
  • A
  • ac motor drives, converters for, 250
  • adjustable speed drives (ASD), 3, 311
  • Ampere’s law, 180
  • ampere-turns, 173–174
  • applications of power electronics, 2–4
    • utility applications, 6–8
  • application-specific ICs (ASICs), 29
  • area-product method, 216–219
  • core area-product Ap, 218
    • design procedure based on, 218–219
  • core cross-sectional area Acore, 217–218
  • core window area Awindow, 216–217
  • B
  • bi-directional power flow converters for, 281–283
    • voltage-link structure for, 282
  • bi-directional switching power-pole, 74–75, 250–254
    • as building-block, 250–254
    • PWM of, 251–254
  • Bipolar-Junction Transistors (BJTs), 22
  • bi-positional switch in buck converter, 15
  • Bode plots of transfer functions with poles and zeros, 125–128
    • double pole in a transfer function, 126–128
    • right-hand-plane (RHP) zero in transfer function, 126, 127
  • Boost converter switching analysis
  • Buck converter versus, 51
  • in CCM
    • hardware results, 57
    • simulation results, 56
  • in DCM
    • hardware results, 82
    • simulation results, 82
  • in DCM in steady state, 77–78
  • in dc steady state, 51–57
  • operation, 52
  • voltage transfer ratio, 55
  • waveforms, 52
  • Boost dc-dc converter, 3
  • Bootstrap driver, 29
  • ‘brushless dc’ drives, 235
  • Buck-Boost converter analysis, 187
  • in DC steady state, 57–65
    • input/output voltage ratio, 59, 61
    • operation, 58
    • transistor switching function, 58
    • waveforms, 58
  • in CCM
    • hardware results, 63
    • simulation results, 62
  • in DCM
    • hardware results, 85
    • simulation results, 84
  • Buck converter, 198–199
  • bi-positional switch in, 15
    • transistor and diode forming, 15
  • in CCM
    • hardware results, 51
    • simulation results, 50
  • in DCM
    • hardware results, 79
    • simulation results, 79
  • switching analysis
    • in DCM in steady state, 77–78
    • in dc steady state, 46–51
    • synchronous-rectified buck converter, 66–71
  • switching node voltage ringing in, 79–80
  • switching power-pole in, 14
  • bus voltage magnitude, 315–316
  • conduction loss, MOSFETs, 28
  • continuous conduction mode (CCM), 46, 160
    • average representation in, 84–85
    • critical condition at the border of, 76–77
    • dynamic average representation of converters, 59–74
    • power stage of DC-DC converters in, linearizing, 102–105
  • converters for bi-directional power flow, 281–283
  • core area-product Ap, 218
  • core cross-sectional area Acore, 217–218
  • core window area Awindow, 216–217
  • crossover frequency fc of GL(s), 99
  • Ćuk converters, 64–65
  • current commutation, Ls effect on, 292–294
  • current controller Gi(s) of PFC, designing, 165
  • current-link structure, 10
  • current-link systems, 300–302, 306
  • D
  • dc motor drives
  • converters for, 250, 254–260
    • (-Vd,ṽ0,), 254–260
    • currents defined in, 258
    • switching waveforms in, 257–260
  • diode-rectifier bridge ‘front-ends’, 148–156
    • DC-bus capacitor to achieve a low-ripple, 150–151
    • DC-bus capacitor, effect of, 154–155
    • full-bridge diode rectifier, 149
    • single-phase diode-rectifier bridge, 148–152
    • three-phase diode-rectifier bridge, 152–156
    • utility input rectification using, 139–158, See also under Utility input rectification
  • diodes, See also power
    • diodes i-v
    • characteristic, 24
    • justifying as ideal, 30
    • symbol, 24
  • direct-link structure, 11
  • discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), 46, 75–85
    • average representation in, 84–85
    • Boost converters in, 80–82
    • Buck-Boost converter in, 83–84
    • Buck converters in, 77–80
    • critical condition at the border of, 76–77
    • feedback controller design in, 123
  • displacement power factor (DPF), 144–146
  • distributed generation (DG) applications, 306–311
    • energy storage systems, 311
    • fuel cell systems, 310
    • micro-turbines, 311
    • photovoltaic (PV) systems, 309–310
    • power electronic loads, 311
    • wind-electric systems, 307–309
  • doubly-fed, wound-rotor induction generators, 308
    • induction generators, directly connected to grid, 307–308
    • power electronics connected generator, 309
