

ACDSee example (customer service), 228–230

Acteva, 296


blogs supported by, 138

daily message statistics, 247

PR versus, 15

revenue statistics, 53

aggregators, micromedia tools for, 186

AideRSS, 293

Alexa, 57, 100, 264

alpha tests, 240–241

Amazon, 30, 219

Anderson, Chris, 13, 40–45, 68, 89, 104, 233, 274

AP Stylebook, 50, 52

Apple, 199

applications, creating, 261

Apprate, 175

“Are You a Sanctimonious PR 2.0 Professional?” (blog post), 141–143

Arrington, Michael, 132, 284

ARS Technica, 58, 234

Ask Blog Search, 117


avoiding the term, 83–85

changing role of, 85–90

audio micromedia tools, 185

authority, measuring, 256–257


BackType, 251, 259

Barefoot, Darren, 279

Bebo, 79

bell curve of product adoption, 223–224

Bensen, Connie, 178, 193, 207

Bernays, Edward, 23–24

Berners-Lee, Tim, 272

Bernoff, Josh, 87

Best Buy, 258

beta tests, 237–238

Binhammer, Richard, 201

Blendtec, 128–129, 295

BlipTV, 126

blog posts

“Are You a Sanctimonious PR 2.0 Professional?,” 142–143

“David Carr Is Lost in a Dream of Yesterday,” 69

“Dissident Voice: Remembering Howard Dean’s 2004 Campaign,” 161

“DIY PR,” 9

“The Four Tenets of the Community Manager,” 207–208

“Goin’ to Camp, Johnson’s Baby Camp,” 98–99

“Have A Coke, Play With Crayons,” 120–121

“Hmmm, Facebook: A New Kind of Press Release,” 170–171

“How to Write a Really Crappy Business Blog,” 139–141

“I’m Sick of Users,” 87–88

“‘Industrial Revolution’ for PR and marketing,” 191

“It’s the Sociology, Not the Technology: How to Be Effective on the Web—Lessons from the Obama Campaign,” 161–162

“Johnson and Johnson ‘Breaks Into Jail’ with BabyCamp,” 98

“The People Formerly Known as the Audience,” 85–86

“Robert Scoble Asks, ‘Is Facebook the New Press Release?,’” 171–173

Skullcandy, 20–22

“SEC To Recognize Corporate Blogs as Public Disclosure. Can We Now Kill the Press Release?,” 285–290

“Six Months in and 600 Posts Later … The Worlds of Blogging and Journalism Collide (in My Brain),” 54

“So You Want to Talk to Mommybloggers…,” 96–97

“Solis Is Right: Avoid Classic Marketing Like the Plague in Social Media,” 158

“Sorry PR People, You’re Blocked,” 40

“This Is Why I Love the Tech Industry,” 129–130

“To Ghost Post, or Not…,” 143–144

“The Top 10 Reasons Why PR Doesn’t Work,” 9

“Web Strategy: How to Be a Corporate Blog Evangelist,” 138

“Why Online Video Is Good for Your Corporate Executives and How to Deploy,” 131–132

