

_a suffix

active box shadows, 58

active padding, 62

active rounded borders, 64

active scrollbars, 72–73

active transparency, 67

background gradients, 48

absolute property, positioning

classes for, 38–40

defined, 30

abstopleft superclass, 278–280

active pseudo class, 32


dropcap, 123

text, 103–105

types of text, 29

vertically centering object inside another, 209

alt argument of image, ondemand class, 217–218

Apple Safari, downloading and installing, 4–5

asterisk (*) symbols

/*.*/ tags for CSS rule comments, 17

wildcards, 21–22

attribute selectors, 21

autofocus class, 255–256

autoscroll class, 72–74


_b suffix, background properties, 44, 48, 109

_ba suffix, defined, 44–45

backglow[] class, 250–251

background color

with bcolor[] class, 232–233

for buttons, 132–134

classes for, 43–46

color property, 29–30

odd and even, 200

background property

boxouts, 159–160

gradients, 47–48

inverse gradients, 54

odd and even background color, 200–202

bcolor[] class, dynamic objects, 232–233

_bh suffix, defined, 44–45

block class, visibility and display, 71

body section, DOM, 8–9

bold value, font weight, 28

border property, boxouts, 159–160

border superclass, 277

border-color property, 90–92

border-radius command, rounded borders, 63–65


box model, 34

color, 90–92

rounded, 63–66

styles, 86–88

width, 88–90

border-width property, 34

bottom class, dynamic objects, 213

bottom dock bar plug-in classes, 146–147

bottom dock bar plug-in, navigation, 146–147

bottom property, location, 78–80

bottomdockitem class, 147

box model, CSS

borders, 34

content, 34

margins, 33–34

overview of, 33–34

padding, 34

properties affecting page layout, 33

box shadows plug-in, 58–61

boxout plug-in

classes, 158–160

layout as left sidebar, 163–165

layout as right sidebar, 165–166

box-shadow property, 58

break class, adding page breaks, 167–168

BROWSER global variable, with if[] class, 269–270

button class, 132–134

button click events, 52–57


classes for creating, 132–135

clickable, 274–275

RSS, 275–277


capitalize property, text transformation, 29

caption image plug-in, visual effects, 188–192

cascade, CSS

defined, 22

!important tag, 24

style sheet creators, 22–23

style sheet methods, 23

style sheet selectors, 23–24

using different number base, 24

Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

center alignment, text, 29

center class, dynamic objects, 210–211

centimeters, CSS measurement in, 26

checkmark icon, 129–130

child selectors, 19–20

cite[] class, dynamic interaction, 256–259


applying same style to elements with, 12

attribute selectors for, 21

dynamic. See dynamic classes

font style, 28

manipulating objects. See object manipulation plug–ins

menus and navigation. See menu and navigation plug–ins

name conflicts when using plug–ins, 13

narrowing scope of, 21

page layout. See page layout plug–ins

pseudo, 31–32

text and typography. See text and typography plug–ins

visual effects. See visual effect plug–ins

CleanupString( ) function

digitsonly class, 238

minwhitespace class, 244

nopunct class, 242–243

nospaces class, 240–241

textonly class, 239–240

clickable superclass, 274–275

colon (:) character, separating pseudo classes, 31–32

color. See also background color

background and foreground text, 29–30

border, 90–92

odd and even text, 196–199

text, 108–111, 230–231

color property

symbols, 129

text color, odd and even, 197

text color properties, 29–30

text colors plug–in, 109

color[] class, for dynamic text, 230–232

ColorFade( ) function, 249–251

column plug–in, text and typography, 124–127

comma (,) symbol, grouping selectors, 22

comments, applying to CSS rules, 17

companion web site for this book, downloading plug–ins from, 7

content, box model, 34

content property, encapsulation, 117

content property, symbols, 129

creators, style sheet, 22–23

cross icons, 129–130

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

box model, 33–34

the cascade, 22–24

colors, 29–30

divs and spans, 25–26

fonts, 27–28

IDs and classes, 12

importing, 11

local style settings, 12

measurements, 26–27

overview of, 10

positioning elements, 30–31

pseudo classes, 31–32

rules, 16–19

selectors, 19–22

and semicolons, 12–13

shorthand, 32

text, 28–29

cursor property, pointer class, 192–193


decoration, text, 28

default CSS plug-in, layout, 155–158

default styles, CSS rules for, 17

descendant selectors, 19

digitsonly class, dynamic text and typography, 237–238

display, CSS classes for, 69–71

divs, spans vs., 25–26

document object, 8

Document Object Model. See DOM (Document Object Model)

