Subject Index

  2. Acceptance commitment therapy
  3. Acts of kindness
  4. Adaptation,. See also Resilience
  5. Adolescents. See also Children
    1. consumer culture and values among
    2. gratitude in
    3. hope accentuation strategies for
    4. motivation cultivation in
    5. positive body image of
    6. positive youth development theory for
    7. sense of coherence among
    8. as sex offenders
    9. social relationship importance to
    10. suicide among
    11. well-being therapy for
  6. Adolescents' motivation cultivation:
    1. art of
    2. context for motivation strategies
    3. factors influencing motivation
    4. individual and collective efficacy support in
    5. overview of
    6. ownership influencing
    7. relationship support in
    8. research methods for studying
    9. self-doubt addressed in
    10. structure of activities impacting
    11. summary of
    12. work-fun balance in
  7. Advertising and marketing:
    1. body image influenced by
    2. children and adolescents as targets of
    3. consumer culture use of
    4. forgiveness campaign through
    5. public policy on
  8. Affective disorders. See Anxiety and anxiety disorders; Depression and depressive disorders
  9. Age and aging:
    1. life span throughout (see Life span development)
    2. positive
    3. wisdom in relation to
  10. Aggression
  11. Agoraphobia
  12. American Association for Humanistic Psychology (AAHP)
  13. American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
  14. American Psychological Association:
    1. 7-day unit teaching plan by
    2. clinical psychology training standards
    3. research guidelines
    4. Society for Humanistic Psychology
    5. Society of Counseling Psychology
    6. Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools
  15. Anger
  16. Anxiety and anxiety disorders
    1. agoraphobic
    2. assessment of
    3. body dysmorphic
    4. forgiveness impacting
    5. generalized
    6. gratitude correlation with
    7. hoarding-related
    8. hope accentuation strategies for
    9. obsessive-compulsive
    10. physical activity impacting
    11. positive education in response to
    12. posttraumatic
    13. prevalence of
    14. rehabilitation psychology addressing
    15. relapse and recurrence in
    16. resilience training for
    17. separation
    18. social
    19. strength-based assessment of
    20. time perspectives associated with
    21. well-being therapy for
  17. Aristotelian foundations:
    1. of humanistic psychology
    2. of positive psychology
    3. of virtue ethics
  18. Assessment:
    1. of anxiety and anxiety disorders
    2. of bipolar disorder
    3. of choice goals
    4. computerized adaptive testing in
    5. Day Reconstruction Method of
    6. of depression and depression disorders
    7. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for
    8. of disability-related impacts
    9. Ecological Momentary Assessment
    10. of embodiment
    11. of emotional intelligence
    12. of eudaimonic and hedonic orientation/practices
    13. in executive or leadership coaching
    14. of gratitude
    15. of happiness and well-being
    16. of hope
    17. item-response theory in
    18. of meaning and purpose
    19. of mindfulness
    20. of personality
    21. of positive aging
    22. of positive constructs in health settings
    23. of posttraumatic growth
    24. of quality of life
    25. of sense of coherence
    26. of sex offenders
    27. strength-based approach to
    28. of time perspective
    29. of virtues and strengths
    30. of wisdom
    31. of work strengths and styles
  19. Assessment instruments:
    1. Adult Carers Quality of Life Questionnaire (AC-QoL)
    2. Adult Dispositional Hope Scale
    3. Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment
    4. Australian Early Development Index (AEDI)
    5. Beck Depression Inventory
    6. Big Five personality inventory
    7. Body Appreciation Scale (BAS)
    8. Body Awareness Questionnaire (BAQ)
    9. Body Intelligence Scale (BIS)
    10. Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale–Revised (CES-D)
    11. Children's Hope Scale (CHS)
    12. Children's Sense of Coherence Scale (CSOC)
    13. Circles Test
    14. Classification of Virtues and Strengths (CVS)
    15. Clinical Interview for Depression (CID)
    16. Family Sense of Coherence Scale (FSOC)
    17. Flow Questionnaire (FQ)
    18. Gallup's StrengthsFinder
    19. GQ-6
    20. Gratitude Adjective Checklist (GAC)
    21. Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test (GRAT)
    22. Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives for Activities (HEMA) scale
    23. Implicit Association Test (IAT)
    24. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
    25. Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory (KAI)
    26. Learning Styles Inventory (LSI)
    27. Life History Questionnaire
    28. Life Orientation Test
    29. Life Satisfaction Index (LSI)
    30. Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LISAT)
    31. Life Theme Questionnaire (LT)
    32. Maximization Scale
    33. Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)
    34. Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey
    35. Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI)
    36. Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)
    37. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)
    38. Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale
    39. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    40. NIH Toolbox
    41. Orientations To Happiness Questionnaire (OTHQ)
    42. Orientations to Happiness Scale (OTH)
    43. Orientation to Life Questionnaire
    44. Posttraumatic Growth Inventory
    45. Psychological Well-Being Scales (PWB)
    46. Quality of Life Index (QLI)
    47. Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI)
    48. Realize
    49. Satisfaction with Life Scale
    50. Sense of Coherence questionnaire (SOC-13 or -29)
    51. Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
    52. Stanford Time Perspective Inventory (STPI)
    53. Strengths Assessment Worksheet (SAW)
    54. Subjective Happiness Scale
    55. Time Lines
    56. Time Structure Questionnaire
    57. Values in Action scale
    58. Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI)
  20. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), Whole-Child Initiative
  21. Attachment theory
  22. Attention:
    1. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
    2. mindfulness of (see Mindfulness practices)
    3. self-regulation relationship to
  23. Authenticity:
    1. Authentic Happiness website
    2. authentic leadership
    3. eudaimonia and hedonia on
    4. values related to
  24. Autonomy:
    1. autonomous regulation
    2. choice relationship to
    3. happiness relationship to
    4. health impacts of
    5. humanistic psychology on
    6. motivated behavior based on
    7. physical activity enhancing
    8. values related to
    9. well-being therapy on
    10. work-related
  25. Axial Age
  27. Berlin wisdom paradigm
  28. Bhutan's Gross National Happiness
  29. Bipolar disorder
  30. Body dysmorphic disorder
  31. Body image and awareness. See Embodiment
  32. Bounce Back! program
  33. Brave New World (Huxley),
  34. Broaden-and-Build model
  36. Children. See also Adolescents
    1. consumer culture and values among
    2. gratitude in
    3. hope accentuation strategies for
    4. parent-child attachment with
    5. positive youth development theory for
    6. sense of coherence among
    7. social relationship importance to
    8. well-being therapy for
  37. Choice:
    1. adaptation effects on
    2. autonomy relationship to
    3. cultural influences on
    4. depression and suicide relationship to
    5. eudaimonic and hedonic orientation of
    6. freedom relationship to
    7. future research in
    8. high expectations influencing
    9. maximizing and satisficing goals of
    10. missed opportunities influencing
    11. motivation relationship to
    12. overview of
    13. paradox of
    14. paralysis from overload of
    15. regret influencing
