

Ad Age Power150, 81

Advertising Value Equivalents (AVEs), 118

Ahatova, Bagila, 1

Air Force Response Chart, 77

Alltop, 81

Alterian, 85

Altimeter Group, 42

American Express, 108

analytics (website), 43-44. See also Relationship Analyzer

anticipating situations and responses, 79-80

The Archivist, 93

Armano, David, 47

assembling Core Team, 12-14

attitude, 137

Audience Profile, developing, 89-91

AVEs (Advertising Value Equivalents), 118


Baer, Jay, 63-65

Bailey Gardiner, 64

Ballard-Reisch, Deborah, 1

Barcelona Principles, 118

Bellamkonda, Shashi, 68, 69

benchmarks, 27

Best Buy, 152

best practices

for Change Agent, 142-144

for COMMS (Communications) Organizer, 66-69

for Internal Collaboration Generator, 34-35

for Master of the Metrics, 129-132

for PR Influencers, 138-140, 142-144

for PR Technology Tester, 51-53

for Pre-Crisis Doctor, 82-86

for Relationship Analyzer, 97-101

for Reputation Task Force Manager, 114-116

blog platforms, 48-49

bloggers, building relationships with, 80-81

Blue Key Campaign (UNHCR), 130-131

BP oil spill, 79

Brand Champions, 83, 92

brand reputation. See reputation brand sentiment. See sentiment

Brandsphere, 144

Brass Tack Thinking (Naslund), 113

Brito, Michael, 32-33

Brogan, Chris, 47, 138-140

Burke, Shonali, 129=-132

BusinessWire, 50


Cashmore, Pete, 147

Casual Friends, 92

Chaddock, Leon, 111-112

Change Agent, 135, 140

best practices, 142-144

Change Agent checklist, 144-145

responsibilities, 135-136

change talker and motivator, 140-141

change thinker and visualizer, 140

complex change activator, 141

simple change activator, 141

True Change Agent, 141-142

role of, 134-135

change management, 26

change talker and motivator, 140-141

change thinker and visualizer, 140

Channel Managers, 83

Charles Schwab, 69


comment response charts, creating, 76-78

Social Media Crisis Org Chart, creating, 74-76


Change Agent checklist, 144-145

COMM Organizer checklist, 69-70

Internal Collaboration Generator checklist, 35-36

Master of the Metrics checklist, 133

PR Influencer checklist, 144-145

PR Technology Tester checklist, 53

Pre-Crisis Doctor checklist, 86

Relationship Analyzer checklist, 102

Reputation Task Force Member checklist, 116-117

social media policy checklist, 22

choosing metrics, 99-100

circles (Google+), 47

Clicky, 43

CMS (Content Management Systems), 48-49

coalitions, building, 26

Cole, Kenneth, 85, 104

collaboration and web presentations, 31

collaborative social media platforms, 46-48

@ComcastCares, 79

comment response charts, creating, 76-78

COMMS (Communications) Organizer

best practices, 66-69

COMM Organizer checklist, 69-70

company monitoring, 58-59

content, developing, 59-62

customer intelligence, 58-59

definition of, 3

responsibilities, 55-58

role of, 54-55, 154

social media playbook, developing, 63-65

Social Media Purpose Brief, creating, 65-66

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 56-57

Universal Calendar System, creating, 62


collaboration and web presentations, 31

document sharing and project management, 30-31

Enterprise 2.0 collaboration and innovation, 31-32

internal sharing, 28

level of sharing, selecting, 28-30, 32-34

Communications Organizer. See COMMS (Communications) Organizer

community culture, building relationships based on, 93-97

Facebook relationship boosters, 94-95

Google+ relationship booster, 96-97

Twitter relationship boosters, 95

company monitoring, 58-59

complex change activator, 141

compliance to policy, measuring, 16-19

content, developing, 59-62

Content Management Systems (CMS), 48-49

conversation buckets, 76, 77-78

The Conversation Prism, 42

Convince & Convert, 63

Core Team, assembling, 12-14

core values, helping stakeholders to understand, 108-109

Crisis level of escalation, 75

crisis management. See Pre-Crisis Doctor

Crisis Org Chart, creating, 74-76

