Persuasion & Influence For Dummies®


About the Author

Elizabeth Kuhnke is an international conference speaker, best-selling author and qualified coach who aims to provide her clients with the skills and knowledge to live the lives they envision, and make the changes they desire. Her clients and colleagues call her ‘Diamond Polisher’ because of her ability to smooth, sharpen and shape talented individuals, enabling them to reveal their true brilliance. Her three-pronged approach to client development is based on demonstrating respect, establishing rapport, and producing results. She believes that dogged determination combined with a healthy dose of fun are vital for success.

For over twenty years, Elizabeth has nourished a steady client stream of FTSE 100 companies, professional services and charities, providing one-to-one and group coaching in key areas relating to interpersonal communication including personal impact, confidence and influencing skills. Elizabeth’s combination of advanced degrees, a career in the performing arts, expertise in administering psychometric instruments and a passion for personal best are some of the reasons clients turn to her for support.

She’s been compared to an Olympic athlete, who never gives up. She has been equated to a pit bull because she never lets go. And she has been likened to a radiator, because she generates warmth. She is often quoted in the media addressing issues concerning confidence, persuasion and influence, voice, body language and public speaking skills.

Persuasion & Influence For Dummies is her second book for Wiley. She is currently working on the second edition of Body Language For Dummies. Contact Elizabeth through her website at

Author’s Acknowledgments

When I set out to write this book my intention was to learn, have fun and make a meaningful contribution to your life. I never anticipated the combination of pleasure and pain this undertaking would bring. I thank my family, especially my husband Karl, for his unconditional love, copious cups of tea, walking Henry in the rain and keeping the home fires burning during long days and lonely nights. To my children, Max and Kristina, your constant love, support and cheering me on feed my passion and nurture my soul. To the Diamond Lights – Tom, Katie, Evie and Charlotte – thank you for growing the business and protecting my interests during my absence. To Haidar, Helen, Resli, Annie, Kate, Judy, Wanda and many other amazing coaches who specialise in persuasion and influence, thank you for your time, generosity and for sharing your experiences with me. To my friends, big hugs and many thanks for your encouragement, giving me the space to write and checking in to make sure I was still around. To my clients and colleagues, I value your belief in my abilities and the endless opportunities you offer me to learn and practise persuasion and influence with you. To you, the reader, I thank you for buying this book and hope it serves as a positive influence in your life. Finally, my most sincere thanks to this book’s fabulous editorial team, led by Simon Bell and Brian Kramer, who persuaded me I could do this and persisted when lesser mortals would have thrown in the towel. You all encompass the belief that ‘Not brute force but only persuasion and faith are the kings of this world.’

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Acquisitions, Editorial, and Vertical Websites

Project Editor: Simon Bell

Commissioning Editor: Claire Ruston

Assistant Editor: Ben Kemble

Development Editor: Brian Kramer

Copy Editor: Kate O’Leary

Proofreaders: Mary White, Kim Vernon

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Publisher: David Palmer

Cover Photos: © Jeffrey Coolidge

Cartoons: Rich Tennant (

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Layout and Graphics: Lavonne Roberts, Corrie Socolovitch

Proofreader: Rebecca Denoncour

Indexer: Ty Koontz

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