Blogged, 78, 293

Blogger, 293

bloggers. See also blogs

embargoes on news releases, 235, 239–245

importance of reaching, 95–96

influence of, 93–95, 231, 234

Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Camp example, 96–100

journalists versus, 94, 238

marketers’ dealings with, code of ethics for, 244–245

opinion of PR industry, 231, 234

pamphleteers compared, 95

ranking, 100–102

relationships with, 94, 102–106

as wire service, 234–237, 148

Bloglines, 257, 292–293

BlogPulse, 100, 117, 217, 255, 267

Blogpulse Conversation, 251

blogs. See also bloggers

advertising support, 138

as citizen journalism, 54–57

code of ethics, 59–64

comments, measuring authority via, 256

corporate blogging

as conversation, 145–148

enabling comments on, 144–145

ghostwriters, 141–144

planning for, 148

tips for, 137–141

micromedia versus, 181

popularity of, 31, 137

as public disclosure method, 283–290

rankings of, 57–58

target demographic in, 69

Technocrati Top 10, 58

traditional journalism versus, 53–54

unique visitor statistics, 234

value of, 64–65, 259

BlogTalkRadio, 298

BlogTV, 134, 297, 258

BMW example (demographics versus psychographics), 226

Boing Boing, 58

Boyd, Stowe, 69, 116


perception management, 249, 258–260

profile aggregation on social networks, 167–170

role of Social Media experts in, 191–195

in Web 2.0, 38

brandstreams (micromedia), 184

breaking news

beta tests, 237–238


embargoes on news releases, 235, 239–245

influence of, 231, 234

as wire service, 234–237

invitations to, 240–241

previous rules for, 231

with Social Media, 241–242

brevity in PR, 70

BrightKite, 79, 295

Brogan, Chris, 72, 178

Business 2.0, 54

business blogging. See corporate blogging

BusinessWire, 113–114, 284

BuzzLogic, 100, 251


calls to action, measuring, 253–254

Cass, John, 141

champions for change, 215–217

changes generated by Social Media, 156

Cisco, 219

citizen journalists, 49

value of, 64

writing style of, 54–57

Claxton, Bill, 178

The Cluetrain Manifesto (Moore), 145, 188, 205, 248

CNN, citizen journalism and, 49

Coca-Cola, 255, 259

SMR example, 118–122

coComment, 292

Cohen, Roger, 162


measuring, 257–258

in Web 2.0, 38–39, 46–47

collaborative service-focused communities, 261

Comcast, 202, 219


enabling on corporate blogs, 144–145

measuring authority via, 256

communications. See also customer service

ACDSee example, 228–230

community managers

contract community managers, 209–210

role of, 206–209

complementary inbound and outbound communications, 204–206, 210–211

Lasswell’s communications model, 189–190

marketing communications, socialization of, 187–191

socialization of, 213–215

sociological principles in, 75–76

with tastemakers, 224–225

thinking like customers, 220–221

tools for, 217–220


ACDSee example, 228–230

building relationships with, 74

customer-focused, 203

engagement, examples of, 260–262

list of, 292–298

tools for engaging, 217–220

community activity, measuring, 260–262

community managers, 217, 278

at ACDSee, 229

contract community managers, 209–210

role of, 206–209

company executives, role in PR, 15–20

Compete, 57, 100, 264

contact methods, determining for individuals, 70–75

contract community managers, 209–210

conversation index (metrics), 249–250

authority, 256–257

calls to action, 253–254

community activity, 260–262

employee collaboration, 257–258

engagement, 254–255

keyword tracking, 250–252

leads and sales, 252–253

perception management, 258–260

relationships, 255

traffic statistics, 252

Conversation Prism, 279–282, 291

conversation workflow, steps in, 281–282

conversational marketing, 187–188

conversations. See also relationships

categories of, 264

corporate blogging as, 145–148

customer service via, 200–202

distributed conversations, 184

importance over technology, 154–155

markets as, 188

in micromedia, 179–181

ownership of, 199–200

participation in, 204–206, 210–211

PR as customer service in, 202–204

relationship development, 90–92

CoreMetrics, 263

corporate blogging

as conversation, 145–148

enabling comments on, 144–145

ghostwriters, 141–144

planning for, 148

tips for, 137–141

The Corporate Blogging Book (Weil), 148

corporate marketing structure, socialization of, 200

Crayon, 118

credibility of PR, regaining, 273–275

Cross, Brian, 33

Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 145