    16. self-blame due to
    17. self-identity options based on
    18. self-regulation of
    19. social comparison influencing
    20. social relationship options based on
    21. summary of
  38. Cisco Systems Serious Health Notification System
  39. Civic responsibilities
  40. Client-centered psychotherapy and counseling
  41. Clinical practice
    1. balancing time perspective in
    2. complexity of well-being in
    3. disability-related resource-focused programs in
    4. emotional intelligence in
    5. eudaimonic and hedonic pursuit in
    6. extrinsic vs. intrinsic values in
    7. gratitude interventions in
    8. hope accentuation strategies as
    9. life coaching distinction from
    10. physical activity in
    11. positive aging examples in
    12. positive psychology growth influencing
    13. posttraumatic growth applications in
    14. quality of life assessment in
    15. rehabilitation psychology in
    16. response vs. recovery in, (see also Recovery-oriented service systems)
    17. self-help approaches vs.,
    18. social work strength perspective in
    19. strength-based assessment in
    20. well-being therapy as
  42. Clinical psychology:
    1. categorical vs. dimensional models of health in
    2. conceptions of wellness and illness in
    3. disease classifications in
    4. essentialist perspective on
    5. historical roots of
    6. illness ideology in
    7. overview of
    8. positive psychology vision and mission in
    9. practice applications of (see Clinical practice)
    10. psychoanalytic theory in
    11. science of
    12. social-constructivist perspective on
    13. summary of
    14. training and education in
  43. Coaching. See Executive or leadership coaching; Life coaching
  44. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT):
    1. affective disorder clinical treatment via
    2. eudaimonic and hedonic pursuits via
    3. executive or leadership coaching based on
    4. mindfulness in (see Mindfulness practices)
    5. multimodal integrative cognitive stimulation therapy in
    6. positive activities for happiness vs.,
    7. recovery-oriented service systems adaptations of
    8. rehabilitation psychology including
    9. resilience programs based on
    10. self-help approaches based on
    11. strengths focus in
    12. well-being therapy relationship to
  45. Cognitive evaluation theory (CET)
  46. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
  47. Communitarian movement
  48. Community:
    1. civic responsibilities to
    2. disability-related support resources in
    3. forgiveness facilitation in
    4. physical activity encouraged in
    5. positive organizational psychology in
    6. public policy individuality-community balancing
    7. recovery-oriented service systems in
    8. resilience practices in
    9. safety in
    10. sex offender rehabilitation in
    11. social work in
    12. time systems in
    13. work organization engagement in
  49. Computerized functions. See Internet-related functions
  50. Conduct disorders
  51. Conservation of resources theory
  52. Consumer culture:
    1. advertising and marketing of
    2. children and adolescents as targets for
    3. clinical issues involving
    4. ecological well-being in
    5. overview of
    6. personal well-being in
    7. practice implications of values in
    8. prevention practices in response to
    9. public policy on
    10. social well-being in
    11. summary of
    12. time affluence vs.,
    13. values in
    14. voluntary simplicity interventions rejecting
  53. Coping and coping skills
  54. Cougar Automation
  55. Counseling psychology:
    1. acceptance commitment therapy as
    2. client-centered psychotherapy and counseling as
    3. cultural influences and perspectives on
    4. definition and description of
    5. development and identity of
    6. disease or illness ideology in
    7. gratitude focus in
    8. humanistic psychology roots of
    9. overview of
    10. positive affect focus in
    11. positive psychology relationship to
    12. posttraumatic growth focus in
    13. practice applications of positive psychology in
    14. resilience focus in
    15. summary of
    16. training and education in
  56. Cultural influences and perspectives:
    1. on choice goals
    2. consumer culture as
    3. on counseling psychology
    4. on embodiment
    5. gender-related
    6. on gratitude
    7. on happiness and well-being
    8. on hope accentuation strategies
    9. on individuality-community balancing
    10. on motivation
    11. on negative perspective
    12. on personality
    13. on positive activities
    14. on resilience
    15. on sense of coherence
    16. social-constructivist perspective reflecting
    17. on social relationships
    18. socioeconomic
    19. on time perspectives
    20. Universalistic perspective on
    21. value congruency with
    22. on wisdom
    23. work or corporate culture as
  57. Cyclothymic disorder
  59. Daily Challenge,
  60. Davy, Jim
  61. Day Reconstruction Method
  62. Depression and depressive disorders:
    1. assessment of
    2. choice relationship to
    3. forgiveness impacting
    4. gratitude correlation with
    5. hope accentuation strategies for
    6. pharmacological interventions for
    7. physical activity impacting
    8. positive education in response to
    9. prevalence of
    10. rehabilitation psychology addressing
    11. relapse and recurrence in
    12. resilience training for
    13. self-help approaches to
    14. social relationships impacting
    15. strength-based assessment of
    16. time perspectives associated with
    17. well-being therapy for
  63. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM),
  64. Dialogic teaching:
    1. classroom practice transformation via
    2. definition and description of
    3. epistemology and theory underlying
    4. overview of
    5. professional development in
    6. recitation teaching vs.,
    7. research on
    8. summary of
    9. teacher-student relations in
    10. teaching through
  65. Dignity
  66. Disability-impacted people and caregivers
    1. assessment of
    2. caregivers, specifically
    3. daily experiences and future expectations of
    4. disability, defined
    5. hereditary spastic paraparesis impacting
    6. optimal experiences or flow of
    7. overview of issues for
    8. perceived facilitators and barriers for
    9. person and resources shift in focus on
    10. positive emotions of
    11. posttraumatic growth in
    12. prevalence of
    13. psychological and relational resources for
    14. rehabilitation for
    15. resilience of
    16. resource-focused intervention programs for
    17. resources for
    18. self-efficacy of
    19. sense of coherence of
    20. social barriers for
    21. summary of issues for
    22. theoretical framework for
  67. Domestic violence
  68. Dutton
  70. Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA)
  71. Ecological well-being
  72. Education. See School settings; Teaching and learning methods and processes; Training and education
  73. Embodiment:
    1. body awareness
    2. body-based interventions
    3. cultural influences and perspectives on
    4. definition and description of
    5. emotional intelligence relationship to
    6. interpersonal relationships and
    7. intrapersonal relationships and
    8. optimal functioning role of
    9. overview of
    10. positive activities enhancing
    11. positive body image
    12. practical applications of
    13. radical and simple view of
    14. summary of
    15. understanding
    16. well-being and
  74. Emotional intelligence:
    1. ability model of
    2. applications of
    3. clinical applications of
    4. competency approach to
    5. definition and description of
    6. embodiment relationship to
    7. executive or leadership coaching focus on
    8. life span development of
    9. managing emotions in
    10. measuring
    11. outcome predictions based on
    12. overview of
    13. perceiving emotions in
    14. personality relationship to
    15. political use of
    16. positive education promoting