Crisis Team, 83

crowdsourcing, 61, 69

CRT/tanaka, 67

culture, building relationships based on, 93-97

Facebook relationship boosters, 94-95

Google+ relationship booster, 96-97

Twitter relationship boosters, 95

customer intelligence, 58-59

Cyber PR process, 34


Dell, 68, 96

Dell, Michael, 96


Audience Profile, 89-91

content, 59-62

policy, 9-12

social media playbook, 63-65

Direct Connect (Google+), 97

direction/growth analysis, 91-93

document sharing, 30-31

Dominos Pizza, 79, 103-104, 152

Doyle, Patrick, 104

Drupal, 49

Dunn, Brian, 152


Ecomagination initiative (GE), 61

Edelman Digital, 32

employees, social media policy for, 83

The End of Business As Usual (Solis), 142

Engagement phase (metrics), 127-129

Enterprise 2.0 collaboration and innovation, 31-32

escalation, levels of, 75-76

Evans, Sarah, 82-86

Evernote, 47

executives, measuring social media ROI for, 121-124


Facebook Insights, 93

Facebook relationship boosters, 94-95

Falls, Jason, 46

FastLane blog (GM), 122

First Amendment rights, 20-21

Flagler College, 66

friends. See relationships

future of PR and social media, 146-152


General Electric (GE) Ecomagination initiative, 61

General Motors (GM) FastLane blog, 122

GigaOm, 47

Gingrich, Newt, 97

Giver and Taker Friendship, 92

Givers, 92

giving spirit, 137

GoingUp, 43

Google Alerts, 85

Google Analytics, 43, 100, 131-132

Google+, 47, 52, 96-97

growth analysis, 91-93

Guidelines for Engagement, creating, 15


hangouts (Google+), 47, 96-97

#HAPPO, 127

helping stakeholders understand brand’s core values, 108-109

Hidden Startup, 113

Hilfer, Kyle-Beth, 19-22

human face, building, 106-108

Hyatt, Ariel, 34-35

Hybrid Professional, 151


IBM, 107

identify, evaluate, test (IET) process, 81-82

in-depth knowledge, 136

industry expertise, 136


advice and best practices, 138-140

characteristics of, 136-137

definition of, 45

importance of, 134-135

influence tools, 44-46

predicting, 45-46

what influence is NOT, 137-138

Influencer. See PR Influencer

Inform phase (metrics), 126

Inspire phase (metrics), 126-127

Intel, 108

Internal Collaboration Generator

best practices, 34-35

collaboration and web presentations, 31

definition of, 3

document sharing and project management, 30-31

Enterprise 2.0 collaboration and innovation, 31-32

Internal Collaboration Generator checklist, 35-36

level of sharing, selecting, 28-30, 32-34

responsibilities, 25-28

role of, 23-25, 153

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 23-24

internal sharing, 28


JESS3, 42

Joomla, 49


Kintzler, Jason, 51-53

Klout, 45, 81

knowledge, 136

Kodak social media policy, 9


legal counsel, involving in social media policy development, 21

legal issues, 19-22

legislation, NLRA (National Labor Relations Act), 20

level of sharing, selecting, 28-30, 32-34

levels of escalation, 75-76

Lithium, 85

Livingston, Geoff, 69

Lutz, Bob, 122


Maltoni, Valeria, 47

Marketwire, 50, 47

Master of the Metrics

best practices, 129-132

common mistakes, 129-130

definition of, 4

Master of the Metrics checklist, 133

responsibilities, 120-121

Engagement phase, 127-129

Inform phase, 126

Inspire phase, 126-127

measuring social media ROI, 121-124

six-step metrics process, 124-126

role of, 118-120, 155-156

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 119-120

Measure What Matters (Paine), 119

measuring. See also Master of the Metrics

IET (identify, evaluate, test) process, 81-82

measurement tools, 41-43


choosing, 99-100

Engagement phase, 127-129

Inform phase, 126

Inspire phase, 126-127

six-step metrics process, 124-126

policy compliance, 16-19

reputation, 123

sentiment, 109-112, 123

social media ROI (Return on Investment), 121-124

website analytics and measurement, 43-44

media relationships, building, 80-81

Mention Mapp, 92-93

metrics. See Master of the Metrics; measuring.

