can recover. Make sure that your backups are stored away from your computers. Although the chances that your premises will burn down or suffer some other catastrophic fate are unlikely, storing a backup offsite is a fairly cheap insurance policy.

Modification of Data

Although the loss of data could be damaging, modification could be worse. What if somebody obtained access to your system and modified files? Although wholesale deletion will probably be noticed and can be remedied from your backup, how long will it take you to notice modification?

Modifications to files could include changes to data files or executable files. A cracker’s motivation for altering a data file might be to graffiti your site or to obtain fraudulent benefits. Replacing executable files with sabotaged versions might give a cracker who has gained access once a secret backdoor for future visits or a mechanism to gain higher privileges on the system.

You can protect data from modification as it travels over the network by computing a signature. This approach does not stop somebody from modifying the data, but if the recipient checks that the signature still matches when the file arrives, she will know whether the file has been modified. If the data is being encrypted to protect it from unauthorized viewing, using the signature will also make it very difficult to modify en route without detection.

Protecting files stored on your server from modification requires that you use the file permission facilities your operating system provides and protect the system from unauthorized access. Using file permissions, users can be authorized to use the system but not be given free rein to modify system files and other users’ files. The lack of a proper permissions system is one of the reasons that Windows 95, 98, and ME were never suitable as server operating systems.

Detecting modification can be difficult. If, at some point, you realize that your system’s security has been breached, how will you know whether important files have been modified? Some files, such as the data files that store your databases, are intended to change over time. Many others are intended to stay the same from the time you install them, unless you deliberately upgrade them. Modification of both programs and data can be insidious, but although programs can be reinstalled if you suspect modification, you cannot know which version of your data was “clean.”

File integrity assessment software, such as Tripwire, records information about important files in a known safe state, probably immediately after installation, and can be used at a later time to verify that files are unchanged. You can download commercial or conditional free versions from http://www.tripwire.com.

Denial of Service

One of the most difficult threats to guard against is denial of service. denial of service (DoS) occurs when somebody’s actions make it difficult or impossible for users to access a service, or delay their access to a time-critical service.

Early in 2000, an infamous spate of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks was made against high-profile websites. Targets included Yahoo!, eBay, Amazon, E-Trade, and Buy.com. These sites are accustomed to traffic levels that most of us can only dream of, but they are still vulnerable to being shut down for hours by a DoS attack. Although crackers generally have little to gain from shutting down a website, the proprietor might be losing money, time, and reputation.

Some sites have specific times when they expect to do most of their business. Online bookmaking sites experience huge demand just before major sporting events. One way that crackers attempted to profit from DDoS attacks in 2004 was by extorting money from online bookmakers with the threat of attacking during these peak demand times.

One of the reasons that these attacks are so difficult to guard against is that they can be carried out in a huge number of ways. Methods could include installing a program on a target machine that uses most of the system’s processor time, reverse spamming, or using one of the automated tools. A reverse spam involves somebody sending out spam with the target listed as the sender. This way, the target will have thousands of angry replies to deal with.

Automated tools exist to launch distributed DoS attacks on a target. Without needing much knowledge, somebody can scan a large number of machines for known vulnerabilities, compromise a machine, and install the tool. Because the process is automated, an attacker can install the tool on a single host in less than five seconds. When enough machines have been co-opted, all are instructed to flood the target with network traffic.

Guarding against DoS attacks is difficult in general. With a little research, you can find the default ports used by the common DDoS tools and close them. Your router might provide mechanisms to limit the percentage of traffic that uses particular protocols such as ICMP. Detecting hosts on your network being used to attack others is easier than protecting your machines from attack. If every network administrator could be relied on to vigilantly monitor his own network, DDoS would not be such a problem.

Because there are so many possible methods of attack, the only really effective defense is to monitor normal traffic behavior and have a pool of experts available to take countermeasures when abnormal situations occur.

