dhttp in the Windows Environment

If you buy into the notion that dhttp is a service that can usefully enable groupware development, and your target group is—as most are—Windows based, you’ll want a more elegant way to run dhttp than by launching Perl from the command line at system start-up. One way to hide the dhttp process from the user is to use the Windows Scripting Host (WSH). For example, if you rename the main dhttp driver from dhttp to dhttp.pls, then you can run it like this:


In this mode, there’s no command console. Instead WSH runs dhttp, thanks to the PerlScript layer that enables ActivePerl to plug into WSH. If you package the previous command into a .CMD file and refer to that file from the Windows start-up folder, dhttp will start silently when Windows starts. Of course, it will run silently too. Messages that went to the default error channel, STDERR, won’t appear, so you’ll need to log them or—when you want them to appear to an interactive user—convert statements that print to STDERR into statements that use the WScript->echo( ) method.

The real problem here is system shutdown. The dhttp server spends nearly all its time blocked on an accept( ) call, waiting for the next incoming connection. As a result, the process that runs dhttp can’t react to Windows messages. When Windows tries to tell that process that it wants to shut down, there’s no response. Windows then invites the user to forcibly terminate the process—and that’s hardly the desired effect.

Is there a way to make dhttp a true Windows application that can process Windows messages? This amounts to asking if Perl itself can run as a true Windows application rather than as a Win32 console application. Historically Perl has always been easy to embed. In just a few lines of C code you can slave a Perl interpreter to a compiled program. When ActiveState released ActivePerl, the version of Perl that finally merged the core Perl codebase with ActiveState’s Win32 enhancements (e.g., ISAPI Perl, Win32::OLE, and more), the conventional way to embed Perl wasn’t supported. But ActiveState supplied another way: PerlEz, a DLL that a host Win32 application can use to embed Perl.

PerlEz is part of the answer, but there remains the problem of getting at Windows messages. Embedded in a Windows application, dhttp still blocks on the accept( ) call in its central request-handling loop. What to do? Run PerlEz, and in turn dhttp, on a background thread. That way, the application’s primary thread can continue to pump Windows messages, and the application can shut down normally. Example 15.11 presents a minimal solution using Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC).

Example 15-11. Embedding dhttp Using PerlEz

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"

#include "dhttp.h"
#include "/ap/lib/core/perlez.h"

CTheApp NEAR theApp;

UINT PerlEzProc(LPVOID pParam )
  return 0;   

  { LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME); }

void CMainWindow::OnPaint()

void CMainWindow::OnAbout()
  CDialog about(IDD_ABOUTBOX);

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMainWindow, CFrameWnd )
  //{{AFX_MSG_MAP( CMainWindow )

BOOL CTheApp::InitInstance()
  m_pMainWnd = new CMainWindow;


  return TRUE;

Since the window doesn’t display anything, you might simply omit the ShowWindow( ) call and run it invisibly. Alternatively, you might place an OLE control on the canvas and route status messages into that control.

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