    17. precursors to theory of
    18. professional development focus on
    19. social and emotional learning through
    20. summary of
    21. understanding emotions in
    22. using emotions to facilitate thought in
    23. wisdom relationship to
    24. work organization applications of
  75. Emotional prosperity program
  76. Environmental factors:
    1. community factors as (see Community)
    2. cultural factors as (see Cultural influences and perspectives)
    3. environmental affordances as
    4. familial factors as (see Families)
    5. livability of environment for happiness
    6. mastery and control of
    7. person-environment value congruency
    8. rehabilitation psychology consideration of
    9. resilience practice response to
    10. social systems as (see Social relationships)
    11. social work person-environment focus
    12. socioeconomic
    13. work environment factors, (see also Work organizations)
  77. Ethical issues. See also Morality; Values; Virtues
    1. eudaimonic conception of
    2. organizational approaches to
    3. positive social planning consideration of
    4. self-help approaches creating
    5. sex offender rehabilitation consideration of
    6. virtue theory on
  78. Eudaimonia and hedonia:
    1. assessment of orientation/practice of
    2. authenticity in
    3. clinical practice pursuit of
    4. complementary roles of
    5. definitions and descriptions of
    6. distinction between
    7. empirical findings on
    8. eudaimonic-specific steps toward
    9. excellence in
    10. growth in
    11. hedonic adaptation to happiness
    12. hedonic-specific steps toward
    13. humanistic psychology views of
    14. meaning in
    15. orientations of
    16. overview of
    17. positive education perspectives on
    18. positive psychology foundations in
    19. Present-Hedonistic time perspective
    20. rehabilitation psychology approach to
    21. summary of
    22. wisdom in relation to
  79. Every Child Matters initiative
  80. Executive or leadership coaching:
    1. authentic leadership coaching as
    2. coaches providing
    3. cognitive and behavioral techniques in
    4. core assumption of
    5. definition and description of
    6. emotional intelligence in
    7. flow states and optimal performance in
    8. generational changes in
    9. multimodal therapy in
    10. overview of
    11. positive psychology in
    12. psychometric assessment in
    13. reasons to engage in
    14. research in
    15. self-determination theory compatibility with
    16. structure of
    17. summary of
    18. systems theory in
    19. techniques used in
    20. time perspective coaching in
    21. Transtheoretical Model of Change in
  81. Existential psychology:
    1. definition and description of
    2. diffuse influence of
    3. history of
    4. humanistic psychology roots in
    5. internal diversity of
    6. methodology in
    7. motivation theories in
    8. overview of
    9. positive psychology dimensions of
    10. practical collaboration with positive psychology and
    11. summary of
    12. tragedy emphasis in
    13. values in
    14. virtues and strengths in
  82. Expectations
  84. Families. See also Adolescents; Children; Marriage or partnerships
    1. consumer culture impacting
    2. disability-related caregiving by
    3. domestic violence in
    4. eudaimonic and hedonic parenting variables in
    5. health impacted by
    6. parent-child attachment in
    7. parenting skills in
    8. resilience of
    9. sense of coherence in
    10. strength-based assessment including
    11. values reflected in
  85. Finland, educational resilience in
  86. Flow and flow states:
    1. disability-related impacts on
    2. executive or leadership coaching focus on
    3. forgiveness contribution to
    4. humanistic psychology roots of
    5. life coaching addressing
    6. mindfulness correlation to
    7. motivation relationship to
    8. personal growth and
    9. work-related
  87. Forgiveness:
    1. adverse effects of
    2. applied research on
    3. benevolence and
    4. community-level interventions for
    5. definition and description of
    6. delivery format for facilitation of
    7. education and psychoeducation on
    8. enhancement through
    9. facilitation of
    10. forgiveness interventions
    11. gratitude relationship to
    12. health and well-being relationship to
    13. intensity of interventions on
    14. legal/justice system focus on
    15. limitations of interventions on
    16. marital or partner-related
    17. motivation for
    18. overview of
    19. peer mediation focus on
    20. positive and negative views of
    21. positive psychology approach to
    22. prevention practices involving
    23. reach of interventions on
    24. reconciliation and
    25. religious influences on
    26. revenge and retaliation vs.,
    27. sex offender rehabilitation including
    28. summary of
  88. Freedom. See also Autonomy
    1. choice relationship to
    2. existential concept of
    3. humanistic psychology on
    4. motivation impacted by
    5. social well-being relationship to
    6. work-related
  90. Geelong Grammar School
  91. Gender influences
  92. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  93. Genetic factors
  94. Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, Toronto Charter for Physical Activity
  95. Gratitude:
    1. adult-specific
    2. child/adolescent
    3. clinical applications of
    4. coping and resilience improvements through
    5. counseling psychology focus on
    6. creative applications of
    7. cultural influences and perspectives on
    8. emotional prosperity program based on
    9. existential approaches to
    10. good life relationship to
    11. health impacts of
    12. interventions to promote
    13. life span development of
    14. measures and correlates of
    15. moral affect conceptualization of
    16. obstacles to promoting
    17. overview of
    18. personality correlates with
    19. positive activities through expression of
    20. recovery-oriented service systems including
    21. research on
    22. self-help approaches to
    23. summary of
    24. work organization benefits of
  96. Gratitude Bucket,
  97. Gratitude Journal,
  98. Gratitude Tree,
  99. Gratitude Visit intervention
  100. Great Transformation
  101. Gross National Happiness
  102. Group settings,. See also Community
  104. Haberdasher's Academies
  105. Happify,
  106. Happiness and well-being:
    1. assessment of
    2. Bhutan's Gross National Happiness
    3. conditions for
    4. counseling psychology focus on
    5. cultural influences and perspectives on
    6. definition and description of
    7. demographics of happy people
    8. as desirable outcome
    9. disability-related impacts on
    10. embodiment and
    11. empirical evidence and research on
    12. genetic influences on
    13. greatest happiness principle
    14. health relationship to
    15. hedonic adaptation to
    16. hedonic pursuit of, (see also Eudaimonia and hedonia)
    17. manufacturing of
    18. money relationship to
    19. optimal conditions for increasing
    20. overview of
    21. personality relationship to
    22. pessimism and optimism on intentional pursuit of
    23. positive activities increasing
    24. positive social planning focus on
    25. possibility of
    26. practicable goal of
    27. as public policy priority
    28. pursuit of, practices for
    29. quality of life and
    30. religious and spiritual influences on
    31. satisfaction and
    32. self-help approaches for
    33. social relationships impacting
    34. summary of
    35. theoretical perspectives in
    36. time perspective and
    37. values relationship to
    38. work relationship to
    39. World Database of Happiness
  107. Health and well-being:
    1. categorical vs. dimensional models of
    2. clinical psychology on
    3. definition of
    4. disabilities impacting
    5. disease classifications in
    6. eudaimonic view of (see Eudaimonia and hedonia)
    7. forgiveness relationship to
    8. happiness relationship to
