Basic Authentication for Apache

To implemented shared-account authentication in Apache, start by creating a user account and assigning a password to that account. You can do that with the htpasswd tool, like this:

htpasswd -c subscribers subscriber

This command prompts for a password and when you supply one, it creates a file called subscribers containing a single record for a user named subscriber, along with an encrypted version of the password you type in.

To control access to all the files in a directory, you need to associate the user account with a web subtree. In Apache, you do that in the server’s configuration file (either access.conf or the master file httpd.conf ) like this:

<Directory /web/Docbase/ProductAnalysis/docs>
AuthType Basic
AuthName subscribers
AuthUserFile /secure/subscribers
require user valid-user

Group Authentication in Apache

You can define a group of subscribers by listing names in a file, like this:

subscribers: ed joe sharon

If that group definition is stored in the file /secure/groups , you can use the following configuration directives to permit only group members:

<Directory /web/Docbase/ProductAnalysis/docs>
AuthType Basic
AuthName subscribers
AuthUserFile /secure/subscribers
AuthGroupFile /secure/groups
require group subscribers

In this case, you have to define the group in /secure/groups and also list all the individual subscribers and their passwords in /secure/subscribers .

Managing Larger Groups in Apache

If there are hundreds or thousand of users, you can speed things up dramatically by storing the names and passwords in a DBM database, which is a disk-based hashtable of name/value pairs. Apache comes with a Perl script, dbmmanage, that you can use to add names and cleartext passwords to a DBM file of names and encrypted passwords. You configure Apache to use that database as shown in the following code.

<Directory /web/Docbase/ProductAnalysis/docs>
AuthType Basic
AuthDBMUserFile /secure/subscribers
require user valid-user

In this case, the subscriber database lives in a pair of files called subscribers.dir (the DBM index) and subscribers.pag (the DBM data). The AuthDBMUserFile directive requires a supporting Apache module, mod_auth_dbm, which isn’t compiled and linked in to a default build of Apache. To add the module, edit the Configuration file in Apache’s src directory, uncomment the line that refers to mod_auth_dbm, and then rebuild Apache like this:

$ ./Configure
$ make

If you want to use an SQL database instead of a DBM file and you’ve configured Apache to use mod_ perl, you can use the Perl module Apache::AuthenDBI (available on CPAN). This approach won’t make lookups any faster than the DBM method, but it’s more flexible. DBM libraries don’t support record locking, so if you want to handle updates cleanly, you’ll want to use an SQL engine. There are quite a few Apache modules that deal with authentication and authorization; in addition to CPAN, see for Apache modules and for Apache/Perl modules.

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