Practice Activities

  1. Use Table 2-1 to rate the relevance to your own project of each of the 21 practices described in this chapter. Use a scale of zero to five, where zero means the practice doesn’t pertain to your project at all and five means it is very important.

  2. Use Table 2-1 to assess your team’s capability to perform each of those 21 practices on their project. Again use a scale of zero to five, where zero means the practice is completely foreign to the team members and five means the team is expert at applying that practice.

  3. Identify gaps between the relevance of a specific practice to your project and the team’s capability to perform the practice. That is, look for practices you rated as having high relevance but low current capability.

  4. Define an action plan for closing these gaps by providing necessary training, books, magazine articles, or other resources. The goal is to enable yourself and your team members to recognize when each of these practices could be valuable and to know how to apply it effectively to achieve the desired benefits.

Table 2-1. Applying the 21 Practices to Your Project


Relevance (0-5)

Current Capability (0-5)

  1. Define project success criteria

  1. Identify project drivers, constraints, and degrees of freedom

  1. Define product release criteria

  1. Negotiate achievable commitments

  1. Write a plan

  1. Decompose tasks to inch-pebble granularity

  1. Develop planning worksheets for common large tasks

  1. Plan to do rework after a quality control activity

  1. Manage project risks

  1. Plan time for process improvement

  1. Respect the learning curve

  1. Estimate based on effort, not calendar time

  1. Don’t over-schedule multitasking people

  1. Build training time into the schedule

  1. Record estimates and how you derived them

  1. Use estimation tools

  1. Plan contingency buffers

  1. Record actuals and estimates

  1. Count tasks as complete only when they’re 100 percent complete

  1. Track project status openly and honestly

  1. Conduct project retrospectives

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