Errors in Software

Any software you have bought, obtained, or written may have serious errors in it. Given the short development times normally allowed to web projects, the likelihood is high that this software has some errors. Any business that is highly reliant on computerized processes is vulnerable to buggy software.

Errors in software can lead to all sorts of unpredictable behavior including service unavailability, security breaches, financial losses, and poor service to customers.

Common causes of errors that you can look for include poor specifications, faulty assumptions made by developers, and inadequate testing.

Poor Specifications

The more sparse or ambiguous your design documentation is, the more likely you are to end up with errors in the final product. Although it might seem superfluous to you to specify that when a customer’s credit card is declined, the order should not be sent to the customer, at least one big-budget site had this bug. The less experience your developers have with the type of system they are working on, the more precise your specification needs to be.

Assumptions Made by Developers

A system’s designers and programmers need to make many assumptions. Of course, you hope that they will document their assumptions and usually be right. Sometimes, though, people make poor assumptions. For example, they might assume that input data will be valid, will not include unusual characters, or will be less than a particular size. They might also make assumptions about timing, such as the likelihood of two conflicting actions occurring at the same time or that a complex processing task will always take more time than a simple task.

Assumptions like these can slip through because they are usually true. A cracker could take advantage of a buffer overrun because a programmer assumed a maximum length for input data, or a legitimate user could get confusing error messages and leave because your developers did not consider that a person’s name might have an apostrophe in it. These sorts of errors can be found and fixed with a combination of good testing and detailed code review.

Historically, operating system or application-level weaknesses exploited by crackers have usually related either to buffer overflows or race conditions.

Poor Testing

Testing for all possible input conditions, on all possible types of hardware, running all possible operating systems with all possible user settings is rarely achievable. This situation is even more true than usual with web-based systems.

What is needed is a well-designed test plan that tests all the functions of your software on a representative sample of common machine types. A well-planned set of tests should aim to test every line of code in your project at least once. Ideally, this test suite should be automated so that it can be run on your selected test machines with little effort.

The greatest problem with testing is that it is unglamorous and repetitive. Although some people enjoy breaking things, few people enjoy breaking the same thing over and over again. It is important that people other than the original developers are involved in testing. One of the major goals of testing is to uncover faulty assumptions made by the developers. A person who can approach the project with fresh ideas is much more likely to have different assumptions. In addition, professionals are rarely keen to find flaws in their own work.


The final risk we will consider is repudiation. Repudiation occurs when a party involved in a transaction denies having taken part. E-commerce examples might include a person ordering goods off a website and then denying having authorized the charge on his credit card, or a person agreeing to something in email and then claiming that somebody else forged the email.

Ideally, financial transactions should provide the peace of mind of nonrepudiation to both parties. Neither party could deny their part in a transaction, or, more precisely, both parties could conclusively prove the actions of the other to a third party, such as a court. In practice, this rarely happens.

Authentication provides some surety about whom you are dealing with. If issued by a trusted organization, digital certificates of authentication can provide greater confidence.

Messages sent by each party also need to be tamperproof. There is not much value in being able to demonstrate that Corp Pty Ltd sent you a message if you cannot also demonstrate that what you received was exactly what the company sent. As mentioned previously, signing or encrypting messages makes them difficult to surreptitiously alter.

For transactions between parties with an ongoing relationship, digital certificates together with either encrypted or signed communications are an effective way of limiting repudiation. For one-off transactions, such as the initial contact between an e-commerce website and a stranger bearing a credit card, they are not so practical.

An e-commerce company should be willing to hand over proof of its identity and a few hundred dollars to a certifying authority such as VeriSign (http://www.verisign.com/) or Thawte (http://www.thawte.com/) to assure visitors of the company’s bona fides. Would that same company be willing to turn away every customer who was not willing to do the same to prove her identity? For small transactions, merchants are generally willing to accept a certain level of fraud or repudiation risk rather than turn away business.

