

Abrams, Jonathon, 125

Accenture, interactive newsrooms, 95–97

accurate information, 60

Adams, Scott, 170

Adverb Media, 244–245

analyzing social networks, 136

Anderson, Tom, 126

AOL (America Online)

interactive newsrooms, 98–99

video, 162


iPod, 165

video, 164

Art eXposed, 207–208

ASCO Power Technologies, 253–256

ASCO Power University, 253–256

Associated Press (AP), news releases, 104

Astroturfing, 23

audiences, reaching through social networking, 124–126


B2B, 76, 175, 199

B2C, 114, 175, 199

Baby Boomers, social media, 188

Bang, 4

Barger, Richard, 43

Barrett, Bill, 146–147

Belzer, Doug, 189

Bernays, Edward, 61

Billings, Mike, 43

Birkhahn, Ted, 174

video, 174–182

Blair Witch Project, 23

blog tracking by consumer brands, 80, 212

blogging, 266

leaders of, 126–127

QualityTech, 251

Quigley, Jane, 215

social networking, 126

TalkBMC, 209–210

blogs, 62–63

monitoring, 75

value of, 265

versus discussion forums, 80

BMC Software Inc., 207

TalkBMC, 209–210

Brand Audit, 34

brands, 269–270

blog tracking by, 80

Bray, Tim, 126

Breck shampoo, 22

Bremer, John, 45–46

Brodeur, Thom (social media), 196–203

Brooks, Mark, 124

budgets, Internet, 41–42

Bugasch, Vanessa, 33, 61

Bulldog Reporter’s Media List Builder, 43

Business Wire, Smart News Release, 111


calendars, editorial calendars, 63–64

Capital One, email, 189

Caplan, Jeremy, 228

opinions on social media, 233–240

Ce De Candy, Smarties, 23

Chu, Jeffrey, 231–233

CiscionPoint, 61

Cisco Systems

video, 167–171, 173–174

YouTube, 172

Cisco TV, 168

Cision, 32–37, 130–131

clipping services, 72

Cluetrain Manifesto, 128

Coe, Kate, 66

communicating direct to consumer, 14


based on consumer behavior, 188–190

monitoring, 83–84

two-way communication, PR 1.0, 17

companies, deciding what to monitor, 78

Conrads, Randal, 130


communication based on consumer behavior, 188–190

preferences, 190–191

social media, 187–188

contacts, media contacts, 57


evaluating, 77–78

marketing, 210–211

CornerBarPR, 43

Courier News, 68

Cross, Brian, 9, 270–272

future of PR 2.0, 268–269

Cunningham, Ward, 191


data collection process, 37

deadlines, giving information that can help meet deadlines, 60–61

Defren, Todd, 26

Delahaye, monitoring, 78–82

Delea, Scott, 244–245

Deloitte, 146

RSS feeds, measuring, 147

DiCarlo, Lisa, 58

digital photography, 262

DigitalGrit, 245

social media, 213–216

Dillon, Mike, 127

direct-to-consumer distribution, 124

discussion forums, versus blogs, 80

dot-com implosion, 15


e-blasts, 24–26

e-mail, 63, 189, 238

e-newsletters, 19–22

Early Adopters, 4

B2C, 199

Early Majority, 4

EdCals (PR Newswire), 64

Edelman, 117

editorial calendars, 63–64

editorial coverage, PR 1.0, 18, 124, 188

EON service (Enhanced Online News Service), 111–117

Eternity II, 246–249

evaluating conversations, 77–78

eWatch (PR Newswire), 74–77


Facebook, 126, 214, 245

Quigley, Jane, 216

TOMY International, 248

FAS.research, 131–133

Fast Company, 189, 231

feed readers, 145

Final Cut Pro, 164

finding research partners, 44–46

Firefox Web browser, 133

Flash, 164

Foote, Andrew, 174

video, 174–182

Ford Motor Company, interactive newsrooms, 97–98

Foremski, Tom, 26, 103, 106

forums, versus blogs, 80

free content on the Internet, 193

Friendster, 125

frustrations with PR 2.0, 264


Gen X, social media, 188

Gen Y, social media, 188

Gibson, Jeanette (video), 167–171, 173–174

Gladwell, Malcolm, 136

Gomes, Phil, 117

opinions on social media templates, 117–119

Google, 165, 162

Google reader, 233

Gorenflo, Neal (social networking), 132–140

GotMarketing, 21

Granat, Peter, 33, 36, 61

Grzella, Paul, 68

Gurle, David, 189


Harris Interactive, 44–45

The Harris Poll, 44

help, research help, 61

Henry, Gordon, 244

Heuer, Chris, 26

HighBeam, 32

Holland, Anne, 228–231

Holtz, Shel, 26

HRO Today, 65

human interaction, 62–63

Human Network, 170


iContact, 21

IM (instant messaging), 230

influencers, 72

advice from

Chu, Jeffrey, 231–233

Holland, Anne, 228–231

giving what they want

accurate information, 60

information to help me deadlines, 60–61

novel information, 60

timely information, 59–60

informality, 271


accurate information, 60

giving info that can help meet deadlines, 60–61

novel information, 60

timely information, 59–60

Innovators, 3

interactive newsrooms, 87

changes over the years, 91

expert opinions on, 90–93