DOM (Document Object Model)

CSS connected to, 10–12

how it works, 8–10

overview of, 8

drop cap plug-in, text and typography, 122–123

dropcap class, 122–123

DropShadow filter argument, IE, 59

dynamic classes

dynamic interaction. See dynamic interaction

dynamic objects. See dynamic objects

incorporating JavaScript. See JavaScript-aided plug-ins

superclasses. See superclasses

text and typography. See dynamic text and typography

dynamic interaction

autofocus class, 255–256

cite[] class, 256–259

nocopy class, 262–263

placeholder[] class, 254–255

ref[] class, 259–261

dynamic objects

bcolor[] class, 232–233

bottom class, 213

center class, 210–211

color[] class, 230–232

fadein[n] class, 219–220

fadeout[n] class, 220–221

height (h[n]) class, 227–228

left class, 214

middle class, 209–210

nojs and onlyjs classes, 206–209

ondemand class, 216–219

resizeta class, 220–221

right class, 215

rotate[n] class, 223–225

top class, 212

width[] class, 226

x[] class, 228–229

y[] class, 229–230

dynamic text and typography

backglow[] class, 250–251

digitsonly class, 237–238

Google font (gfont[]) class, 244–248

minwhitespace class, 243–244

nopunct class, 241–243

nospaces class, 240–241

textglow[] class, 249–250

textmiddle class, 248–249

textonly class, 239–240

typetext[] class, 236–237


e-mail icon, 129–130

embedded styles, style sheets as, 23

embedjs class, using JavaScript, 266–268

ems, CSS measurement in, 27

encapsulation plug-in, text and typography, 116–117

exs, CSS measurement in, 27

external style sheets

creating style sheets as, 23

CSS rules for, 18


FadeIn( ) function, fadein[] class, 219–220

fadein[n] class, 219–220

FadeOut( ) function, fadeout[] class, 220–221

fadeout[n] class, 220–221

file extensions, enabling on Windows PC, 8

filter property, IE

box shadows, 58–59

gradients, 47

inverse gradients, 54

symbols, 129

transparency, 67

fixed font size, 28

fixed property, positioning

CSS classes for, 38–40

defined, 30–31

float property, floating plug–in, 40–42

float-left property, drop caps, 122

focus pseudo class, 32

font plug-ins

CSS, 27–28

Google, 118–122

overview of, 96–100

style, 100–102

font-family property

assigning chosen font, 97

Google fonts, 118–119

overview of, 27–28

symbols, 129

font-size property

buttons, 132

CSS units of measurement using, 26–27

drop caps, 122–123

overview of, 28

quotations, 161–162

rules for constructing CSS statements, 16

text point size, 106–108

tooltips and tooltip fade, 148

font-style property

font style, 101–102

local styles, 12

overview of, 28

quotations, 161–162

setting style by assigning ID to element, 12, 20

font-variant property, text transformations, 115

font–weight property

caption image, 190

font styles, 101–102

overview of, 28

symbols, 129–130

foreground color, text and objects, 29–30


autofocus class, 256

backglow[] class, 251

center class, 211

cite[] class, 257

color[] class, 231

digitsonly class, 238

embedjs class, 266

fadein[n] class, 219

fadeout[n] class, 220

gfont[] class (Google fonts), 245

height[] class, 227

if[] class, 268

ifnot[] class, 271

middle class, 210

minwhitespace class, 244

nocopy class, 262–263

nojs and onlyjs classes, 207

nopunct class, 242

nospaces class, 240

ondemand class, 217

placeholder[] class, 255

ref[] class, 260

rotate[] class, 224

textglow[] class, 249–250

textmiddle class, 248–249

textonly class, 239

typetext[] class, 236

width[] class, 226

x[] class, 228

y[] class, 230


gfont[] class (Google fonts), 244–248

Google Chrome, downloading and installing, 4–5

Google fonts

classes, 118–122

dynamic text with gfont[], 244–248


button, 132–134

classes and properties, 46–47

classes for, 48–52

inverse, 52–57

overview of, 46

grouping selectors, 22–24


_h suffix, for hover classes, 40

h[] (height) class, dynamic objects, 227–228

head section, DOM

applying styles to, 10–11

JavaScript-aided CSS with pure CSS for, 14

overview of, 8–9

hexadecimal RGB triplets, text and object color, 29–30

hidden class, visibility, 69–71

hmenu class, horizontal menus, 142–144

hmenu1 class, horizontal menus, 143

horizontal menu plug-in, 142–144

hover classes, 40–41

hover pseudo class, 32