Usability, Performance, Cost, and Security

By its very nature, the Web is risky. It is designed to allow numerous anonymous users to request services from your machines. Most of those requests are perfectly legitimate requests for web pages, but connecting your machines to the Internet allows people to attempt other types of connections.

Although you might be tempted to assume that the highest possible level of security is appropriate, this is rarely the case. If you wanted to be really secure, you would keep all your computers turned off, disconnected from all networks, in a locked safe. To make your computers available and usable, some relaxation of security is required.

A trade-off needs to be made between security, usability, cost, and performance. Making a service more secure can reduce usability by, for instance, limiting what people can do or requiring them to identify themselves. Increasing security can also reduce the level of performance of your machines. Running software to make your system more secure—such as encryption, intrusion detection systems, virus scanners, and extensive logging—uses resources. Providing an encrypted session, such as an SSL connection to a website, takes more processing power than providing a normal one. These performance losses can be countered by spending more money on faster machines or hardware specifically designed for encryption.

You can view performance, usability, cost, and security as competing goals. You need to examine the trade-offs required and make sensible decisions to come up with a compromise. Depending on the value of your information, your budget, the number of visitors you expect to serve, and the obstacles you think legitimate users will be willing to put up with, you can come up with a compromise position.

Creating a Security Policy

A security policy is a document that describes

Image  The general philosophy toward security in your organization

Image  The items to be protected—software, hardware, data

Image  The people responsible for protecting these items

Image  Standards for security and metrics, which measure how well those standards are being met

A good guideline for writing your security policy is that it’s like writing a set of functional requirements for software. The policy shouldn’t address specific implementations or solutions but instead should describe the goals and security requirements in your environment. It shouldn’t need to be updated very often.

You should keep a separate document that sets out guidelines for how the requirements of the security policy are met in a particular environment. In this document, you can have different guidelines for different parts of your organization. This is more along the lines of a design document or a procedure manual that details what is actually done to ensure the level of security that you require.

Authentication Principles

Authentication attempts to prove that somebody is actually who she claims to be. You can provide authentication in many ways, but as with many security measures, the more secure methods are more troublesome to use.

Authentication techniques include passwords, digital signatures, biometric measures such as fingerprint scans, and measures involving hardware such as smart cards. Only two are in common use on the Web: passwords and digital signatures.

Biometric measures and most hardware solutions involve special input devices and would limit authorized users to specific machines with these features attached. Such measures might be acceptable, or even desirable, for access to an organization’s internal systems, but they take away much of the advantage of making a system available over the Web.

Passwords are simple to implement, simple to use, and require no special input devices. They provide some level of authentication but might not be appropriate on their own for high-security systems.

A password is a simple concept. You and the system know your password. If a visitor claims to be you and knows your password, the system has reason to believe he is you. As long as nobody else knows or can guess the password, this system is secure. Passwords on their own have a number of potential weaknesses and do not provide strong authentication.

Many passwords are easily guessed. If left to choose their own passwords, around 50% of users will choose an easily guessed password. Common passwords that fit this description include dictionary words or the username for the account. At the expense of usability, you can force users to include numbers or punctuation in their passwords.

Educating users to choose better passwords can help, but even when educated, around 25% of users will still choose an easily guessed password. You could enforce password policies that stop users from choosing easily guessed combinations by checking new passwords against a dictionary, or requiring some numbers or punctuation symbols or a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters. One danger is that strict password rules will lead to passwords that many legitimate users will not be able to remember, especially if different systems force them to follow different rules when creating passwords.

Hard-to-remember passwords increase the likelihood that users will do something unsecure such as write “username fred password rover” on a note taped to their monitors. Users need to be educated not to write down their passwords or to do other silly things such as give them over the phone to people who claim to be working on the system.

Passwords can also be captured electronically. By running a program to capture keystrokes at a terminal or using a packet sniffer to capture network traffic, crackers can—and do—capture usable pairs of login names and passwords. You can limit the opportunities to capture passwords by encrypting network traffic.