    9. health psychology on
    10. illness ideology of
    11. mastery and control impacting
    12. meaning and purpose impacting
    13. mental health, specifically (see Mental health)
    14. positive activity consequences for
    15. positive affect impacting
    16. positive aging in relation to
    17. positive psychology on (see Positive psychology)
    18. practices for (see Health and well-being practices)
    19. rehabilitation for disabilities impacting
    20. salutogenic continuum of illness and
    21. sense of coherence and
    22. social-constructivist perspective of
    23. social relationships impacting
    24. social work strength perspective on
    25. stress impacting (see Stress)
  108. Health and well-being practices:
    1. balancing time perspective as
    2. happiness pursuit as
    3. life coaching as
    4. physical activity as
    5. positive psychology interventions as
    6. self-help approaches as
  109. Health psychology:
    1. assessment of positive constructs in
    2. Broaden-and-Build model in
    3. definition and description of
    4. future directions in
    5. health outcome mediators in
    6. mastery and control in
    7. meaning and purpose in
    8. overview of
    9. positive affect in
    10. positive psychology interventions in
    11. positive psychology synergy with
    12. Revised Stress and Coping Theory in
    13. stress and health focus in
    14. summary of
  110. Hedonia. See Eudaimonia and hedonia
  111. Hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP)
  112. Historical and philosophical foundations:
    1. agenda of positive psychology
    2. Aristotelian foundations as
    3. assumptions of positive psychology
    4. existential psychology as
    5. humanistic psychology as
    6. overview of
    7. of positive psychology
    8. psychology subdiscipline application history in
    9. research approaches in
    10. salutogenic paradigm as
    11. social and moral motivation as
    12. summary of
    13. Universalistic perspective as
  113. Hoarding disorders
  114. Hope accentuation strategies:
    1. adult-specific
    2. child/adolescent
    3. clinical applications of
    4. cultural influences and perspectives on
    5. formal
    6. hope as change agent in
    7. hope bonding as
    8. hope enhancing as
    9. hope finding as
    10. hope profiling as
    11. hope reminding as
    12. hope theory on
    13. informal
    14. overview of
    15. summary of
  115. The How of Happiness (Lyubormirsky),
  116. Humanistic-experimental approaches
  117. Humanistic psychology
    1. Aristotelian foundations of
    2. counseling psychology roots in
    3. epistemology in
    4. eudaimonia vs. hedonia in
    5. existentialism in
    6. history of
    7. key themes in
    8. methodology in
    9. motivation theories in
    10. overview of
    11. personalism in
    12. phenomenology in
    13. positive psychology bridges with
    14. psychoanalytic theory vs.,
    15. summary of
    16. virtue theory in
  118. Humanistic therapies
  120. Illness Management and Recovery
  121. Individuality-community balancing
    1. close relationships and happiness in
    2. communitarian movement on
  122. Individuality-community balancing
    1. cultural influences and perspectives on
    2. demographics of happy people for
    3. health considerations in
    4. money and happiness role in
    5. need to belong in
    6. overview of
    7. in public policy
    8. radical individualism impacts in
    9. social toxicity of inequality in
    10. summary of
    11. vision of connected future in
  123. Inner resources. See Emotional intelligence; Gratitude; Positive aging; Wisdom
  124. Institute of Coaching
  125. International Classification of Disease,
  126. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health,
  127. International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA)
  128. International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS)
  129. Internet-related functions:
    1. computerized adaptive testing as
    2. context sensing via
    3. emerging technology impacting
    4. forgiveness facilitation intervention delivery via
    5. self-help approaches via
  130. Interventions and practices:
    1. clinical (see Clinical practice)
    2. community-related (see Community)
    3. health and well-being (see Health and well-being practices)
    4. mindfulness (see Mindfulness practices)
    5. pharmacological (see Pharmacological interventions)
    6. positive activities as (see Positive activities)
    7. prevention-focused (see Prevention practices)
  131. Investors in People (IIP)
  132. Item-response theory (IRT)
  134. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,
  135. Journal of Humanistic Psychology,
  137. KidsMatter program
  138. Knox Grammar School
  140. Leadership behavior:
    1. authentic
    2. characteristics of positive
    3. conservation of resources theory on
    4. definition and description of
    5. emotional intelligence influence on
    6. ethical and virtuous organization behavior influenced by
    7. executive or leadership coaching on
    8. future research on
    9. identification fostering relationship to
    10. meaningful work relationship to
    11. mediators of effects of
    12. organizational values exhibited through
    13. overview of
    14. political
    15. practice implications of
    16. self-efficacy relationship to
    17. summary of
    18. transformational
    19. trust in management relationship to
    20. workplace wellness program support through
  141. Life coaching:
    1. approaches to
    2. definition and description of
    3. development of
    4. eudaimonic and hedonic pursuits via
    5. information sources for
    6. meta-theory for
    7. orientation of
    8. overview of
    9. PERMA model for
    10. positive activities/interventions in
    11. Positive Psychology Coaching as
    12. positive psychology compatibility with
    13. positive psychology integration with
    14. psychotherapy and counseling distinction from
    15. research on
    16. self-help tools for
    17. summary of
    18. time perspective coaching in
  142. Life span development:
    1. of emotional intelligence
    2. forgiveness changes over
    3. of gratitude
    4. inner resources for positive
    5. of positive aging
    6. of resilience
    7. of sense of coherence
    8. of wisdom
  143. LiveHappy,
  144. Loving-kindness meditation
  145. Luckey, Richard
  147. Making Hope Happen for Kids program
  148. Marriage or partnerships. See also Families
    1. {``}Call for a New Conversation on Marriage,''
    2. divorce or separation in
    3. emotional intelligence in
    4. existential psychology on
    5. forgiveness in
    6. gratitude in
    7. happiness and well-being in
    8. health impacts of
    9. hope accentuation strategies for
    10. positive activity consequences for
    11. positive aging impacts of
    12. resilience in
    13. wisdom related to conflict in
  149. Meaning or meaningfulness:
    1. assessment
    2. autonomous regulation and
    3. eudaimonia and hedonia on
    4. existential psychology on
    5. forgiveness contribution to
    6. happiness relationship to
    7. health impacts of
    8. humanistic psychology on
    9. life coaching on
    10. meaningful work
    11. phenomenology focus on
    12. posttraumatic growth as meaningful change (see Posttraumatic growth)
    13. quality of life through
    14. salutogenic paradigm on
    15. teaching and learning focus on
    16. well-being therapy on
  150. Medication
  151. Meditation:
    1. body awareness in
    2. eudaimonia development via
    3. executive or leadership coaching including
    4. gratitude in
    5. loving-kindness
    6. positive activities through
  152. Mental health. See also Health and well-being
    1. anxiety impacting (see Anxiety and anxiety disorders)
    2. bipolar disorder impacting
    3. body dysmorphic disorder impacting
    4. clinical responses to (see Clinical practice; Clinical psychology)
    5. conduct disorders impacting
    6. depression impacting (see Depression and depressive disorders)