htab (horizontal tab) superclass, 282–283


creating tags compatible with XHTML, 10

doctype declaration, 6

importing CSS from within, 11

local style settings, 12

setting style with IDs and classes, 12


icons, top dock bar, 145–146


attribute selectors and, 21

defined, 20

reusing, 20

selecting elements to be styled with, 23–24

setting style of element with, 12

IE=5 meta tag, 6

IE=6 meta tag, 6

IE=7 meta tag, 6

if[] class

ifnot[] class vs., 270–272

incorporating JavaScript, 268–270

ifnot[] class, 270–272


captions, 188–192

on demand, 216–219

padding, 61–62

star ratings for, 171–173

@import directive, style sheets, 11

!important tag, forcing rule to higher precedence, 24

importing, 11

inches, CSS measurement in, 26

indented text

classes, 127–128

using text-indent property, 29

inline class, 71

inline styles

creating style sheets as, 23

CSS rules for, 19

interaction. See dynamic interaction

internal styles, CSS rules for, 18–19

inverse gradients, 52–57

invisible class, 69–71

italic class, font styles, 28



downloading files from companion web site, 7

main setup code for, 208–209

reusing IDs and, 20

JavaScript-aided plug-ins

dynamic objects. See dynamic objects

embedjs class, 266–268

if[] class, 268–270

ifnot[] class, 270–272

overview of, 13–14

for users without JavaScript, 14

using alongside pure CSS, 14

using in your web sites, 13

justify alignment, text, 29


_l suffix

box shadows, 58

defined, 48

padding, 62

rounded borders, 64

scroll bars for objects, 73

transition all, 183–184

transparency, 67

_la suffix

box shadows, 58

defined, 48

padding, 62

rounded borders, 64

scroll bars for objects, 73

transition all, 183–184

transparency, 67

largebutton class, 132–134

layout. See page layout plug-ins

_lb suffix, defined, 44

_lba suffix, defined, 44

_lbh suffix, defined, 44

left alignment, text, 29

left class, dynamic objects, 214

left property

location, 78–80

x[] class, 228

left sidebar plug-in, layout, 163–165

leftfloat class, 40–42

line-height property, drop caps, 122

link pseudo class, 32

<link> tag, 11

links, changing background color, 45

Linux, downloading/installing web browsers on, 4–5

local style settings, 12

location, CSS classes for, 77–80

lowercase property, text transformation, 29


Mac OS X, downloading and installing web browsers on, 4

margin property, 33–34, 159–160

marginBottom property, 210, 212–213

margin-bottom property, drop caps, 122–123

marginLeft property, 211, 214–215

margin–left property, top dock bar, 145–146

marginRight property, 211, 214–215

margin–right property, drop caps, 122–123


box model, 33–34

selective, 80–83

marginTop property, 210, 212–213

margin-top property, bottom dock bar icons, 146

maxheight class, 76–77

maximum size, setting image dimensions to, 74–77

maxsize class, 76–77

maxwidth class, 76–77

measurements, CSS range of, 26–27

menu and navigation plug-ins

bottom dock bar, 146–147

buttons, 132–135

horizontal menu, 142–144

tooltips and tooltip fade, 148–150

top dock bar, 144–146

vertical menu. See vertical menu plug–in

methods, for creating style sheets, 23

Microsoft Internet Explorer

downloading and installing, 4–5

testing web pages on older versions of, 5–6

middle class, dynamic objects, 209–210

millimeters, CSS measurement in, 27

minwhitespace class, dynamic text and typography, 243–244

mouseovers, creating with inverse gradients, 52–57

–moz–box–shadow property, box shadows, 58

Mozilla Firefox, downloading and installing, 4–5

multiline comments, applying to CSS rules, 17

multiple property assignments, 16–17


named colors, for text and objects, 29–30

nocopy class, dynamic interaction, 262–263

nofloat class, 40–42

nojs class, dynamic objects, 206–209

none property, text transformation, 29

nooutline class, 92–94, 274–275

nooverflow class, 72–74

nopunct class, dynamic text and typography, 241–243

normal class, font style, 28

normal value, font weight, 28

<noscript>.</noscript> tags, 14, 206

noscroll class, 72–74

nospaces class, dynamic text and typography, 240–241


object manipulation plug-ins

background color classes, 43–46

border color classes, 90–92

border style classes, 86–88