key elements of, 87–89

key points to remember, 100

leaders, 95, 99

Accenture, 95–97

America Online (AOL), 98–99

Ford Motor Company, 97–98

managing yourself, 94–95

preferred features of journalists, 89–90

Internet, 14

budgets, 41–42

research, preconceptions about, 46–55

iPod, 165

iTunes, 234


Jaffray, Piper, 244

Jaiku, 214

Johnston, Stephen, 129

social networking, 128

Joomla!, 94

journalist turnover, 58


opinions of a top-tier journalist, 233–240

preferences when receiving information, 65–69

preferred interactive newsroom features, 89–90

relationships with, 58–59

relationships with PR pros, 227–228

JVC, 151

e-blasts, 24–25

research, 29


Kahn, Jodi, 244

key elements of interactive newsrooms, 87–89

Koval, Robin, 4


Laggards, 4

Late Majority, 4

lead times, 64


blogging, 126–127

interactive newsrooms, 95, 99

Accenture, 95–97

America Online (AOL), 98–99

Ford Motor Company, 97–98

legitimizing social media, 270

LinkedIn, 126, 234

Lubetkin & Co. LLC, 211–213

Lubetkin, Steve L., 211–213


Madej, Dennis, 2

managing interactive newsrooms yourself, 94–95

Mangum, Ynema, 209–210


conversations, 210–211

RSS, 146–147

viral marketing, 22–24, 228–231

Marketwire, social media, 196–203

McInnis, David, 123

Measurement, 72–73

measuring web streaming, 181

media bypass, 123

media contacts, 57

media relations, QualityTech, 250

Media Source platform, 35

media-gathering intelligence tools, 42–44

MediaMap, 33

MediaSense, 41–42

MediaSource, 35

MeetingPlace (Cisco), 167

Michael C. Fina, 21–22

Miletsky, Jason (reasons to use video), 163–166

Millenials, social media, 188

Monckton, Lord Christopher, 246

monitoring, 71

blogs, 75

communication, 83–84

evaluating conversations, 77–78

expert’s perspective on, 78–82

QualityTech, 252–253

social media, 72–74

tools, eWatch (PR Newswire), 74–77

Multivision, 33

MultiVu, 178

MyBloglog, 129

MyRagan, 195

MySpace, 126, 165

Art eXposed, 208


NAPL, 212

natural language process, 77

negative publicity, social media and, 222

New Media Release, 117

new releases

formats of, 103–104

opinions of an expert, 111–117

tips for, 119–120

News Broadcast Network (NBN), Viral Infusion, 178

news release e-blasts, 24–26

news releases, 103


features of, 104–106

getting started with, 106–108

News@Cisco, 167–168

newsgroups, 63

newsletters, e-newsletters, 19–22

newsrooms. See interactive newsrooms Nokia, 128

novel information, 60


The Observer Group, 33

Olsen, Dr. Axel, 45

online media kit development, QualityTech, 250

online newsrooms. See interactive newsrooms

online research strategies, 29–30


Papadopoulos, Greg, 127

partners, finding research partners, 44–46

Peppercom, 174

video, 174–182

Pharmaceutical Safety Institute, 44–46

Phelan, Brian, 254

phone calls, 67

podcasting, 213

QualityTech, 251

return on investment, 182

versus web streaming, 180

podcasts, 179, 234

Pownce, 214


changes for the better, 271–274

great PR, tips for, 241

PR 1.0, 17

editorial coverage, 18

relationships, 18

two-way communication, 17

PR 2.0, 240

benefits of, 37–39

future of, opinions of Brian Cross, 268–269

history of, 262–265

hot topics

blogging, 266

SMR, 266–267

mission of, 267–268

planning and strategy, 244

planning approach, 243–244

taking advantage of, 272–274

tips for beginner programmers, 108–110

PR 3.0, 267

PR Newswire

EdCals, 64

eWatch, 74–77

ProfNet, 64

research, 41–42

ProfNet (PR Newswire), 64

PRWeb, 123–124

PRX Builder, 110–111


Quality Technology Services (QualityTech), 249–250

blogging, 251

media relations, 250

monitoring, 252–253

online media kit development, 250

podcasting, 251

RSS, 252

video, 251

QualityTech Forum, 251

Quigley, Jane (social media), 213–216


Ragan Communications, 191–196

Ragan, Mark, 191–196

Raschtchy, Safa, 244

RBI (Reed Business Information), 152

reality programming, 271

Really Simple Syndication (RSS), 143

creating feeds, 145

opinions of Jennifer Wilhelmi, 152–159

opinions of Michael G. Schneider, 148–152

publisher’s view point, 152

QualityTech, 252

Responsibilities, 147–148

tips for, 159–160

viewing, 145

Reed Business Information (RBI), 152


human interaction, 62–63

journalists and PR pros, 227–228

PR 1.0, 18

with journalists, 58–59

research, 28–29

available resources, 30

research programs, 31–32

finding the right research partner, 44–46

future of, 52–54

help, 61