    7. obsessive-compulsive disorder impacting
    8. personality disorders impacting
    9. positive psychology on (see Positive psychology)
    10. posttraumatic stress disorder impacting
    11. psychosis impacting
    12. recovery movement in
    13. schizophrenia impacting
    14. social work strength perspective on
  153. Mindfulness practices:
    1. body awareness in
    2. eudaimonia development via
    3. executive or leadership coaching including
    4. gratitude in
    5. intentional systematic mindfulness as
    6. intrinsic value focus in
    7. meditation as
    8. mindfulness cultivation through
    9. self-regulation shaped through
  154. Money. See Socioeconomic status
  155. Morality. See also Ethical issues; Values; Virtues
    1. gratitude as moral affect
    2. moral motivation for
    3. public policy on
    4. utilitarianism as moral principle
  156. MORE model of wisdom
  157. Motivation and motivation theories
    1. autonomy of motivated behavior
    2. choice relationship to
    3. context for motivation strategies
    4. cultivation of adolescents' motivation
    5. cultural influences and perspectives on
    6. factors influencing motivation
    7. forgiveness relationship to
    8. hope as motivating force
    9. humanistic and existential theory relationship to
    10. individual and collective efficacy support in
    11. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
    12. organizational motivation challenges and improvements
    13. ownership influencing
    14. positive psychology foundations of
    15. relationship support facilitating
    16. self-determination theory as
    17. self-doubt relationship to
    18. wisdom relationship to
    19. work-fun balance in
  158. Mount Barker High School
  159. Multimodal therapy:
    1. executive or leadership coaching including
    2. multimodal integrative cognitive stimulation therapy as
    3. multimodal pain management as
    4. recovery-oriented service systems including
  160. Multiple sclerosis
  162. Naikan therapy
  163. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
  164. Negative perspectives:
    1. context influencing view of
    2. cultural influences and perspectives on
    3. hazy boundaries between positive and
    4. integration of positive with
    5. overview of
    6. positive education role of
    7. positive psychology role of
    8. posttraumatic growth as positive after negative events
    9. prioritizing the positive vs.,
    10. psychoanalytic theory as
    11. strengths-based assessment impacted by negativity bias
    12. summary of
  166. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  167. Online functions. See Internet-related functions
  168. Opportunity costs
  169. Oppositional defiant disorder
  170. Optimal experiences. See Flow and flow states; Meaning or meaningfulness
  171. Organismic integration theory
  172. Organizational psychology. See also Work organizations
    1. appreciative inquiry in
    2. case studies of
    3. decision-making speed and authority in
    4. economies of strengths in
    5. ethical considerations in
    6. leadership behavior in
    7. motivation challenges and improvements in
    8. organizational compassion in
    9. organizational resilience in
    10. overview of
    11. positive deviance in
    12. positive psychology in
    13. positivity benefits to performance in
    14. recovery-oriented service systems including
    15. social networks and relationships in
    16. step-change application of positive psychology in
    17. strengths contributions to performance in
    18. summary of
    19. transformational applications of positive psychology in
    20. virtuous organizational behavior in
  173. Oswal, Shri Paul
  175. Paine, Alfred
  176. Penn Resiliency Program (PRP)
  177. PERMA (positive, engagement, relationships, meaning, achievement) model of well-being
  178. Personalism
  179. Personality:
    1. agreeableness in
    2. assessment of
    3. cultural influences and perspectives on
    4. emotional intelligence relationship to
    5. extraversion in
    6. gene-environment interactions in
    7. gratitude correlates with
    8. happiness and well-being relationship to
    9. humanistic and existential theories on
    10. neuroticism in
    11. openness to experience in
    12. positive and negative views of
    13. psychoanalytic theory on
    14. strength-based assessment of
    15. time perspective as characteristic of
    16. Universalist perspective on
    17. wisdom relationship to
    18. work satisfaction and performance relationship to
  180. Personality disorders:
    1. antisocial
    2. avoidant
    3. borderline
    4. dependent
    5. histrionic
    6. narcissistic
    7. obsessive-compulsive
    8. paranoid
    9. strength-based assessment of
  181. Personal well-being
  182. Pharmacological interventions
  183. Phenomenology
  184. Physical activity:
    1. barriers to
    2. body image/embodiment enhancement via
    3. community encouragement for
    4. {``}feel good'' function of
    5. guidelines for dosage of
    6. health and well-being practice of
    7. increasing prevalence of
    8. mechanisms for impacts of
    9. mental health relationship to
    10. overview of
    11. positive aging impacted by
    12. preventative function of
    13. process orientation on benefits of
    14. quality of life function of
    15. somatopsychic principles of
    16. summary of
    17. therapy function of
  185. Politics,. See also Public policy
  186. Positive activities:
    1. acts of kindness as
    2. assessment of
    3. circumstances creating
    4. counting blessings as
    5. cultural influences and perspectives on
    6. dosage and timing of
    7. embodiment enhancement via
    8. empirical evidence and research on
    9. gratitude expression as
    10. happiness increased through
    11. health impacts of
    12. intentional
    13. life coaching including
    14. meditation on positive feelings as
    15. motivation and effort for
    16. multi-component
    17. optimal conditions for success of
    18. optimism practice as
    19. overview of
    20. person-activity fit with
    21. positive reappraisal as
    22. recovery-oriented service systems including
    23. rehabilitation psychology including
    24. relationship impacts of
    25. selection of
    26. social support for
    27. strengths use in new ways as
    28. summary of
    29. theoretical perspectives on
    30. values affirmation as
    31. variety of
    32. visualization of future self as
    33. well-being therapy focus on
    34. work impacts of
  187. Positive affect. See Happiness and well-being
  188. Positive aging:
    1. assessment of
    2. clinical examples of
    3. definition of
    4. life span development of
    5. mission of
    6. non-predictive factors for
    7. overview of
    8. physical health and
    9. physical reserves and
    10. predictors of
    11. psychosocial health and
    12. research on
    13. sexual relations and
    14. social supports for
    15. sociodemographics and
    16. summary of
  189. Positive education
    1. current primary and secondary school initiatives in
    2. definition and description of
    3. effective utilization of
    4. empirical validation of
    5. eudaimonic and hedonic perspectives on
    6. historical perspective on
    7. negative role in
    8. optimization of initiatives in
    9. overview of
    10. positioning of
    11. Positive Educational Practices (PEPs) Framework for
    12. qualitative evaluation in
    13. reasons for
    14. resilience building through
    15. self-esteem promotion through
    16. social and emotional learning promotion through
    17. summary of
  190. Positive Living intervention
  191. Positive psychology
    1. agenda of
    2. assumptions of
    3. chapter overview on
    4. choice in (see Choice)
    5. clinical psychology relationship to, (see also Clinical practice)
    6. community integration of (see Community)
    7. counseling psychology relationship to
    8. cultural perspectives in (see Cultural influences and perspectives)
    9. definition and description of