mindset (PR), 6-7

mistakes of PR professionals, 129-130

Momorella, Steve, 97-101


company monitoring, 58-59

crises, 85-86

sentiment, 109-112

monitoring tools, 41-43

motivation, 136

Munroe Regional Medical Center, 17

Musk, Daria, 96-97


Naslund, Amber, 113-114

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 20

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 20

Negative Situation level of escalation, 75

Network Solutions, 67

new PR mindset, 6-7

news wires, 49-50

The Next Web, 47

No Threat level of escalation, 75

The Now Revolution (Baer and Naslund), 63, 113


Omniture, 43

Owyang, Jeremiah, 47


Paine, Katie, 119

passion, 136-137

Peer Index, 81

Pending Crisis level of escalation, 75

Pending Situation level of escalation, 75

phases of sharing

collaboration and web presentations, 31

document sharing and project management, 30-31

Enterprise 2.0 collaboration and innovation, 31-32

PitchEngine, 51


blog platforms, 48-49

CMS (Content Management Systems), 48-49

collaborative social media platforms, 46-48

social media release platforms, 49-50

playbook, developing, 63-65

policy. See social media policy

Policymaker. See PR Policymaker

Posterous, 49

PR, future of, 146-152

PR Influencer

advice and best practices, 138-140

behaviors to avoid, 137-138

best practices, 142-144

characteristics of, 136-137

PR Influencer checklist, 144-145

responsibilities, 135-136

role of, 134-135

PR Policymaker

advice from marketing, advertising, and new media attorney, 19-22

definition of, 2

responsibilities, 9

assembly of Core Team, 12-14

communication, 16-19

measurement of policy compliance, 16-19

preparation for policy development, 9-12

research and policy writing, 14-16

role of, 8-10, 153

social media policy checklist, 22

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 9-10

PR Technology Tester

best practices, 51-53

blog platforms, 48-49

CMS (Content Management Systems), 48-49

collaborative social media platforms, 46-48

definition of, 3

news wires, 49-50

PR Technology Tester checklist, 53

responsibilities, 39-41

role of, 37-39, 153

social media influence tools, 44-46

social media monitoring and measurement tools, 41-43

social media release platforms, 49-50

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 37

website analytics and measurement, 43-44

Pre-Crisis Doctor

best practices, 82-86

definition of, 3-4

Pre-Crisis Doctor checklist, 86

responsibilities, 72-74

anticipating situations and responses, 79-80

bloggers, building relationships with, 80-81

comment response charts, creating, 76-78

IET (identify, evaluate, test) process, 81-82

Social Media Crisis Org Chart, creating, 74-76

timeframe for social media crisis, managing, 84

role of, 71-72, 154

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 72-73

predicting influence, 45-46

profiles, Audience Profile, 89-91

project management, 30-31

Provenza, Joseph, 66

PRWeb, 50

purpose brief, creating, 65-66


Radian6, 85

Ragan, Mark, 114-116

Ragan Communication, 114

Ramesh, Priya, 66-69

reach, 45

ReadWriteWeb, 47

Red Cross, 85-86

Reinvigorate, 43

Relationship Analyzer

best practices, 97-101

definition of, 4

Relationship Analyzer checklist, 102

Relationship Stairway, 91-93

relationships, building based on community culture, 93-97

Facebook relationship boosters, 94-95

Google+ relationship booster, 96-97

Twitter relationship boosters, 95

responsibilities, 89

Audience Profile development, 89-91

direction/growth analysis, 91-93

relationship building, 93-97

role of, 87-89, 154

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 88

Relationship Stairway, 91-93


Audience Profile, developing, 89-91

with bloggers, building, 80-81

building based on community culture, 93-97

Facebook relationship boosters, 94-95

Google+ relationship booster, 96-97

Twitter relationship boosters, 95

direction/growth analysis, 91-93

Relationship Stairway, 91-93

release platforms, 49-50

relevance, 45

reputation. See also Reputation Task Force Member

