The foundation for lifelong practice

The more you enjoy meditation, the more you will get out of your practice. If you cultivate positivity around it, you are also more likely to stay motivated and committed to your meditative journey, creating the foundation for it to become a long-term habit.

Learning to enjoy the process is all about your relationship with meditation and the inner dialogue that you have about your practice. The key is to remember that meditation is a special time that you set aside for yourself, rather than a task to cross off your to-do list. It is about getting to know yourself, befriending yourself, and mastering yourself, and is a force multiplier for everything else in life.

Try any of the following ideas to help keep meditation an enjoyable part of your life.

image See meditation as a journey of exploration. Think about your practice, explore different methods, and meet different teachers until you find what works best for you.

image Make sure you are meditating in the best conditions, such as creating an inspiring place to meditate and using a good cushion or stool (see here and here).

image Try not to develop negative feelings around your practice, such as criticizing yourself or overanalyzing your sessions. Understand that just showing up and exercising your awareness and focus skills is all you need to do (see below).

image Meditate just a little less than you would like to. Don’t stretch your motivation—this helps to keep the hunger alive.

image Find a meditation partner—someone that is enthusiastic about the practice and with whom you can exchange experiences.

image Join a friendly meditation community to keep you inspired and on track.


If you find yourself slipping into negative self-talk, counter that thought with a positive one, as in the examples below. Notice how the negative ways of thinking close you down, while the positive ones uplift you, encourage you, and open you up.

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I need to get my meditation done so I can get on with my day.


Great, it’s time to treat myself to some Zen!


Meditation is boring, but I do it because I know it’s good for me.


I love how I feel after a good meditation. It’s so nourishing and refreshing!


I have to meditate. It’s a necessary chore.


Meditation is an exploration into the depths of my being.


Everyone meditates; everyone knows meditation is good for you. I would feel ashamed if I didn’t do it.


I experience a unique sense of peace and well-being through meditation, and I want more of that.

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