border width classes, 88–90

box shadow classes, 58–61

floating classes, 40–42

gradient classes, 46–52

inverse gradient classes, 52–57

location classes, 77–80

maximum size classes, 74–77

no outline classes, 92–94

overview of, 38

padding classes, 61–63

positioning classes, 38–40

rounded border classes, 63–66

scroll bar classes, 71–74

selective margin classes, 80–83

selective padding classes, 83–86

transparency classes, 66–69

visibility and display classes, 69–71


applying foreground and background colors to, 29–30

dynamic. See dynamic objects

how the DOM works, 8–10

oblique class, font style, 28

odd and even background colors, visual effects, 199–202

odd and even text colors, visual effects, 196–199

ondemand class, dynamic objects, 216–219

online references

downloading and installing web browsers, 4–5

plug-ins from book’s companion web site, 7

Quirks Mode web site, 6

onlyjs class, dynamic objects, 206–209

opacity( ) function

on demand plug-in, 217

fadein plug-in, 219

fadeout plug-in, 220–221

opacity property

caption image, 190

quotations, 161–163

symbols, 129–130

tooltips and tooltip fade, 148–150

transition all, 184–185

transparency, 67–69

Opera, 4–5, 125–126



adding, 61–63

box model, 34

selective, 83–86

padding property

applying padding, 62

box model, 34

boxouts, 159–160

page break plug-in, layout, 167–168

page layout plug-ins

boxout class, 158–160

break class, 167–168

default CSS class, 155–158

leftsidebar class, 163–165

quote class, 160–163

reset class, 152–155

rightsidebar class, 165–166

page–break–before property, 167–168

PC.css, 13

PC.js, 7, 14

percent, CSS measurement in, 27

period (.) symbol, 12

pixels, CSS measurement in, 26–27


downloading from companion web site, 7

main setup JavaScript code, 208–209

using JavaScript–aided plug-ins, 14

PJsmall.js, 14

placeholder[] class, dynamic interaction, 254–255

Plug-in JavaScript (McGraw–Hill Professional, 2010), 31

plug-ins, how to use

about CSS, 10–12

about Document Object Model, 8–10

CSS and semicolons, 12–13

downloading and installing web browsers, 4–5

downloading from companion web site for this book, 7–8

JavaScript–aided plug-ins, 13–14

older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, 5–6

overview of, 4

in your own web sites, 13 file, 7, 13–14

point size plug-in, text, 105–108

pointer class

clickable buttons with superclasses, 274–275

visual effects, 192

points, CSS measurement in, 26


creating absolute, 278–279

CSS classes for, 38–40

CSS properties for, 30–31

pound (#) symbol, 12

PreventAction( ) function, nocopy class, 262–263

progress bar plug-in, visual effects, 173–174


box model, 33–34

cite[] class, 257

color, 29–30

CSS rules for statements, 16

fonts, 27–28

grouping related CSS, into shorthand, 32

how the DOM works, 8–10

multiple assignment, 16–17

placeholder[] class, 255

text, 28–29

properties, dynamic objects

bcolor[] class, 232

bottom class, 213

center class, 211

color[] class, 231

height[] class, 227

left class, 214

middle class, 210

nojs and onlyjs classes, 207

right class, 215

rotate[] class, 224

top class, 212

width[] class, 226

x[] class, 228

y[] class, 230

properties, dynamic text and typography

backglow[] class, 251

digitsonly class, 238

gfont[] class (Google fonts), 245

minwhitespace class, 244

nopunct class, 242

nospaces class, 240

textglow[] class, 249–250

textmiddle class, 248–249

textonly class, 239

typetext[] class, 236

properties, manipulating objects. See also properties, dynamic objects

background color, 43

border color, 90

border style, 87

border width, 89

box shadow, 58

floating objects, 40

gradient, 47

inverse gradient, 54

location, 78

maximum size, 76

no outline, 93

positioning, 38

scroll bar, 72

selective margin, 81–82

selective padding, 84

transparency, 67

visibility and display, 70

properties, menus and navigation

bottom dock bar, 147

buttons, 132

horizontal menus, 143

tooltips and tooltip fade, 148

top dock bar, 144

vertical menus, 136

properties, page layout

boxout, 159

left sidebar, 164

page break, 167

quote, 161

right sidebar, 166

properties, text and typography. See also properties, dynamic text and typography