For all their potential flaws, passwords are a simple and relatively effective way of authenticating your users. They provide a level of secrecy that might not be appropriate for national security but is ideal for checking on the delivery status of a customer’s order.

Authentication mechanisms are built in to the most popular web browsers and web servers. A web server might require a username and password for people requesting files from particular directories on the server.

When challenged for a login name and password, your browser presents a dialog box similar to the one shown in Figure 15.2.

Figure 15.2  Web browsers prompt users for authentication when they attempt to visit a restricted directory on a web server.


Both the Apache web server and Microsoft’s IIS enable you to very easily protect all or part of a site in this way. Using PHP or MySQL, you can achieve the same effect. Using MySQL is faster than the built-in authentication. Using PHP, you can provide more flexible authentication or present the request in a more attractive way.

We look at some authentication examples in Chapter 17, “Implementing Authentication with PHP and MySQL.”

Encryption Basics

An encryption algorithm is a mathematical process to transform information into a seemingly random string of data.

The data that you start with is often called plain text, although it is not important to the process what the information represents—whether it is actually text or some other sort of data. Similarly, the encrypted information is called ciphertext but rarely looks anything like text. Figure 15.3 shows the encryption process as a simple flowchart. The plain text is fed to an encryption engine, which might have been a mechanical device, such as a World War II Engima machine, once upon a time but is now nearly always a computer program. The engine produces the ciphertext.

Figure 15.3  Encryption takes plain text and transforms it into seemingly random ciphertext.


To create the protected directory whose authentication prompt is shown in Figure 15.2, we used Apache’s most basic type of authentication. (You see how to use it in the next chapter.) This encrypts passwords before storing them. We created a user with the password password; it was then encrypted and stored as aWDuA3X3H.mc2. You can see that the plain text and ciphertext bear no obvious resemblance to each other.

This particular encryption method is not reversible. Many passwords are stored using a one-way encryption algorithm. To see whether an attempt at entering a password is correct, you do not need to decrypt the stored password. You can instead encrypt the attempt and compare that to the stored version.

Many, but not all, encryption processes can be reversed. The reverse process is called decryption. Figure 15.4 shows a two-way encryption process.

Figure 15.4  Encryption takes plain text and transforms it into seemingly random ciphertext. Decryption takes the ciphertext and transforms it back into plain text.


Cryptography is nearly 4,000 years old but came of age in World War II. Its growth since then has followed a similar pattern to the adoption of computer networks, initially being used only by military and finance corporations, being more widely used by companies starting in the 1970s, and becoming ubiquitous in the 1990s. In the past few years, encryption has gone from a concept that ordinary people saw only in World War II movies and spy thrillers to something that they read about in newspapers and use every time they purchase something with their web browsers.

Many different encryption algorithms are available. Some, like DES, use a secret or private key; some, like RSA, use a public key and a separate private key.

Private Key Encryption

Private key encryption, also called secret key encryption, relies on authorized people knowing or having access to a key. This key must be kept secret. If the key falls into the wrong hands, unauthorized people can also read your encrypted messages. As shown in Figure 15.4, both the sender (who encrypts the message) and the recipient (who decrypts the message) have the same key.

The most widely used secret key algorithm is the Data Encryption Standard (DES). This scheme was developed by IBM in the 1970s and adopted as the American standard for commercial and unclassified government communications. Computing speeds are orders of magnitudes faster now than in 1970, and DES has been obsolete since at least 1998.

Other well-known secret key systems include RC2, RC4, RC5, triple DES, and IDEA. Triple DES is fairly secure. It uses the same algorithm as DES, applied three times with up to three different keys. A plain text message is encrypted with key one, decrypted with key two, and then encrypted with key three.

One obvious flaw of secret key encryption is that, to send somebody a secure message, you need a secure way to get the secret key to him. If you have a secure way to deliver a key, why not just deliver the message that way?