helping stakeholders understand brand’s core values, 108-109

human face, building, 106-108

importance of, 105

measuring, 123

Reputation Task Force Member

best practices, 114-116

definition of, 4

Reputation Task Force Member checklist, 116-117

responsibilities, 106

building human face, 106-108

growing Reputation Task Force Team, 112-114

helping stakeholders understanding brand’s core values, 108-109

monitoring and measuring sentiment, 109-112

role of, 103-106, 155

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 105

Reputation Task Force Team, growing, 112-114

researching policy, 14-16

resonance, 45

responses, anticipating, 79-80

Return on Investment (ROI), measuring, 121-124

Robertson, Mike, 17

ROI (Return on Investment), measuring, 121-124

Rules of Engagement, 13


Samoilenko, Sergei, 1SAS, 108

Schick, Jeff, 107

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 42


measuring, 109-112, 123

monitoring, 109-112

Sentiment Metrics, 111-112

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), 42

Sevan’s Strategy, 82

“share” book, developing, 63-65

Share of Voice (SOV), 42, 123


collaboration and web presentations, 31

document sharing and project management, 30-31

Enterprise 2.0 collaboration and innovation, 31-32

internal sharing, 28

level of sharing, selecting, 28-30, 32-34

social media playbook, developing, 63-65

Universal Calendar System, creating, 62

Shatner, William, 97

Shockeley-Zalaback, Pamela, 1

Shonali Burke Consulting, 129

Simon, Valerie Merahn, 127-128

simple change activator, 141

SimpleNote, 47

situations, anticipating, 79-80

six-step metrics process, 124-126

Skaletsky, Derek, 45-46

Smart Business, Social Business (Brito), 32

Smith, Kevin, 116

SMR (Social Media Release), 50

Social Crisis Response Matrix, 85

Social Media Crisis Org Chart, creating, 74-76

social media, future of, 146-152

social media influence tools, 44-46

social media playbook, developing, 63-65

social media policy. See also PR Policymaker

advice from marketing, advertising, and new media attorney, 19-22

communicating, 16-19

Core Team, assembling, 12-14

and first amendment rights, 20-21

Kodak, 9

measuring policy compliance, 16-19

preparing for policy development, 9-12

researching, 14-16

social media policy checklist, 22

writing, 14-16

Social Media Purpose Brief, creating, 65-66

social media release platforms, 49-50

Social Media Release (SMR), 50

social media ROI (Return on Investment), measuring, 121-124

Social Media Strategy Wheel, 5, 157

COMMS (Communications) Organizer, 56-57

Internal Collaboration Generator, 23-24

Master of the Metrics, 119-120

PR Policymaker, 9-10

PR Technology Tester, 37

Pre-Crisis Doctor, 72-73

Relationship Analyzer, 88

Reputation Task Force Member, 105

SocialMention, 85

Solis, Brian, 42, 47, 142-144

SOV (Share of Voice), 42, 123

Sparks (Google+), 47

SpringPad, 47

stakeholders, helping to understand brand’s core values, 108-109

Starbucks, 61


Taker with Good Info, 92


Core Team, assembling, 12-14

Reputation Task Force Team, growing, 112-114

TechCrunch, 47

Technographics Ladder, 150

Technology Tester. See PR Technology Tester


Thomas, Jesse, 42

timeframe for social media crisis, 84


social media influence tools, 44-46

social media monitoring and measurement tools, 41-43

website analytics and measurement, 43-44

Topsy, 85

Touch Graph, 93

Traackr, 45-46

tracking URLs, 131-132

True Change Agent, 141-142

trust, 136

Trusted Confidantes, 92

TweetReach, 93

TweetStats, 93

Twenty Feet, 93

Twiangulate, 93

Twitalyzer, 45, 81

Twitter, 51, 95


UNHCR Blue Key Campaign, 130-131

Universal Calendar System, creating, 62

universal sharing, COMMS Organizer, 62

URLs, tracking, 131-132

US Airways, 74


Vignette, 49

Viral Heat, 85

Virgin, 108


web presentations, 31

website analytics and measurement, 43-44

WebTrends, 43

Whole Foods, 108

WhoTweetedMe, 93

winning attitude, 137

WordPress, 49

writing policy, 14-16

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