crowdsourcing, 261

cultural voyeurism, 74

participation (in Social Media) versus, 75–78

cultures within social networks, observing, 156–164

customer service

complementary inbound and outbound communications, 204–206, 210–211

via conversations, 200–202

via micromedia, 182–183

outbound customer service

ACDSee example, 228–230

FreshBooks example, 227–228

lobbying for, 215–217

PR role in, 202–204

socialization of, 213–215

customer success stories, compiling, 221

customer-focused communities, 203

customer-focused news releases, 113–114

customers, thinking like, 220–221


Dachis, Jeff, 193

Daily Kos: State of the Nation, 58

DailyMotion, 295

“David Carr Is Lost in a Dream of Yesterday” (blog post), 69

Davis, Lloyd, 279, 79, 298

Dean for America campaign, 161

Dean, Howard, 160

dedicated services for social networks, 169

Defren, Todd, 25, 71, 115, 119, 178

DejaNews, 209

Dell, 159, 183, 201, 219, 259

demographics, psychographics versus, 225–227

dialogue. See conversations

Dickson, Tom, 128

Digg, 79, 251–252, 293

Diigo, 298

disclosure in blogs, 60–63

Disqus, 292

“Dissident Voice: Remembering Howard Dean’s 2004 Campaign” (blog post), 161

distributed conversations, 184

“DIY PR” (blog post), 9

Docstoc, 116, 296

Dopplr, 295

dotcom bust, effect on PR, 27–29

Drudge Report, 234


e-mail blasts, 89

e-pinions, 219

Edgework concept, 12

education initiatives, measuring, 257–258

Edwards, Richard, 291

Eliason, Frank, 202

embargoes on news releases, 235, 239–245

employee collaboration, measuring, 257–258

Empressr, 296

Engadget, 58


examples of, 260–262

importance of, 264

measuring, 254–255, 30

ethics code

for bloggers, 59–64

for journalists, 51–52

for marketers, 244–245

evangelists (ACDSee example), 229–230

Excel, 267

executive team, role in PR, 15–20

Eyejot, 186


Facebook, 79, 117, 166, 168–170, 181, 186, 203, 217, 251–252, 255, 257, 261, 294–295

building relationships on, 174–176

embedded applications in, 174

Facebook Connect, 174

Facebook Wall, as press release, 170–173

“Fail Whale” phenomenon, 218

fan pages, 261

Feedburner, 100, 257

file sharing, micromedia tools for, 185

financial information, methods of public disclosure, 283–290

first impressions, contact methods and, 70–75

Fisher, Zable, 9

Flickr, 79, 116, 126, 175, 257, 298

Foremski, Tom, 115

“The Four Tenets of the Community Manager” (blog post), 207–208

Frank, Joshua, 161

FreshBooks, 159, 227–228

Freud, Sigmund, 24

FriendFeed, 169, 183–184, 186, 217, 294

future of PR, 30, 32–36, 271–272, 275–277

Conversation Prism, 279–282

roles required by, 278–279


GetSatisfaction, 203, 217–218, 261

ghostwriters on corporate blogs, 141–144

Gizmodo, 58

“Goin’ to Camp, Johnson’s Baby Camp” (blog post), 98–99

Google, 168, 209, 256

Google Adsense, 138

Google Alerts, 217, 251, 254, 267, 292

Google Analytics, 263

Google Blogs, 293

Google BlogSearch, 78, 117, 217, 254, 267

Google Docs, 298

Google Groups, 203, 219, 295

Google Reader, 100, 257, 292

Google Urchin, 263

Gooruze, 166

Gray, Louis, 192

“gripe sites,” 259

Gross, Matthew, 160

groups, building, 261


H&R Block, 159, 182, 219

Hanson, Kari, 143

Hardaway, Francine, 71, 178

hashtags, 219

“Have A Coke, Play With Crayons” (blog post), 120–121

Heuer, Chris, 25, 60, 69, 116, 193

hi5, 79, 295

Hilton, Perez, 58, 234

history of PR, 24–25

“Hmmm, Facebook: A New Kind of Press Release” (blog post), 170–171

Holtz, Shel, 116, 193

Home Depot, 159

hosted conversations, 261

“How to Write a Really Crappy Business Blog” (blog post), 139–141

Hsieh, Tony, 183

Hubdub, 293

Huffington Post, 58, 234

Huyse, Kami, 71


“I hate” sites, 259

“I’m Sick of Users” (blog post), 87–88, 58

IceRocket, 292, 178, 181, 185, 218, 294

Iminta, 294

inbound communications, complementing with outbound communications, 204–206, 210–211

“‘Industrial Revolution’ for PR and marketing” (blog post), 191

influence of bloggers, 93–95, 231, 234

influencers, 199

Inside the Tornado (Moore), 145

IntenseDebate, 292

invitations to breaking news, 240–241

iReport, 49

Israel, Shel, 29, 78, 147, 178

“It’s the Sociology, Not the Technology: How to Be Effective on the Web—Lessons from the Obama Campaign” (blog post), 161–162

Ives, Bill, 161


Jaiku, 79, 169, 178, 181, 185–186, 293

JetBlue, 159, 183, 219

Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Camp example (bloggers), 96–100