  • E
  • electric motor drives, 231–244, See also induction machines
    • DC motors, 232–235
    • equivalent circuit, 234
    • permanent-magnet AC (PMAC) machines, 235
    • requirements imposed by DC machines on PPU, 235
    • requirements imposed by induction machines on the PPU, 243
    • requirements imposed by PMAC machines on the PPU, 239
  • electric vehicles (EVs), 5–6
  • electric welding, 4
  • electrical isolation, need for, 186
  • electric-motor driven systems, 4–5
  • energy and environment, 4–8, See also under sustainable electric energy
    • energy storage
    • due to magnetic fields, 175–176
    • storage systems, 310–311
  • equivalent circuits of transformers, 181–182
  • F
  • FACTS, See flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)
  • Faraday’s law, 176–177, 180
  • fast-recovery diodes, 24
  • feedback controller design in switchmode dc power supplies, 97–138
    • average-current-mode control, 115
    • feedback controller design in voltage-mode control, 106–113
    • in DCM, 123
    • linear control theory, 98–100
    • linearization of transfer function blocks, 100–106
    • loop transfer function GL(s), 99
    • peak-current mode control, 113–122
    • phase and gain margins, 99–100
    • in voltage-mode control, 106–113
  • feedback controller design in PFC circuits, 159–169
    • feedforward of input voltage, 169
  • flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), 314–317
  • flexible production, power electronics in, 3–4
  • flux, 173–174
  • flyback converters, 186–198
    • RCD Snubber, 190–198
    • with snubber
      • hardware results, 197
      • simulation results, 196
  • without snubber
    • hardware results, 191
    • simulation results, 189
  • forward converters, 198–204
    • core flux, 200
    • hardware results, 203
    • simulation results, 201–202
    • operation, 199
    • transformer for, 221
    • two-switch forward converters, 203–204
    • waveforms in, 201
  • Fourier analysis, obtaining harmonic components by, 142–144
  • ‘front-end’ of power electronic systems, 148
  • fuel cell systems, 310
  • Full-bridge converters, 204–209
    • phase-shift modulated (PSM), 205
    • pulse-width modulated (PWM), 205
    • sub-circuits, 206
  • Full-bridge diode rectifier, 149
    • with inductive load, 150
    • with resistive load, 149
  • G
  • gate driver integrated circuits (ICs) with built-in fault protection, 29–30
  • Gate-Turn-Off thyristors (GTOs), 22
  • H
  • half-bridge converters, 209
  • Hardware
    • flyback converter with snubber, 197
    • flyback converter without snubber, 191
    • forward converter, 203
    • full bridge converter, 210
    • in CCM
      • buck converter, 51
      • boost converter, 57
      • buck boost converter, 63
    • in DCM
      • buck converter, 79
      • boost converter, 82
      • buck boost converter, 85
    • peak-current-mode control of buck-boost converter, 121
    • single phase inverter, 265
    • synchronous buck converter, 71
    • three phase inverter
    • voltage-mode control of buck converter, 112
  • hard-switching in switching power-poles, 223–224
  • harmonic guidelines, in utility input rectification, 146–148
  • heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC), 4
  • HEVs, See hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) high efficiency, need for, 8–9
  • high-frequency inductors, design of, 215–221
    • area-product method, 216–219
    • inductor construction, 216
    • pot core mounted on plug-in board, 220
    • thermal considerations, 221
    • transformer construction, 216
    • high power density, need for, 8–9
  • induction generators, 307
  • induction heating, 4
    • converters for, 223–229
  • induction machines, 239–244
    • slip frequency, 241
    • slip speed, 241
  • inductor construction, 216
    • design example of, 219–221
  • information technology, power electronics in, 2–3
  • inner average-current-control loop of PFC, designing, 163–165
  • input voltage, feedforward, in PFC circuits, 169
  • inrush currents, avoiding, 156–157
  • insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), 23–24
    • cost of, 24
    • i-v characteristics, 23
    • symbol, 23
  • integrated circuits (ICs), gate driver, 29–30
