Developing personal strengths through meditation

We already know that meditation helps us to develop important personal strengths such as calmness, patience, and focus, but it also gives us the tools to make long-term changes in any area we choose, from developing courage to kindness.

Long-term personal growth, such as developing a personal strength, requires self-awareness and willpower—two core skills that you enhance through meditation. First, you need self-awareness to recognize opportunities to practice that personal strength, then you need willpower to bring your attention to your chosen way of interacting with the world and follow through with it. You train to do this in meditation many times: noticing that your mind is distracted, then bringing your attention back to where you want it to be.

Although meditation gives you these two skills, the transformation is not automatic: you still need to make active use of them and do the work needed, outside of meditation.


Before you change what’s happening in your mind, it can help to use the self-awareness you develop through techniques such as Yoga Nidra, Vipassana, and Mindfulness Meditation to trigger the physical states that usually come with whatever virtue you want to develop. For example, if you are seeking to develop the virtue of courage, try to identify how it feels in your body when you lack courage or back down from something. Perhaps this is a tension in your shoulders and a churning in your stomach. Then do the same to imagine how it feels once you have used courage to overcome a fear or anxiety. You might remember a time where you felt courageous and took action regardless of fear, or use your imagination to feel what that would be like. This could be a sense of expansion in your chest and energy in your muscles. Understanding this difference will enable you to create the quality you seek by consciously triggering the physical sensations of courage.


Use this technique whenever you notice an opportunity to practice the personal strength you wish to develop. Here we look at courage, but you can adapt it for any virtue.

01 When you notice an opportunity to practice courage—for example, when a situation creates fear or anxiety in you—recognize the bodily sensations of “no-courage.”

02 Notice the mode of “no-courage”: “I can’t do this. Something bad will happen, and then there will be trouble.”

03 Use your willpower to develop the mode of courage physically by triggering the bodily feeling of courage: imagine a sense of expansion in your chest and energy in your muscles.

04 Consciously develop the mental and emotional mode of courage by telling yourself: “Taking this action might bring discomfort or loss, but it’s the right thing to do and what I want to do.” Hold onto these feelings, despite your fear.

05 Take action based on the mode of courage that you have just developed in your body and mind. Even if the fear is still there, you are able to proceed with courage, because that’s where you are focusing your attention.

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