Stillness from pose to pose

Many people think that Yoga is simply about stretching and elaborate poses, or asanas, but asanas can be a dynamic form of meditation in their own right. Asanas are good for short meditations or in preparation for seated practices.


image Essence Learning to deeply relax and find stillness in different postures

image Sensory channel Body and sensation, breath

image Skill Relaxation, awareness

image Tradition Yoga

image Similar practices Tai Chi, Kinhin


Yoga Asanas work well as a meditation for people who are very connected to the body, have a more dynamic nature, and find it hard to sit still. Start with more accessible asanas, such as those shown here, as this helps you to relax and focus. Each of these poses also practices a key element of meditation—concentration, awareness, and relaxation.

To practice Yoga Asanas as meditation, bring your attention fully to your body and breath and move in and out of each pose slowly and mindfully. In your final pose, relax deeply and stay still without stiffness or tension for a few minutes if you are practicing one or two poses, or at least 60 seconds if you are practicing more. If you have health concerns, consult a doctor first.


TREE POSE (Vrikshasana)

Balancing in this asana helps you concentrate, so if you find it too easy, you can adjust the pose to make it harder (see above). To balance, you also need relaxation, full-body awareness, and mental calmness, all of which help your meditation.



To develop your awareness in this pose, focus on “just being” while keeping your awareness open and detached. For relaxation, focus on the body and feeling your muscles stretch and release.


CHILD’S POSE (Balasana)

This is a deeply relaxing pose that helps you to bring your awareness inside and release stress and anxiety.

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