Fortunately, there was a breakthrough in 1976, when Diffie and Hellman published the first public key scheme.

Public Key Encryption

Public key encryption relies on two different keys: a public key and a private key. As shown in Figure 15.5, the public key is used to encrypt messages and the private key to decrypt them.

The advantage to this system is that the public key, as its name suggests, can be distributed publicly. Anybody to whom you give your public key can send you a secure message. As long as only you have your private key, then only you can decrypt the message.

The most common public key algorithm is RSA, developed by Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman at MIT and published in 1978. RSA was a proprietary system, but the patent expired in September 2000.

Figure 15.5  Public key encryption uses separate keys for encryption and decryption.


The capability to transmit a public key in the clear and not need to worry about it being seen by a third party is a huge advantage, but secret key systems are still in common use. Often, a hybrid system is used. A public key system is used to transmit the key for a secret key system that will be used for the remainder of a session’s communication. This added complexity is tolerated because secret key systems are around 1,000 times faster than public key systems.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures are related to public key cryptography but reverse the role of public and private keys. A sender can encrypt and digitally sign a message with her secret key. When the message is received, the recipient can decrypt it with the sender’s public key. Because the sender is the only person with access to the secret key, the recipient can be fairly certain from whom the message came and that it has not been altered.

Digital signatures can be really useful. The recipient can be sure that the message has not been tampered with, and the signatures make it difficult for the sender to repudiate, or deny sending, the message.

It is important to note that although the message has been encrypted, it can be read by anybody who has the public key. Although the same techniques and keys are used, the purpose of encryption here is to prevent tampering and repudiation, not to prevent reading.

Because public key encryption is fairly slow for large messages, another type of algorithm, called a hash function, is usually used to improve efficiency. The hash function calculates a message digest or hash value for any message it is given. It is not important what value the algorithm produces. It is important that the output is deterministic—that is, that the output is the same each time a particular input is used, that the output is small, and that the algorithm is fast.

The most common hash functions are MD5 and SHA.

A hash function generates a message digest that matches a particular message. If you have a message and a message digest, you can verify that the message has not been tampered with, as long as you are sure that the digest has not been tampered with. To this end, the usual way of creating a digital signature is to create a message digest for the whole message using a fast hash function and then encrypt only the brief digest using a slow public key encryption algorithm. The signature can now be sent with the message via any normal unsecure method.

When a signed message is received, it can be checked. The signature is decrypted using the sender’s public key. A hash value is then generated for the message using the same method that the sender used. If the decrypted hash value matches the hash value you generated, the message is from the sender and has not been altered.

Digital Certificates

Being able to verify that a message has not been altered and that a series of messages all come from a particular user or machine is good. For commercial interactions, being able to tie that user or server to a real legal entity such as a person or company would be even better.

A digital certificate combines a public key and an individual’s or organization’s details in a signed digital format. Given a certificate, you have the other party’s public key, in case you want to send an encrypted message, and you have that party’s details, which you know have not been altered.

The problem here is that the information is only as trustworthy as the person who signed it. Anybody can generate and sign a certificate claiming to be anybody he likes. For commercial transactions, it would be useful to have a trusted third party verify the identity of participants and the details recorded in their certificates.

These third parties are called certifying authorities (CAs). They issue digital certificates to individuals and companies subject to identity checks. The two best known CAs are VeriSign (http://www.verisign.com/)and Thawte (http://www.thawte.com/), but you can use a number of other authorities. VeriSign owns Thawte, and there is little practical difference between the two. Some other authorities, such as Network Solutions (http://www.networksolutions.com) and GoDaddy (http://www.godaddy.com/), are significantly cheaper.

The authorities sign a certificate to verify that they have seen proof of the person’s or company’s identity. It is worth noting that the certificate is not a reference or statement of creditworthiness. The certificate does not guarantee that you are dealing with somebody reputable. What it does mean is that if you are ripped off, you have a relatively good chance of having a real physical address and somebody to sue.