column, 124

drop caps, 122–123

font, 96–97

font style, 101

Google font, 118

symbols, 129

text alignment, 103–104

text color, 109

text indent, 128

text point size, 106

text transformation, 115

properties, visual effects

caption image, 189–190

odd and even background colors, 200

odd and even text colors, 197

pointer, 192

progress bar, 173

rotation, 194

scale down, 179

scale up, 175

star rating, 170

star rating using images, 172

thumb view, 185

transition all, 183

pseudo classes, 31–32


Quirks Mode web site, 6

quotation marks (“ ”), font names with multiple words, 27

quote plug-in, layout, 160–163


relative font size, 28

relative property, positioning, 30, 38–40

replace( ) function

backglow[] class, 251

bcolor[] class, 232–233

color[] class, 231

fadein[] class, 219–220

fadeout[] class, 220–221

resizeta[] class, 222–233

rotate[] class, 224

textglow[] class, 249–250

width[] class, 226

x[] class, 228

y[] class, 230

reset CSS plug-in, layout, 152–155

resizeta[] class, textarea, 222–233

ResizeTextarea( ) function, resizeta[] class, 222–233

rgb( ) function, CSS, 29–30

right alignment, text, 29

right class, dynamic objects, 215

right property, location, 78–80

right sidebar plug-in, layout, 165–166

rightfloat class, 40–42

rollover effects, 279–280


rotate[] class, dynamic objects, 223–225

visual effects, 193–196

rounded borders

adding to buttons, 132–134

CSS classes for, 63–66

rssbutton class, 275–277

rules, CSS

applying comments to, 17

default styles, 17

external style sheets, 18

forcing to higher precedence with !important tag, 24

inline styles, 19

internal styles, 18–19

multiple property assignments, 16–17

overview of, 16

style sheet selectors, 23–24

style types, 17

user styles, 17–18


S( ) function, x[] class, 228

Safari, downloading and installing, 4–5

scale down plug-in, visual effects, 178–181

scale up plug-in, visual effects, 174–178

scroll bars, 71–74

scroll class, 72–74

selective margins, 80–83

selective padding, 83–86


CSS rules for constructing statements, 16

grouping, 22

style sheet, 23–24

varieties of, 19–22


CSS and, 12–13

CSS rules for constructing statements, 16


adding to buttons, 132–134

box, 58–61

classes for text and typography, 112–114

shorthand, 32

smallbutton class, 132–134

spacing, text, 29

<span> tag

caption class, 190–192

difference between <div> and, 25–26

thumbview class, 185–188

tooltip class, 148–150

star icon, 129–130

star rating

classes, 170–171

using images, 171–173

static property, positioning, 38–40

style sheet

creators, 22–23

methods, 23

selectors, 23–24

style types

default styles, 17

defined, 17–19

external style sheets, 18

inline styles, 19

internal styles, 18–19

user styles, 17–18

<style> . </style> tags, for internal styles, 18–19


border, 86–88

font, 100–102


abstopleft, 278–279

border, 277

clickable, 274–275

htab, 282–283

rollover effects, 279–280

rssbutton, 275–277

setting up main JavaScript code with, 209

understanding, 274

vtab, 280–281

symbol plug-in, text and typography, 129–130


tablecell class, 71


importance of closing, 10

selecting elements to be styled with, 23–24


fonts. See font plug-ins

foreground and background color for, 29–30

indented, 127–128

odd and even text colors, 196–199

properties, 28–29

using color[] class for dynamic, 230–231

text and typography plug-ins. See also dynamic text and typography

column classes, 124–127

drop cap classes, 122–123

encapsulation classes, 116–117

font classes, 96–100

font style classes, 100–102

Google font classes, 118–122

symbol classes, 129–130

text alignment classes, 103–105

text colors classes, 108–111