  • integrated-gate controlled thyristors (IGCTs), 22, 304
  • intelligent-power modules (IPMs), 24
  • interface, power electronics
    • between source and load, 2
    • converters as, 305–306
    • for LED, 6
    • for electric welding, 4
    • for induction heating, 4
    • structure of, 9–11
      • block diagram, 9
      • current-link structure, 11
      • matrix converters (direct-link structure) [13], 11
      • voltage-link structure, 10–11, See also individual entry
  • L
  • leakage inductance, 177–179
  • lighting, 5
  • linear control theory, 98–100
  • linearization of transfer function blocks, 100–106
    • computer simulation in, 105–106
    • power stage of DC-DC converters in CCM, 102–104
    • pulse-width modulator, 100–102
  • line-frequency diodes, 24
  • loop transfer function GL(s), 99
    • crossover frequency of, 99
  • low-frequency AC, synthesis of, 260
  • LTspice-based computer simulations, 46
  • LTspice circuit, 105
    • for Buck-Boost converter, 117
    • for Buck converter, 105
  • M
  • magnetic circuit concepts, 173–182
    • ampere-turns, 173–174
    • energy storage due to magnetic fields, 175–176
    • flux, 173–174
    • inductance (L), 174–175
    • leakage inductance, 177–179
    • magnetizing inductance, 177–179
    • mutual inductances, 179
    • transformers, 179–182
  • magnetic design, basics of, 215
  • matrix converters, 11, 283–284
  • MCTs, See MOS-controlled thyristors (MCTs)
  • Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), 22–23
    • cost of, 24
    • gate driver ICs with built-in fault protection, 29–30
    • in a switching power-pole, 25
    • i-v characteristics, 22
    • power losses within, calculating, 28
      • conduction losses, 28
      • switching losses, 28–29
  • symbol, 22
    • transfer characteristics, 22, 27
    • turn-off characteristic, 27–28
    • turn-on characteristic, 26–27
  • micro-turbines, 311
  • MOS-controlled thyristors (MCTs), 22
  • MOSFETs, See Metal-Oxide- Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs)
  • motor-driven systems, 4–5
  • multilevel inverters, 280
  • mutual inductances, 179
  • O
  • Ohm’s law, 177
  • outer voltage-control loop of PFC, designing, 167–168
  • over-modulation, 279–280
  • P
  • peak current density Jmax, 215
  • peak-current mode control, 113–122
    • hardware results, 121
    • simulation results, 119
  • peak flux density Bmax, 215
  • permanent-magnet AC (PMAC) machines, 235
    • two-pole PMAC machine, 236
  • phase-controlled thyristors, 289–294
  • phase-shift modulated (PSM) control, 205
  • phase-shift modulated (PSM) dc-dc converters, 228
  • photovoltaic (PV) systems, 7, 309–310
  • PMAC, See permanent-magnet AC (PMAC)
  • point-of-common-coupling (PCC), 147
  • pot core mounted on plug-in board, 220
  • power diodes, 21–22
    • fast-recovery diodes, 24
    • line-frequency diodes, 24
    • Schottky diodes, 24
    • selection characteristics, 21
      • current rating, 21
      • on-state voltage, 22
      • switching speeds, 21
      • voltage rating, 21
    • selection of, 24–25
    • SiC-based Schottky diodes, 24
  • power electronic loads, 311
  • power factor (PF), 144–148
  • power quality solutions, 312–313
  • power semiconductor devices, 304
  • power transistors, 21–22
    • selection characteristics, 21
      • on-state voltage, 22
      • switching speeds, 21
      • current rating, 21
      • voltage rating, 21
  • power-factor-correction (PFC) circuits, 159–169, See also single-phase PFCs
    • control methods for, 169
    • control of PFCs, 162–163
    • current controller Gi(s), designing, 165
    • feedforward of input voltage, 169
    • inner average-current-control loop, designing, 163–165
    • outer voltage-control loop, designing, 165–167
    • simulation results, 168
  • power-integrated modules (PIMs), 24
  • power-poles, 25–30
    • power losses in, 25–30
    • switching characteristics in, 25–30
  • primitive thyristor rectifier circuits, 288–289
  • PSM, See phase-shift modulated (PSM)
  • pulsed-width-modulation (PWM), 13–14, 72, 205–207
    • of bi-directional switching power-pole, 250–254
    • DC-DC converters regulation by, 71–72
    • IC waveforms, 34
    • interval (1/2-D)Ts with all transistors off, 206