“Johnson and Johnson ‘Breaks Into Jail’ with BabyCamp” (blog post), 98

Jott, 186, 294

journalists. See also citizen journalists

advertising revenue statistics, 53

bloggers versus, 53–57, 94, 238

code of ethics, 51–52

training of, 50–52

value of blogs, 64–65

Junta42, 166, 297


Kanter, Beth, 291

Kawasaki, Guy, 9

Kelman, Glenn, 9

keyword density, 115

keyword tracking (of conversations), 250–252

keywords for SEO news releases, 114–115

KickApps, 218, 254

Kim, Peter, 193

Kinzler, Jason, 241

Kirkpatrick, Marshall, 193, 233

Kwippy, 218

Kwiry, 186, 294

Kyte, 134, 297


landing pages, 253–254

Lasswell, Harold, 189–190

Lasswell’s communications model, 189–190, 296

leads from news releases, 252–253

Lee, Ivy, 23, 107

Leverage Software, 218, 254

Li, Charlene, 59, 245

Life2Front, 294

Lifehacker, 58, 256, 294

lifestreams (micromedia), 183–184

tools for, 186

LinkedIn, 79, 117, 166, 168, 295

links in SMRs (Social Media Releases), 122

listening, types of, 75

livecasting, 134

livestreams, 260

lobbying for outbound customer service, 215–217

The Long Tail (Anderson), 13, 68

Lurie, Ian, 139


Madelt, 296

magic middle (bloggers), 101, 126, 260, 296

Mahn, Rick, 72, 166

market segments, demographics versus psychographics, 225–227

marketers, code of ethics for dealing with bloggers, 244–245

marketing, as participation in conversations, 204–206, 210–211

marketing communications

defined, 187

socialization of, 187–191


as conversations, 188

traditional definition of, 188

MarketWire, 114, 284

Markoff, John, 271

Mashable, 58, 234

mashup applications, 261

McClure, Dave, 10

McDerment, Michael, 227

Mead, Margaret, 159

media snackers, 178

membership, measuring, 260–262

message broadcasting, adding storytelling to, 221–224


avoiding the term, 83–85

changing approach to, 88–92

Metacafe, 126

metrics, 19, 247–249

conversation index, 249–250

authority, 256–257

calls to action, 253–254

community activity, 260–262

employee collaboration, 257–258

engagement, 254–255

keyword tracking, 250–252

leads and sales, 252–253

perception management, 258–260

relationships, 255

traffic statistics, 252

daily advertising statistics, 247

offsite analytics tools, 263–264

steps for measuring success, 264–267

traditional metrics, 248

Web analytics tools, 262–263

micromedia, 70, 177, 218–219

blogging versus, 181

conversations in, 179–181

customer service usage of, 182–183

media snackers, 178

quality in, importance of, 181–182

searching, 251

streams and, 183–184

tiring of, 178

tools for, 185–186

Microsoft, 147

Millennials generation, 178

MillionsOfUs, 118

MindTouch, 297

Mixx, 293

mobile phones, micromedia tools for, 186

mobilecasting, 134

Mogulus, 134, 260, 298, 294

Monty, Scott, 193

Moore, Geoffrey, 145

Morrissey, Brian, 193

Moveable Type, 293

Mufin, 297

MyBlogLog, 293

MySpace, 79, 169, 251, 261, 295


Naked Conversations (Scoble and Israel), 147

Narain, Greg, 192

Neilsen BuzzMetrics, 251

Netvibes, 292

news releases, 107. See also breaking news

customer-focused news releases, 113–114

embargoes on, 235, 239–245

evolution of, 23, 111–112

Facebook Wall as, 170–173

formats for, 111–112

leads and sales from, 252–253

principles for writing, 112

SEO news releases, 114–115

SMRs compared, 117

SMRs (Social Media Releases), 25

Coca-Cola example, 118–122

described, 115–117

links needed in, 122

what they are not, 117–118

template for, 108–110

traditional format of, 107–108, 113

VNRs (Video News Releases)