text indent classes, 127–128

text point size classes, 105–108

text shadow classes, 112–114

text transformation classes, 114–116

text-align property, 29, 104

<textarea> tag, 222–223

text-decoration property

defined, 28

font styles, 101

horizontal menu, 143

resusing IDs, 20

tooltips and tooltip fade, 148

vertical menu, 136

textglow[] class, dynamic text, 249–250

text-indent property, 29, 128

textmiddle class, dynamic typography, 248–249

textonly class, dynamic typography, 239–240

text-shadow property, 112–113

text-transform property, 29, 115

three-level vertical menu, 139–141

thumb view, visual effects, 185–188

toleft class, location, 77–80

tooltip fade plug-in, navigation, 148–150

tooltip plug-in, navigation, 148–150

top class, dynamic objects, 212

top dock bar plug-in, navigation, 144–146

top property, location, 78–80

topdockbar class, 144–146

topdockitem class, 144–146

toright class, location, 77–80

totop class, location, 77–80

transform property, 175–178, 179–181


properties for text, 29

text and typography classes, 114–116

transition all plug-in

in rotation, 195

visual effects, 181–185

transition property, transition all plug-in, 181–185


classes for object, 66–69

in rollover effects, 278–280

two-level vertical menu, 136–139

type selector, 19

typetext[] class, dynamic text, 236–237

typography. See dynamic text and typography; text and typography plug-ins


universal (wildcard) selector, 21–22

unordered lists. See vertical menu plug-in

uppercase property, text transformation, 29


CSS rules for styles, 17–18

without JavaScript, 14


valign class, 71

values, CSS rules for constructing statements, 16


autofocus class, 256

backglow[] class, 251

center class, 211

cite[] class, 257

color[] class, 231

digitsonly class, 238

embedjs class, 266

fadein[n] class, 219

fadeout[n] class, 220

gfont[] class (Google fonts), 245

height[] class, 227

middle class, 210

minwhitespace class, 244

nojs and onlyjs classes, 207

nopunct class, 242

nospaces class, 240

ondemand class, 217

placeholder[] class, 255

ref[] class, 260

rotate[] class, 224

textglow[] class, 249–250

textonly class, 239

typetext[] class, 236

width[] class, 226

x[] class, 228

y[] class, 230

vertical menu plug-in

the class, 141–142

creating three-level menu, 139–141

creating two-level menu, 136–139

overview of, 135–139

vertical tab (vtab) superclass, 280–281

visibility and display, CSS classes for, 69–71

visible class, 69–71

visited pseudo class, 32

visual effect plug-ins

caption image, 188–192

odd and even background color classes, 199–202

odd and even text color classes, 196–199

pointer class, 192

progress bar class, 173–174

rotation classes, 193–196

scale down classes, 178–181

scale up classes, 174–178

star rating classes, 170–171

star rating using images classes, 171–173

thumb view class, 185–188

transition all classes, 181–185

vmenu class. See vertical menu plug-in

vmenul class, 138–142

vtab (vertical tab) superclass, 280–281


web browsers

downloading and installing, 4–5

testing web pages on all main, 4

-webkit-box-shadow property, box shadows, 58


difference between divs and spans, 25–26

specifying as dynamic class parameter, 226

specifying border, 88–90

width (w[]) class, 226

wildcard (universal) selector, 21–22

windows, how DOM works, 8–9

Windows PC

having access to when developing on non-Windows computer, 4–5

showing file extensions on, 8

Wine windows application interface, 4–5

word-spacing property, text, 29


x[] class, dynamic objects, 228–229

XHTML, creating HTML tag compatibility with, 10


y[] class, dynamic objects, 229–230

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