    10. embodiment role in
    11. epistemology in
    12. eudaimonic foundations of, (see also Eudaimonia and hedonia)
    13. existential dimension of
    14. future of, in practice
    15. growth of
    16. health psychology relationship to, (see also Health and well-being)
    17. historical and philosophical foundations of
    18. humanistic psychology bridges with
    19. inner resources in (see Emotional intelligence; Gratitude; Positive aging; Wisdom)
    20. interventions/practices in (see Interventions and practices)
    21. methodology in
    22. negative role in
    23. posttraumatic growth in
    24. psychology subdisciplines application of
    25. public policy influenced by (see Public policy)
    26. recovery-oriented service systems built through
    27. rehabilitation psychology relationship to
    28. research in (see Research)
    29. social work interface with
    30. training and education related to (see Teaching and learning methods and processes; Training and education)
    31. values in (see Values)
    32. well-being in (see Happiness and well-being; Health and well-being; Well-being)
    33. work organizations impacted by (see Work organizations)
  192. Positive Psychology Center (PPC)
  193. Positive social planning:
    1. Bhutan's Gross National Happiness as
    2. ethical considerations and transparency in
    3. global outbreak of social positivity
    4. intrinsic value of positive social appreciation in
    5. mental thriving considered in
    6. normative considerations in
    7. overview of
    8. positive psychology foundations in
    9. public policy of
    10. social progress conceptions for
    11. social quality in
    12. social values and prosperity in
    13. social well-being matrix in
    14. summary of
  194. Positive youth development theory
  195. Posttraumatic growth:
    1. clinical applications of
    2. clinicians' facilitation of
    3. clinicians' gain from
    4. cognitive engagement and processing in
    5. concept of
    6. counseling psychology focus on
    7. deliberate vs. intrusive rumination in
    8. disability-related impacts on
    9. disclosure for
    10. embodiment and
    11. existential themes in
    12. expert companion assistance with
    13. growth-oriented trauma therapy for
    14. narratives of
    15. nonbeneficial nature of trauma despite
    16. overview of
    17. paradoxical changes of
    18. physical activity relationship to
    19. positive and negative integration in
    20. process of
    21. psychological comfort and
    22. rehabilitation psychology outcome of
    23. self-enhancing bias in
    24. social relationships and support in
    25. summary of
  196. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  197. Practices. See Interventions and practices
  198. Prevention practices:
    1. child and family focus in
    2. counseling psychology as
    3. forgiveness facilitation as
    4. intrinsic vs. extrinsic values focus in
    5. physical activity as
    6. positive education as
    7. resilience practice as
    8. sex offender relapse prevention as
    9. voluntary simplicity intervention as
    10. well-being therapy as
  199. Problem-solving training
  200. Psychoanalytic theory
  201. Psychosis
  202. Psyfit,
  203. Public policy:
    1. on advertising and marketing
    2. on civic responsibilities
    3. on consumer culture and values
    4. on economics
    5. happiness as priority in
    6. individuality-community balancing in
    7. on morality
    8. positive social planning in
    9. resilience theory and practice in
    10. on time affluence
  204. Purpose. See Meaning or meaningfulness
  206. Quality of life. See also Well-being
    1. clinical practice consideration of
    2. happiness and classification of
    3. physical activity improving
    4. rehabilitation psychology focus on
  208. Realise2
  209. Recovery-oriented service systems:
    1. application of combined interventions in
    2. delivery format of
    3. expansion beyond deficit focus in
    4. individual differences considered in
    5. mainstream movement of
    6. mental health and well-being continua in
    7. mental health-specific
    8. multimodal integrative cognitive stimulation therapy in
    9. organizational psychology in
    10. overview of
    11. positive interventions in
    12. Positive Living intervention in
    13. positive psychology foundations of
    14. provider-specific focus in
    15. recovery definition and description
    16. research on
    17. summary of
    18. system-level focus in
    19. training and education in
    20. well-being therapy in
  210. Regret
  211. Rehabilitation psychology:
    1. biomedical deficit model of
    2. cognitive-behavioral therapy in
    3. definition and description of
    4. environmental factors considered in
    5. growth/posttraumatic growth outcomes in
    6. multiple factors mediating
    7. outlook and future directions in
    8. overview of
    9. positive principles of
    10. positive psychology in
    11. practice applications of positive psychology in
    12. psychosocial interventions in
    13. research on
    14. sex offender rehabilitation in
    15. social relationships and participation considered in
    16. strengths and resources focus in
    17. summary of
    18. well-being/quality of life as outcome of
  212. Relationships. See Social relationships
  213. Relativistic thinking
  214. Relaxation training
  215. Religion and spirituality:
    1. forgiveness related to
    2. happiness and well-being relationship to
  216. Research
    1. on adolescent motivation
    2. on choice
    3. design methodology for
    4. on dialogic teaching
    5. on eudaimonia and hedonia
    6. on executive or leadership coaching
    7. on forgiveness
    8. on gratitude
    9. on happiness and well-being
    10. on health psychology
    11. on life coaching
    12. on positive activities/interventions
    13. on positive aging
    14. on positive education
    15. on positive psychology
    16. on recovery-oriented service systems
    17. on rehabilitation psychology
    18. self-help approach translation of
    19. on sex offender rehabilitation
    20. on strength-based assessment
    21. teaching and learning approaches impacted by
    22. on time perspective
    23. on transformational leadership
    24. on well-being therapy
    25. on wisdom
  217. Resilience:
    1. adversity leading to
    2. competence and
    3. context of
    4. counseling psychology focus on
    5. cultural influences and perspectives on
    6. definition and description of
    7. disability-related impacts on
    8. dynamic model of
    9. in dynamic systems
    10. gratitude improving
    11. mechanisms for promoting
    12. organizational
    13. overview of
    14. positive education focus on
    15. practice applications of
    16. psychological capital including
    17. public policy related to
    18. related concepts to
    19. resilience-guided goals
    20. risks, resources, and processes underlying
    21. sense of coherence relationship to
    22. settings for applied resilience
    23. summary of
    24. teaching and learning approaches to
    25. transactional model of
  218. Resolving Conflict Creatively Program
  219. RULER (recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating emotions) program
  220. Rule-utilitarianism
  222. St. Peter's School
  223. Salutogenic paradigm:
    1. overview of
    2. pathogenic paradigm vs.,
    3. positive psychology foundations in
    4. practical implications of
    5. sense of coherence concept in
    6. summary of
    7. teaching and learning approaches addressing
  224. Satisfaction
  225. Schema theory
  226. Schizophrenia
  227. School settings:
    1. cultivation of adolescents' motivation in
    2. dialogic teaching in
    3. education in (see Training and education)
    4. forgiveness facilitation in
    5. gratitude interventions in
    6. hope accentuation strategies in
    7. peer mediation in
    8. physical activity in
    9. positive education in
    10. resilience practices in
    11. sense of coherence in
    12. teaching and learning methods in