Certificates provide a network of trust. Assuming you choose to trust the CA, you can then choose to trust the people they choose to trust and then trust the people the certified party chooses to trust.

The most common use for digital certificates is to provide an air of respectability to an e-commerce site. With a certificate issued by a well-known CA, web browsers can make SSL connections to your site without bringing up warning dialogs. Web servers that enable SSL connections are often called secure web servers.

Secure Web Servers

You can use the Apache web server, Microsoft IIS, or any number of other free or commercial web servers for secure communication with browsers via Secure Sockets Layer. Using Apache enables you to use a Unix-like operating system, which is almost certainly more reliable but slightly more difficult to set up than IIS. You can also, of course, choose to use Apache on a Windows platform.

Using SSL on IIS simply involves installing IIS, generating a key pair, and installing your certificate. Using SSL on Apache requires that the OpenSSL package is also installed and the mod ssl module is enabled during installation of the server software.

You can have your cake and eat it too by purchasing a commercial version of Apache. For several years, Red Had sold such a product, called Stronghold, which is now bundled with Red Hat Enterprise Linux products. By purchasing such a solution, you get the reliability of Linux and an easy-to-install product with technical support from the vendor.

Installation instructions for the two most popular web servers, Apache and IIS, are in Appendix A, “Installing PHP and MySQL.” You can begin using SSL immediately by generating your own digital certificate, but visitors to your site will be warned by their web browsers that you have signed your own certificate. To use SSL effectively, you also need a certificate issued by a certifying authority.

The exact process to get this certificate varies between CAs, but in general, you need to prove to a CA that you are some sort of legally recognized business with a physical address and that the business in question owns the relevant domain name.

You also need to generate a certificate signing request (CSR). The process for this varies from server to server. You can find instructions on the CAs’ websites. Stronghold and IIS provide a dialog box–driven process, whereas Apache requires you to type commands. However, the process is essentially the same for all servers. The result is an encrypted CSR. Your CSR should look something like this:


Armed with a CSR, the appropriate fee, and documentation to prove that you exist, and having verified that the domain name you are using is in the same name as in the business documentation, you can sign up for a certificate with a CA.

When the CA issues your certificate, you need to store it on your system and tell your web server where to find it. The final certificate is a text file that looks a lot like the CSR shown here.

Auditing and Logging

Your operating system enables you to log all sorts of events. Events that you might be interested in from a security point of view include network errors, access to particular data files such as configuration files or the NT Registry, and calls to programs such as su (used to become another user, typically root, on a Unix system).

Log files can help you detect erroneous or malicious behavior as it occurs. They can also tell you how a problem or break-in occurred if you check them after noticing problems. The two main problems with log files are their size and veracity.

If you set the criteria for detecting and logging problems at their most paranoid levels, you will end up with massive logs that are very difficult to examine. To help with large log files, you really need to either use an existing tool or derive some audit scripts from your security policy to search the logs for “interesting” events. The auditing process could occur in real-time or could be done periodically.

In particular, log files are vulnerable to attack. If an intruder has root or administrator access to your system, she is free to alter log files to cover her tracks. Unix provides facilities to log events to a separate machine. This would mean that a cracker would need to compromise at least two machines to cover her tracks. Similar functionality is possible in Windows, but not as easy as in Unix.

Your system administrator might do regular audits, but you might like to have an external audit periodically to check the behavior of administrators.


Firewalls are designed to separate your network from the wider world. In the same way that firewalls in a building or a car stop fire from spreading into other compartments, network firewalls stop chaos from spreading into your network.

A firewall is designed to protect machines on your network from outside attack. It filters and denies traffic that does not meet its rules. It also restricts the activities of people and machines outside the firewall.

Sometimes, a firewall is also used to restrict the activities of those within it. A firewall can restrict the network protocols people can use, restrict the hosts they can connect to, or force them to use a proxy server to keep bandwidth costs down.