    • interval DTs with transistors T1, T2 in their on state, 206
    • linearizing, 100–106
    • of the switching power-pole, 13
  • push-pull converters, 209
  • R
  • RCD Snubber, 190–198
  • regulated low-voltage dc power supplies, 2
  • renewable energy, 6–7
  • right-hand-plane (RHP) zero in transfer function, 126, 127
  • robotics, power electronics in, 3–4
  • role of power electronics, 2–4
  • S
  • Schottky diodes, 24
  • SCR, See short-circuit-ratio (SCR)
  • self-synchronous motor drives, 237
  • semiconductor devices, 304
  • SEPIC Converters (Single-Ended Primary Inductor Converters), 64
  • series-connected devices, 315
  • short-circuit current, 147
  • short-circuit-ratio (SCR), 147
  • shunt-connected devices, 315
  • SiC-based Schottky diodes, 24
  • silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs), See Thyristors
  • sine-PWM, 268–270
    • hardware results, 271
    • simulation results, 270
  • Simulation
    • flyback converter with snubber, 196
    • flyback converter without snubber, 189
    • forward converter, 201–202
    • full bridge converter, 208
    • in CCM
      • buck converter, 50
      • boost converter, 56
      • buck boost converter, 62
    • in DCM
      • buck converter, 79
      • boost converter, 82
      • buck boost converter, 84
    • peak-current-mode control of buck-boost converter, 119
    • PFC system, 159–169
    • single-phase diode-bridge rectifier, 152
    • single phase inverter, 264
    • synchronous buck converter, 68
    • three-phase diode-bridge rectifier, 155–156
    • three phase inverter
    • voltage-mode control of buck converter, 111
  • Single-Ended Primary Inductor Converters (SEPIC Converters), 64
  • single-phase diode-rectifier bridge, 148–151
    • simulation results, 152
  • single-phase inverters, 261–265
    • hardware results, 265
    • simulation results, 264
  • switching-cycle averaged voltages in, 262
  • switching waveforms associated with, 263
  • single-phase PFCs, 159–162
    • current-control loop, design, 167
    • current division in output stage, 161
    • operating principle, 159–162
    • voltage-control loop, design, 168
  • single-phase thyristors, 289–294
    • current commutation, Ls effect on, 292–294
    • current harmonics, 292
    • full-bridge, 290
    • reactive power requirement, 292
    • waveforms, 290
  • solid-state switches, 305
  • space vector pulse-width-modulation (SV-PWM), 268, 271–279
    • definition of space vectors, 272–274
    • simulation and hardware prototyping, 277–279
    • limit on amplitude Vs, 276–277
  • square-wave waveforms, 280
  • squirrel-cage rotor, 240
  • SSSC, See static synchronous series compensator (SSSC)
  • Static Induction Transistors (SITs), 22
  • static phase angle control, 316–317
  • static synchronous series compensator (SSSC), 316
  • super-conducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), 311
  • sustainable electric energy, power electronics in, 4–8
    • electric-motor driven systems, 4–5
    • energy conservation, 4–5
    • lighting, 5
    • renewable energy, 6–7
    • strategic space and defense applications, 8
    • transportation, 5–6
  • SV-PWM, See space vector pulse-width- modulation (SV-PWM), 274
    • hardware results, 279
    • simulation results, 278
  • switches
    • justifying as ideal, 30
    • switching frequency (fs), 31
    • switching loss, MOSFETs, 28–29
  • switching power-pole, 13–14
    • in a buck DC-DC converter, 14–15
    • in DC steady state, 41–45
      • regulated switch-mode dc power supplies, 42
    • design of/design considerations, 21–35
      • capacitor selection, 32
      • design tradeoffs, 33–34
      • diodes selection, 31–32
    • magnetic components, 32
    • power diodes, 21–22
    • power transistors, 21–22
  • switching frequency, 31
    • thermal design, 32–33
    • transistors selection, 31–32
    • and its duty-ratio control, 253
    • hard-switching in, 223–224
    • harmonics in the output of, 253
    • MOSFET in, 25
    • PWM of, 13
  • switching-cycle-average, 13
  • switch-mode conversion, 12–13
  • switchmode dc power supplies, 185–210, See also forward converters; Full-bridge converters; half-bridge converters; push-pull converters
    • applications of, 185
    • electrical isolation, need for, 186