    13. teaching approaches in
    14. value fulfillment and congruency in
    15. violence in
    16. well-being therapy in
  228. Scotch College Adelaide
  229. Seattle Social Development Program
  230. Self-acceptance
  231. Self-blame
  232. Self-determination theory (SDT):
    1. cognitive evaluation theory in
    2. eudaimonic autonomy-supportive principles in
    3. executive or leadership coaching compatibility with
    4. internal facilitation of autonomous regulation in
    5. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in
    6. nature of autonomous regulation in
    7. organismic integration theory in
    8. organizational psychology application of
    9. self-regulation perspective in
    10. social support facilitating autonomous regulation in
    11. values in
  233. Self-doubt
  234. Self-efficacy:
    1. disability-related impacts of
    2. health impacts of
    3. motivational support for
    4. psychological capital including
    5. transformational leadership relationship to
  235. Self-esteem
  236. Self-help approaches:
    1. book-based
    2. challenges of real world use of
    3. context sensing for
    4. emerging technology impacting
    5. empirical validation of
    6. ethical considerations with
    7. existing, examples of
    8. life coaching use of
    9. overview of
    10. person-activity fit of
    11. positive psychology interventions via
    12. research translation to
    13. smartphone-based
    14. social support for
    15. summary of
    16. web-based
  237. Self-regulation:
    1. attention relationship to
    2. eudaimonic growth based on
    3. internal facilitation of autonomous
    4. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in
    5. managing emotions as
    6. mindfulness impacting
    7. nature of autonomous
    8. overview of
    9. self-determination theory perspective on
    10. social support facilitating autonomous
    11. summary of
  238. Semco
  239. Sense of coherence (SOC):
    1. child and adolescent
    2. collective sense of
    3. concept of
    4. cultural influences and perspectives on
    5. disability-related impacts on
    6. health and
    7. life span development of
    8. measurement of
    9. non-significance findings on
    10. practical implications of
    11. salutogenic paradigm view of
  240. Separation anxiety disorder
  241. Sex offender rehabilitation:
    1. assessment of offenders in
    2. ethical issues in
    3. forgiveness in
    4. goals and priorities of offenders in
    5. Good Lives Model of
    6. good lives plan for
    7. human nature viewpoints in
    8. internal and external conditions impacting
    9. overview of
    10. personal identity of offenders in
    11. probation case management application of
    12. relapse prevention approach to
    13. research on
    14. revenge avoidance in
    15. risk-need-responsivity approach to
    16. summary of
    17. theoretical framework for
    18. therapist's view of offenders in
    19. treatment principles, goals, and structure in
    20. youth offenders in
  242. Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) program
  243. Social and emotional learning
  244. Social-constructivist perspective:
    1. on clinical psychology
    2. on dialogic teaching
  245. Social phobia
  246. Social relationships
    1. choice in relation to
    2. cultural influences and perspectives on
    3. disability-related social barriers
    4. embodiment and
    5. emotional intelligence relationship to
    6. extrinsic vs. intrinsic values impacting
    7. familial (see Families; Marriage or partnerships)
    8. gratitude impacting
    9. happiness and well-being relationship to
    10. health impacts of
    11. hope accentuation strategies impacting
    12. motivation influenced by interpersonal experiences in
    13. need to belong addressed through
    14. organizational benefits of
    15. positive activity consequences for
    16. positive social qualities of
    17. posttraumatic growth impacted by
    18. rehabilitation psychology consideration of
    19. social comparisons in
    20. social environment for physical activity affecting
    21. social environment values
    22. social isolation from
    23. social motivation for
    24. social sanctions in
    25. social support facilitating autonomous regulation
    26. social support for positive activities via
    27. social support for positive aging via
    28. social support for self-help approaches
  247. Social relationships
    1. social support interventions impacting
    2. social toxicity of inequality
    3. social well-being and
    4. team building including
    5. well-being therapy on
    6. wisdom consideration of
  248. Social work:
    1. assessment of strengths in
    2. definitions and missions in
    3. on domestic violence
    4. future directions in
    5. on mental health
    6. overview of
    7. person-environment focus in
    8. positive psychology interface with
    9. strength perspective in
    10. summary of
  249. Socioeconomic status:
    1. happiness relationship to
    2. inequality of
    3. positive aging relationship to
    4. sense of coherence influenced by
    5. work income impacting
  250. Solution-focused therapy
  251. SPARK Resilience Programme
  252. Strength-based assessment:
    1. accessibility of tools for
    2. advantages of
    3. of anxiety and anxiety disorders
    4. of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
    5. of bipolar disorder
    6. of body dysmorphic disorder
    7. clinical applications of
    8. clinical interviews including
    9. collateral information for
    10. of conduct disorders
    11. courage in
    12. deficit-based assessment vs.,
    13. definition and description of
    14. of depression and depressive disorders
    15. early administration of
    16. empirical evidence for
    17. existing inclusion of
    18. four-front approach to
    19. of hoarding disorders
    20. humanity in
    21. icons of strengths used in
    22. illustrations of
    23. justice in
    24. narrative strategy for
    25. negativity bias complicating
    26. of obsessive-compulsive disorder
    27. of oppositional defiant disorder
    28. overview of
    29. of personality disorders
    30. positive activity pursuit based on
    31. positive psychology foundations of
    32. of posttraumatic stress disorder
    33. problem solving tactics based on
    34. recommendations for clinical practice regarding
    35. summary of
    36. temperance in
    37. theoretical foundations of
    38. transcendence in
    39. wisdom and knowledge in
  253. Strengthscope
  254. Stress:
    1. definition and description of
    2. health psychology focus on
    3. physical activity for coping with
    4. positive affective impacting
    5. positive aging not predicted by
    6. posttraumatic stress disorder
    7. Revised Stress and Coping Theory on
    8. salutogenic view of
    9. stress management interventions for
  255. Suicide
  256. Systemic family therapy
  257. Systems theory
  259. Teaching and learning methods and processes:
    1. cultivation of adolescents' motivation as
    2. dialogic teaching as
    3. future directions in
    4. instructional materials for
    5. levels of positive psychology curricula integration in
    6. overview of
    7. positive education as
    8. summary of
    9. teaching approaches as
  261. Three Good Things intervention
  262. Time-based issues:
    1. time affluence as
    2. time perspective balancing as
    3. timing of positive activities as
    4. Universalist perspective on social and historical time
  263. Time Paradox
  264. Time perspective:
    1. balanced
    2. cultural influences and perspectives on
    3. definition and description of
    4. flexibility in
    5. future-oriented
    6. measurement of
    7. optimal functioning pursuit via balanced
    8. overview of
    9. past-oriented
    10. practical applications of
    11. present-oriented
    12. research on
    13. summary of
    14. time-management interventions based on
    15. well-being and
  265. Toronto Charter for Physical Activity
  266. Tragedy