Social Media and, 126–133

terminology of, 133–134

tips for creating, 134–135

traditional format of, 125–126

newspapers, advertising revenue statistics, 53

Newsvine, 293

Nielsen NetRatings, 263

Ning, 79, 166, 203, 217–218, 254, 295


O’Reilly Media, 37

O’Reilly, Tim, 29, 37, 245

Obama campaign, 161–163

Oberkirch, Brian, 12


observer as participant, 76

of social network cultures, 156–160, 163–164

presidential politics example, 160–163

types of, 75

ODEO, 297

offsite analytics tools, 263–264

Ominiture, 263

one-on-one relationships. See relationships

online advertising revenue statistics, 53

online video. See VNRs (Video News Releases)

online video channels, 260

organizational roles of Social Media experts, 191–195

outbound communications, complementing with inbound communications, 204–206, 210–211

outbound customer service

ACDSee example, 228–230

FreshBooks example, 227–228

lobbying for, 215–217

ownership of conversations, 199–200

Owyang, Jeremiah, 11, 130–132, 177–178, 207


page rankings in search engines, 256

PageRank (Google), 256

Paine, K. D., 248

pamphleteers, bloggers compared, 95

Pandora, 296

Parmet, David, 72

participant observation, 159


cultural voyeurism versus, 75–78

marketing as, 204–206, 210–211

measuring, 257–258

as personal branding, 167–170

PBWiki, 297

“The People Formerly Known as the Audience” (blog post), 85–86

perception management, 258–260

perception of brands, 249, 58, 234

personal branding on social networks, 167–170

Pheedo, 257, 294, 294

Pinger, 186

PitchEngine, 241

pitching messages

avoiding the term, 83–85

changing approach to, 88–92

planning for corporate blogging, 148

Plaxo, 166, 168, 295

Plurk, 178, 181, 185, 218, 251, 256, 293

PR (public relations). See also PR 2.0

advertising versus, 15

benefits of, 7

bloggers’ opinion of, 231, 234

brevity in, 70

company executives, role of, 15–20

customer service role of, 202–204

dotcom bust, effect of, 27–29

future of, 30, 32–36, 271–272, 275–277

Conversation Prism, 279–282

roles required by, 278–279

history of, 24–25

metrics, 19, 247–249

conversation index, 249–262

daily advertising statistics, 247

offsite analytics tools, 263–264

steps for measuring success, 264–267

traditional metrics, 248

Web analytics tools, 262–263

PR people

response to PR skepticism, 26–27

role of, 12–14

regaining credibility of, 273–275

shortcomings of, 8–12

skepticism toward, 25–27

PR 2.0. See also Social Media; Web 2.0

collaboration in, 38–39, 46–47

emergence of, 29–30

as future of PR, 30–36

future “versions” of, 273

goals of, 41–46

influence of Web 2.0 on, 41–46

relationship strategies, 69–70

contact methods, determining for individuals, 70–75

participation versus cultural voyeurism, 75–78

relationships, importance of, 78–80

“PR 2.0: Dead as a Doornail, or Still Alive?” (Web 2.0 Expo panel), 32

PR 2.0, New Media, New Tools, New Audiences (Breakenridge), 33

presidential politics example (observing social network cultures), 160–163

press releases, 107. See also breaking news

customer-focused news releases, 113–114

embargoes on, 235, 239–245

evolution of, 23, 111–112

Facebook Wall as, 170–173

formats for, 111–112

leads and sales from, 252–253

principles for writing, 112

SEO news releases, 114–115

SMRs compared, 117

SMRs (Social Media Releases), 25

Coca-Cola example, 118–122

described, 115–117

links needed in, 122

what they are not, 117–118

template for, 108–110

traditional format of, 107–108, 113

VNRs (Video News Releases)

