An Attribute-Based Authorization Script

Now we can proceed, in a portable manner, to build an access-control application that correlates docbase attributes with user attributes. Example 12.3 focuses on the part of the solution that compares a docbase attribute to a database of subscriptions.

Example 12-3. Authorizing Users by a Docbase Attribute

use strict;

use DBI;   

my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Solid:Subscriptions','dba','dba') # connect to subs db
  or die ("connect, $DBI::errstr");                         

my $http_authorization_header = $ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION};   # extract auth header
sub isBasicAuthUserForCompany
  my ($http_authorization, $dbh) = @_;
  $http_authorization_header = m/Basic (.+)/i;              # isolate credentials
  my $http_authorization = $1;                          
  my ($user, $password) = split (':', $1);                  # get name/pw
  my ($st) =                                                # make query
   "select count(*) from cmp_users where cmp = '$company' and user = '$user'";
  return ( 
         isAuthenticated($user,$password) and               # authenticate (not shown)
         dbSqlReturnValue ($dbh, $st)                       # authorize

sub dbSqlReturnValue
  my ($dbh,$st) = @_;
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($st);  # prepare sql
  my $value;
  $sth->execute;                 # execute sql
  $sth->bind_col(1, $value);    # bind result to value
  $sth->finish;                  # finish sql
  return $value;                 

In this fragment, $http_authorization gets the value of the CGI environment variable $ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION}. This is the Authorization: header sent from a browser in response to a prior challenge issued by this (or another) script. We’ll assume that $company was extracted from a docbase record, using our old friend Docbase::Docbase::getMetadata( ). $dbh is a handle to the database that contains the cmp_users table.

The isBasicAuthUserForCompany( ) function does two checks. It sends the name/password credentials to isAuthenticated( ) for authentication (look ahead to Example 12.4 to see how that’s done), and it looks up the user/company pair in cmp_users for authorization. We’re using Perl’s DBI interface here, so the database could be any of those supported by a DBD module. This code will run under Unix/Apache or NT/IIS, because Perl’s DBI and DBD modules are available in both environments.

For an NT-based intranet application, we could dispense with the ISAPI filter and let NT authenticate the user against its directory. We could then use Group::NTGroup::isMember( ) to test whether that user was a member of the subscribers group, but even that won’t be necessary if we assume that only authorized subscribers are listed in the database.

On an NT-based system that serves a nonlocal population of users, though, we’ll need to use the filter and provide a version of isAuthenticated( ) that does some form of directory- or database-style authentication. The same holds true for a system based on Apache, Netscape, or any other server that is directory-independent in the Unix style rather than directory-integrated in the NT style.

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