Mini-meditation 1: body awareness

A mountain is a symbol of peace, strength, and power. Using your imagination, affirmations, and body awareness, this meditation makes you feel as still and stable as a mountain. It can also be used before any other meditation, or to help you fall asleep.

01 Sit in a stable and comfortable posture. Close your eyes, then take three deep breaths through your nose. Make them long, soft, and even.

02 Take a few moments to feel your entire body as a single unit. Feel the contact of your body with the floor, cushion, or chair. Feel how the ground supports you.

03 Bring your focused awareness to your whole right leg, from buttock to toes. Repeat to yourself:


... My right leg is as heavy as a mountain. As solid as a mountain. Fully relaxed, comfortable, and still.


04 As you say these words, imagine your leg becoming a mountain. It’s as if a mountain is growing from within your body, or your cells are turning the “mountain mode” on.

05 Repeat the same affirmations for the other areas of your body: your left leg (from buttock to toes), each arm (shoulder to fingertips), then torso, neck, head, and face.

06 Focus on your whole body again as a single unit. Notice how it feels. Repeat to yourself:


... My whole body is as heavy as a mountain. As solid as a mountain. Fully relaxed, comfortable, and still.


07 Feel how restful, peaceful, and pleasurable it is to experience that deep sense of physical stillness. Enjoy the sense of relaxation and sinking in.

08 Whenever you’re ready, bring your attention to your fingers and start slowly moving them. Then, body part by body part, slowly come out of the meditation.

09 When you’ve finished, take a few moments to reflect on how you felt during and after (see here).

“Say the words with conviction, focus, and feeling. Awaken these feelings in your body.”


Steady Gazing
The next meditation uses the stillness of the eyes to still the mind

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