  267. Training and education:
    1. in clinical psychology
    2. in counseling psychology
    3. in dialogic teaching
    4. in forgiveness facilitation
    5. in humanistic psychology
    6. in mindfulness
    7. positive aging predicted by years of
    8. in positive body image
    9. in positive psychology
    10. professional development through
    11. in recovery-oriented service systems
    12. in resilience practices
    13. school settings for (see School settings)
    14. sense of coherence relationship to
    15. teaching and learning methods and processes for
    16. in transformational leadership
    17. in wisdom
    18. in work organizations
  268. Transformational leadership:
    1. conservation of resources theory on
    2. definition and description of
    3. follower well-being improvements due to
    4. future research on
    5. identification fostering relationship to
    6. meaningful work relationship to
    7. mediators of effects of
    8. overview of
    9. practice implications of
    10. self-efficacy relationship to
    11. summary of
    12. trust in management relationship to
  269. Transtheoretical Model of Change
  270. Trauma:
    1. posttraumatic growth following
    2. posttraumatic stress disorder following
  271. Tully State High School
  273. United Nations:
    1. Declaration of Universal Human Rights
    2. Declaration on Social Progress and Development
    3. {``}Happiness: Towards a Holistic Approach to Development'' resolution
    4. social progress defined by
  274. Universalistic perspective
  275. University of Illinois, Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
  276. University of Melbourne, Australia, Master of Applied Positive Psychology
  277. University of Pennsylvania
    1. Authentic Happiness website
    2. Penn Resiliency Program
    3. Positive Psychology Center
    4. Witmer psychological clinic at
  278. Utilitarianism
  280. Values See also Virtues
    1. conservation
    2. consumer culture-related
    3. ecological well-being impacted by
    4. eudaimonia focus on
    5. existential psychology on
    6. extrinsic vs. intrinsic
    7. goal attainment perspective on
    8. good life association with
    9. happiness relationship to
    10. healthy and unhealthy
    11. humanistic psychology value-laden worldview
    12. internal conflict over
    13. mindfulness practice focus on
    14. openness to change
    15. organizational
    16. overview of
    17. personal well-being impacted by
    18. person-environment value congruency
    19. positive activities affirming
    20. positive social planning on social values
    21. practice implications of
    22. prevention practices focus on
    23. public policy reflecting
    24. self-determination theory on
    25. self-enhancement
    26. self-transcendence
    27. social well-being impacted by
    28. summary of issues related to
    29. time affluence reflection of
    30. virtues distinction from
    31. voluntary simplicity interventions based on
    32. well-being and
    33. wisdom in relation to
  281. Values in Action website
  282. Veterans Administration, U.S.
  283. Victim-offender mediation (VOM)
  284. Virtues. See also Ethical issues; Morality; Values
    1. assessment of
    2. character strengths based on
    3. existential psychology on
    4. humanistic psychology on
    5. traditions of virtue
    6. values distinction from
    7. virtue theory on
    8. virtuous organizational behavior
  285. Voluntary simplicity interventions
  287. Well-being:
    1. choice impacting
    2. definition and description of
    3. ecological
    4. embodiment and
    5. eudaimonic and hedonic (see Eudaimonia and hedonia)
    6. forgiveness relationship to
    7. goal attainment impacting
    8. happiness and (see Happiness and well-being)
    9. health and (see Health and well-being)
    10. inner resources for (see Emotional intelligence; Gratitude; Positive aging; Wisdom)
    11. internal conflict impacting
    12. PERMA model of
    13. personal
    14. person-environment value congruency impacting
    15. positive education focus on
    16. rehabilitation psychology outcome of
    17. social
    18. subjective
    19. time perspective and
    20. values and
    21. work-related
  288. Well-Being Curriculum,
  289. Well-being therapy:
    1. autonomy in
    2. case studies of
    3. child/adolescent
    4. clinical applications of
    5. cognitive-behavioral therapy relationship to
    6. complexity of well-being for
    7. conceptual framework of
    8. developments modifying use of
    9. environmental mastery in
    10. eudaimonic and hedonic pursuits via
    11. mechanisms of action in
    12. optimal-balanced well-being goal in
    13. overview of
    14. personal growth in
    15. positive interpersonal relations in
    16. protocol or structure of
    17. purpose in life in
    18. recovery-oriented service systems including
    19. rehabilitation psychology including
    20. relapse and recurrence prevention through
    21. self-acceptance in
    22. summary of
    23. validation studies of
  290. Wellington College
  291. Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)
  292. Wellness Self-Management
  293. Whole-Child Initiative
  294. Wisdom:
    1. age relationship to
    2. assessment of
    3. Berlin wisdom paradigm on
    4. cognition relationship to
    5. conflict management based on
    6. cultural influences and perspectives on
    7. definition and description of
    8. development of
    9. emotional intelligence relationship to
    10. expert knowledge as
    11. gain and loss of
    12. humanistic psychology on
    13. integration of factors for
    14. life span development of
    15. MORE model of
    16. motivation relationship to
    17. overview of
    18. personality relationship to
    19. personal vs. general
    20. professional development of
    21. research on
    22. social or interpersonal factors of
    23. strength-based assessment of
    24. summary of
    25. theoretical models of
  295. Work organizations:
    1. appreciative inquiry in
    2. autonomy, freedom and control in
    3. case studies of
    4. community engagement of
    5. conservation of resources theory on
    6. corporate culture of
    7. decision-making speed and authority in
    8. economies of strengths in
    9. emotional intelligence in
    10. ethical considerations in
    11. executive or leadership coaching in
    12. gratitude in
    13. human resources management in
    14. identification fostering in
    15. income from
    16. job satisfaction and performance in
    17. leadership behavior in
    18. meaningful work in
    19. motivation challenges and improvements in
    20. organizational compassion in
    21. organizational development of
    22. organizational psychology of
    23. organizational resilience in
    24. overtime policies in
    25. overview of
    26. paid leave policies in
    27. participatory working in
    28. personality influences in
    29. positive activity consequences in
    30. positive approach applications in
    31. positive deviance in
    32. positive psychology in
    33. positivity benefits to performance in
    34. professional development in
    35. psychological capital in
    36. public policy impacting
    37. resilience practices in
    38. self-efficacy in
    39. social networks and relationships in
    40. step-change application of positive psychology in
    41. strengths contributions to performance in
    42. summary of
    43. teamwork in
    44. time affluence and perspective in
    45. transformational applications of positive psychology in
    46. trust in management in
    47. values reflected in
    48. virtuous organizational behavior in
    49. well-being in
    50. work style assessments in
  296. World Database of Happiness
  297. World Health Organization:
    1. health defined by
    2. International Classification of Disease,
    3. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health,
    4. physical activity recommendations by
  299. Youth. See Adolescents; Children
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