Social Media and, 126–133

terminology of, 133–134

tips for creating, 134–135

traditional format of, 125–126

Preston, Jason, 157

print advertising revenue statistics, 53

private beta, 240–241

PRNewswire, 113–114, 284

ProBlogger, 58, 148

product adoption bell curve, 223–224

Profilactic, 294

profile aggregation on social networks, 167–170

Pryor, Lenn, 147

psychographics, demographics versus, 225–227

public disclosure of information, methods of, 283–290

public relations. See PR (public relations); PR 2.0


Qik, 134, 297

Quantcast, 264

Radian6, 100, 251, 292

“The Ramp” (BMW psychographics example), 226

Rampenfest, 226

ranking bloggers, 57–58, 100–102

ReadWriteWeb, 58

Reddit, 293

registrations, measuring, 260–262

Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure), 283–290

relationships. See also conversations

bloggers, relationships with, 94, 102–106


via conversations, 90–92

on social networks, 174–176

community managers, role of, 206–209

importance of, 41–45, 67–69, 78–80, 282

measuring, 255

strategies for, 69–70

contact methods, determining for individuals, 70–75

participation versus cultural voyeurism, 75–78

reporters. See citizen journalists; journalists

Revver, 126, 129

rewards, offering, 260

“Robert Scoble Asks, ‘Is Facebook the New Press Release?’” (blog post), 171–173

ROI (return on investment). See metrics

roles in future of PR, 278–279

Rosen, Jay, 35, 85

RSS feeds, measuring authority via, 257

Rubel, Steve, 182, 233


sales from news releases, 252–253

Sanders, Steve, 29

Schonfeld, Erick, 54, 284

Schultz, Deborah, 193, 279

Scoble, Maryam Ghaemmaghami, 98

Scoble, Robert, 70–73, 97, 129, 132, 147, 170, 232, 235, 279

screencasting, 134

scribd, 296

search engine optimized news releases, 114–115

SMRs compared, 117

search engines, page rankings in, 256, 259


micromedia, 251

social networks, 251

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 283–290

“SEC To Recognize Corporate Blogs as Public Disclosure. Can We Now Kill the Press Release?” (blog post), 285–290

Second Life, 118

Seesmic, 181, 185, 294

Semantic Web, 271–272

SEO news releases, 114–115

SMRs compared, 117

SezWho, 292

Sifry, David, 101

“Six Months in and 600 Posts Later … The Worlds of Blogging and Journalism Collide (in My Brain)” (blog post), 54

skills needed in future PR, 275–277

Skullcandy example, 20–22

SMRs (Social Media Releases), 25

Coca-Cola example, 118–122

described, 115–117

links needed in, 122

what they are not, 117–118

SmugMug, 298

“So You Want to Talk to Mommybloggers…” (blog post), 96–97

Social Media. See also blogs; conversations; PR 2.0; Web 2.0

ACDSee example, 228–230

breaking news with, 241–242

changes generated by, 156

collaboration in, 38–39, 46–47

company executives’ participation in, 17–19

effect on PR, 31

list of communities, 292–298

metrics, 19, 247–249

conversation index, 249–262

daily advertising statistics, 247

offsite analytics tools, 263–264

steps for measuring success, 264–267

traditional metrics, 248

Web analytics tools, 262–263

micromedia, 70, 177, 218–219

blogging versus, 181

conversations in, 179–181

customer service usage of, 182–183

media snackers, 178

quality in, importance of, 181–182

searching, 251

streams and, 183–184

tiring of, 178

tools for, 185–186

participation in, cultural voyeurism versus, 75–78

Skullcandy example, 20–22

thinking like customers, 220–221

tools for, 217–220

VNRs (Video News Releases) and, 126–133

Social Media Club, 60–64

Social Media Ecosystem, 279

Social Media experts, role in organizations, 191–195

“Social Media Is About Sociology and Not Technology” (article), 75

Social Media marketing, 187–189

Social Media Releases (SMRs), 25

Coca-Cola example, 118–122

described, 115–117

links needed in, 122

template for SMR, 109–110

what they are not, 117–118

Social Media Snowflake, 279

Social Media Starfish, 279

social networks. See also names of specific social networks (e.g. Facebook)

building relationships on, 174–176

defined, 79

Facebook Wall, as press release, 170–173

growth of, 166–167

observing cultures within, 156–160, 163–164

presidential politics example, 160–163

profile aggregation on, 167–170

searching, 251

SMRs. See SMRs

targeting people via, 173–174

Social Web roadmap, 291–298


of communications, 213–215

of corporate marketing structure, 200

of customer service, 213–215

of marketing communications, 187–191

Socializr, 296, 166

SocialThing, 169, 256

Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethics, 51–52

sociological principles in communications, 75–76

sociological research, types of, 77


importance over technology, 154–155

presidential politics example, 160–163

of social networks, observing, 156–160, 163–164

Solis, Brian, 60

“Solis Is Right: Avoid Classic Marketing Like the Plague in Social Media” (blog post), 158