    • feedback controllers designing in, 97–138, See also individual entry
    • flyback converters, 186–189
    • transformer-isolated dc-dc converters, 186
  • switch-mode dc-dc converters, 41–95
    • bi-directional switching power-pole, 74–75
    • Boost converter switching analysis, 51–57
    • Buck-Boost converter analysis, 57–65
    • Buck converter switching analysis, 46–51
    • Ćuk converters, 64–55
    • DC-DC converters regulation by PWM, 71–72
    • design, 41–95
    • interleaving of converters, 71
    • operating principles, 46
    • SEPIC converters, 64
    • simplifying assumptions, 45–46
    • switching analysis, 41–95
    • switching power-pole in DC steady state, 41–45
    • synchronous-rectified Buck converter, 66–71
    • topology selection, 65
    • worst-case design, 66
  • switch-mode power electronics applications, 231–245
    • in motor drives, 231–245
    • in power systems, 231–245
    • in uninterruptible power supplies, 231–245
    • utility applications of, 244–245
  • synchronous Buck converter with ZVS, 226–228
  • synchronous-rectified Buck converter, 66–71
  • three-phase, Full-Bridge thyristors, 294–300
    • current harmonics, 297
    • Ls effect, 297–298
    • reactive power requirement, 297
  • thyristor-based current-link HVDC transmission systems, 313–314
  • thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC), 316
  • thyristors, 287–301, See also three-phase,
    • Full-Bridge
    • thyristors phase-controlled, 289–294
    • primitive thyristor rectifier circuits, 288–289
    • single-phase, 289–294
  • total harmonic distortion (THD), 140–144, 151
  • transfer characteristic, MOSFETs, 27
  • transformers, 179–182
    • classification of, 186
    • construction, 216
    • equivalent circuits of, 181–182
    • for a forward converter, 221
  • transient inrush currents, avoiding, 156
  • transmission and distribution (T&D) applications, 313–317
    • flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), 314–315
  • transmission and distribution (T&D) applications (continued )
    • high voltage DC (HVDC) transmission, 313
    • series-connected devices, 315
    • thyristor-based current-link HVDC transmission systems, 313–314
  • Transportation, 5–6
  • turn-off characteristic, MOSFETs, 27–28
  • turn-on characteristic, MOSFETs, 26–27
  • two-switch forward converters, 203–204
  • U
  • unified power flow controller (UPFC), 316–317
  • uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), 7–8, 244, 312
  • utility applications of power electronics, 7–8, 303–317
    • categorizing power electronic systems, 305–306
      • current-link systems, 306
      • solid-state switches, 305
      • voltage-link systems, 305–306
    • distributed generation (DG) applications, 306–311, See also individual entry
    • dual-feeders, 312
    • dynamic voltage restorers (DVR), 313
    • semiconductor devices, 304
    • switch-mode power electronics, 244–245
    • transmission and distribution (T&D) applications, 313–317
    • uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), 312
  • utility input rectification using diode rectifiers, 139–157, See also diode rectifiers
    • deleterious effects of harmonic distortion, 146–147
    • displacement power factor (DPF), 144–146
    • distortion, 140–148
    • ‘front-end’ of power electronic systems, 148
    • harmonic guidelines, 146–148
    • poor power factor, 146–148
    • and power factor (PF), 144–146
    • RMS value of distorted current, 140–144
    • short-circuit current, 147
    • total harmonic distortion (THD), 140–144
    • Fourier analysis, obtaining harmonic components by, 142–144
    • transient inrush currents at starting, means to avoid, 156–157
  • utility supply, 147
  • V
  • voltage-link structure, 9–15, 305–306
    • on load side convertor, 9, 11
    • pulse-width modulation (PWM), 13–14
    • switch-mode conversion, 12–13
  • W
  • wind-electric systems, 7, 307–309
    • doubly-fed, wound-rotor induction generators, 307
    • induction generators, directly connected to grid, 307
    • power electronics connected generator, 309
  • Z
  • zero voltage switching (ZVS), 225
    • in MOSFET, 225
    • synchronous buck converter with, 226–228
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