Internet data, 46–55

methods for reaching influencers, 32–33

online research strategies, 29–30

PR 2.0, benefits of, 37–39

resources, Cision, 33–37

research programs, 31–32

resources, research, 30

Cision, 33–37

research programs, 31–32

Reuters, email, 189

RSS (Really Simple Syndication), 143–144, 233

creating feeds, 145

opinions of Jennifer Wilhelmi, 152–159

opinions of Michael G. Schneider, 148–152

publisher’s view point, 152

QualityTech, 252

responsibilities, 147–148

tips for, 159–160

viewing, 145


Schneider, Michael G. (opinions on RSS), 148–152

Schwartz, Jonathan, 127

Seitel, Frazier, 240

self-promotion, Wikipedia, 223

Shift Communications, 106

Skinner, Ted, 41, 74

Skrobola, Mark, 208

Smart News Release, 111

EON service, 111–117

Smarties candy, 23–24

SMR (Social Media Release), 103, 266–267

features of, 104–106

getting started with, 106–108

relying on experts to create, 110–111

social analytics, 138

social media, 14, 71, 187

becoming involved in, 187–188, 208

communication based on consumer behavior, 188–190

legitimizing, 270

monitoring, 72–74

negative publicity, 222

opinions of Jeremy Caplan, 233–240

opinions of Jimmy Wales, 217–224

power to the people, 191

Ragan Communications, 191–196

tips for, 203–204, 224–225

Social Media News Release Wizard (PRX Builder), 110

Social Media Release (SMR), 103, 266–267

features of, 104–106

getting started with, 106–108

relying on experts to create, 110–111

social media templates, opinions of a professional, 117–119

social media, opinions of Thom Brodeur, 197–203

social networking, 123

blogging, leaders, 126–127

opinions of Neal Gorenflo, 132–140

opinions of Stephen Johnston, 128

PRWeb, 123–124

reaching audiences, 124–126

tips for, 141–142

trends in, 129–130

social networks, 130–131

analyzing, 136, 130–131

Solis, Brian, 9, 14, 262–263, 265

Sony, Playstation products, 23

Southard Communications, 246–248

Starbucks, 80

stategies for PR 2.0, tips for, 256–257, 23

StoryCrafter (Edelman), 117

Strance, Kye, 63

strategies of PR 2.0

Adverb Media, 244–245

ASCO Power Technologies, 253–256

QualityTech, 249–250

blogging, 251

media relations, 250

monitoring, 252–253

online media kit development, 250

podcasting, 251

RSS, 252

video, 251

TOMY International, 246–249

streaming video, 177

Sturaitis, Laura (new releases), 111–117

Success Communications Group, RSS, 148–152

Sun Microsystems, 126

blogging, leaders, 126–127


TalkBMC, 209–210

Taylor, Hymphrey, 46

Technorati, 74, 105

TEK group International, Inc. (interactive newsrooms), 90–93

Teng, Andy, 65–66

Thaler, Linda Kaplan, 4

Thatcher, Margaret, 246

Thomas, Randall, 45–46

Threepipe Communications, 246

Threepipe UK, 248, 235

timely information, 59–60

TOMY International, 246–249

tonality, monitoring stories for, 78


monitoring. See monitoring, tools

Web-based tools, 15–16

trends in social networking, 129–130

Truveo, 162

Tumblr, 214

turnover, journalist turnover, 58

Twitter, 245

two-way communication, PR 1.0, 17


Union Bank, email, 189


Vadnais, Candace, 24

Vangel, Mark (monitoring and measurement), 78–82

video, 161–162, 235

an an agency’s perspective (Peppercom), 174–182

opinions of Jeanette Gibson, 167–171, 173–174

QualityTech, 251

reasons to use, 163–166

tips for, 182–183, 162

video blogs (VLOGS), 161

Video Monitoring Services (VMS), 33

video news releases (VNRs), 16, 161

video on demand (VOD), 16

viewing RSS feeds, 145

Viral Infusion (News Broadcast Network), 178

viral marketing, 22–24

Virzi, Anna Maria, 58

VLOGS (video blogs), 161

VMS (Video Monitoring Services), 33

VNRs (video news releases), 16, 161

Vocus, 32, 61–63

blogs, 63

VOD (video on demand), 16


Wales, Jimmy, 191

social media, 217–224

Walton, David, 151

Warren, Dr. Neil Clark, 124

Web Edit Pro, 94

web programming

interactive newsrooms, 94–95

tips for beginner PR 2.0 programmers, 108–110

web streaming

measuring, 181

versus pod casting, 180

return on investment, 182

Web-based tools, 15–16

Web, 14. See also Internet

Whiting, Glen, 244

Whole Foods, video, 181

Wikia, 221

Wikimedia, 221

Wikipedia, 191, 217–220

self-promotion, 223

wikis, 191

Wilhelmi, Jennifer, 152–159

Woodall, Ibrey, 90

interactive newsrooms, 90–93


XHTML, news releases, 113

XML, 145, 159


Yahoo!, video, 162, 161–162, 165


Zipatoni, 23

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