“Sorry PR People, You’re Blocked” (blog post), 40

Southwest Airlines, 159, 183, 253, 255

SPJ (Society of Professional Journalists) Code of Ethics, 51–52

standards. See ethics code, 29

storytelling, adding to message broadcasting, 221–224

streams (micromedia), 183–184

StumbleUpon, 252, 298

success, measuring. See metrics

“sucks” sites, 259, 182

Swurl, 184, 186, 256


Tangler, 292

Target, 259

target demographic, represented in blogs, 69

targeted e-mail blasts, 89

tastemakers, 224–225

Teachout, Zephyr, 160

TechCrunch, 54, 58, 101, 132, 234, 284

Techmeme, 11, 113

technology, conversations’ importance over, 154–155

Technorati, 57, 78, 100, 117, 217, 254, 256–257, 267, 292–293

templates for news releases, 108–110

terminology, avoiding traditional, 83–85

text messages, micromedia tools for, 185

“This Is Why I Love the Tech Industry” (blog post), 129–130

ThisNext, 203

Thomas, Jesse, 280, 291

TMZ, 58

“To Ghost Post, or Not…” (blog post), 143–144


for communications, 217–220

for keyword conversation tracking, 251–252

for micromedia, 185–186

offsite analytics, 263–264

Web analytics, 262–263

“The Top 10 Reasons Why PR Doesn’t Work” (blog post), 9

Top Friends, 175

Toys ‘R’ Us, 259

tracking conversations. See conversation index (metrics)

traditional journalism. See journalism

traditional metrics, 248

traditional PR terminology, avoiding, 83–85

traffic statistics, measuring, 252

Trapani, Gina, 89, 233

Tripit, 295

Trippi, Joe, 160

Tumblr, 169, 178–179, 181, 185, 256, 293, 182

12Seconds, 186, 294

twemes, 259

TWiki, 297

Twitter, 69–70, 79, 178–185, 217–219, 255–257, 259, 293

Twitter Search, 267

Twitxr, 185


UGC (user-generated content), 31

Upcoming, 175, 252

USA Today, 159

user-generated content (UGC), 31

users, avoiding the term, 83–88

Ustream, 134, 260, 298

Utterz, 79, 181, 186, 293


Veodia, 134, 260

Veoh, 126

Vest, Erin Kotecki, 96

Viddler, 116, 126, 260, 295

video micromedia tools, 185

Video News Releases (VNRs)

Social Media and, 126–133

terminology of, 133–134

tips for creating, 134–135

traditional format of, 125–126

Vimeo, 295

viral marketing, 128

virtual worlds, 261

VNRs (Video News Releases)

Social Media and, 126–133

terminology of, 133–134

tips for creating, 134–135

traditional format of, 125–126


Wal-Mart Stores, 259

“We Are the People Formerly Known as the Audience” (essay), 35

Web, emergence of PR 2.0, 29–30

Web 1.0, Web 2.0 versus, 284

Web 2.0. See also PR 2.0; Social Media

collaboration in, 38–39, 46–47

influence on PR 2.0, 41–46

origin of term, 37

Web 1.0 versus, 284

Web 3.0, 271–272

Web analytics tools, 262–263

Web sites, as pulic disclosure method, 283–290

“Web Strategy: How to Be a Corporate Blog Evangelist” (blog post), 138

Weil, Debbie, 148

Weinberger, David, 248

Wells, Kristie, 60

WetPaint, 297

Whitley, Shannon, 116

Whole Foods Market, 259

“Why Online Video Is Good for Your Corporate Executives and How to Deploy” (blog post), 131–132

widgets, creating, 261

Wilson, Andy, 130

Wine Library, 159

wire services, bloggers as, 234–237

WOMMA (Word of Mouth Marketing Association), 244, 296

Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA), 244

WordPress, 293

Wright, George, 128


Xerox, 259

Yacktrack, 117

Yahoo!, 209

Yahoo! Groups, 30, 203, 219, 295

Yelp, 295

YouTube, 79, 116, 133, 251, 257, 260, 295

Zappos, 159, 219, 255

Zuckerberg, Mark, 166

Zvents, 296

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