A firewall can either be a hardware device, such as a router with filtering rules, or a software program running on a machine. In any case, the firewall needs interfaces to two networks and a set of rules. It monitors all traffic attempting to pass from one network to the other. If the traffic meets the rules, it is routed across to the other network; otherwise, it is stopped or rejected.

Packets can be filtered by their type, source address, destination address, or port information. Some packets are merely discarded; other events can be set to trigger log entries or alarms.

Data Backups

You cannot underestimate the importance of backups in any disaster recovery plan. Hardware and buildings can be insured and replaced, or sites hosted elsewhere, but if your custom-developed web software is gone, no insurance company can replace it for you.

You need to back up all the components of your website—static pages, scripts, and databases—on a regular basis. Just how often you back up depends on how dynamic your site is. If it is all static, you can get away with backing it up when it has changed. However, the kinds of sites we talk about in this book are likely to change frequently, particularly if you are taking orders online.

Most sites of a reasonable size need to be hosted on a server with RAID, which can support mirroring. This covers situations in which you might have a hard disk failure. Consider, however, what might happen in situations in which something happens to the entire array, machine, or building.

You should run separate backups at a frequency corresponding to your update volume. These backups should be stored on separate media and preferably in a safe, separate location, in case of fire, theft, or natural disasters.

Many resources are available for backup and recovery. We concentrate on how you can back up a site built with PHP and a MySQL database.

Backing Up General Files

You can back up your HTML, PHP, images, and other nondatabase files fairly simply on most systems by using backup software.

The most widely used of the freely available utilities is AMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automated Network Disk Archiver, developed by the University of Maryland. It ships with many Unix distributions and can also be used to back up Windows machines via SAMBA. You can read more about AMANDA at http://www.amanda.org/.

Backing Up and Restoring Your MySQL Database

Backing up a live database is more complicated than backing up general files. You need to avoid copying any table data while the database is in the middle of being changed.

Instructions on how to back up and restore a MySQL database can be found in Chapter 12, “Advanced MySQL Administration.”

Physical Security

The security threats we have considered so far relate to intangibles such as software, but you should not neglect the physical security of your system. You need air conditioning and protection against fire, people (both the clumsy and the criminal), power failure, and network failure.

Your system should be locked up securely. Depending on the scale of your operation, your approach could be a room, a cage, or a cupboard. Personnel who do not need access to this machine room should not have it. Unauthorized people might deliberately or accidentally unplug cables or attempt to bypass security mechanisms using a bootable disk.

Water sprinklers can do as much damage to electronics as a fire. In the past, halon fire suppression systems were used to avoid this problem. The production of halon is now banned under the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, so new fire suppression systems must use other, less harmful, alternatives such as argon or carbon dioxide. You can read more about this issue at http://www.epa.gov/Ozone/snap/fire/qa.html.

Occasional brief power failures are a fact of life in most places. In locations with harsh weather and above-ground wires, long failures occur regularly. If the continuous operation of your systems is important to you, you should invest in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). A UPS that can power a single machine for up to 60 minutes costs less than $200 (U.S.). Allowing for longer failures, or more equipment, can become expensive. Long power failures really require a generator to run air conditioning as well as computers.

Like power failures, network outages of minutes or hours are out of your control and bound to occur occasionally. If your network is vital, it makes sense to have connections to more than one Internet service provider. Having two connections costs more but should mean that, in case of failure, you have reduced capacity rather than becoming invisible.

These sorts of issues are some of the reasons you might like to consider co-locating your machines at a dedicated facility. Although one medium-sized business might not be able to justify a UPS that will run for more than a few minutes, multiple redundant network connections, and fire suppression systems, a quality facility housing the machines of a hundred similar businesses can.


In Chapter 16, we take a further look at web application security. We look at who our enemies are and how to defend ourselves against them; how to protect our servers, networks, and code; and how to plan for disasters.

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