Review Results

In the final step, the estimation team reviews the summarized results and reaches agreement on the final outcome. The project manager provides the other estimators with the overall task list, individual task estimates, cumulative estimates, assumption list, and any other information. Bring the team back together for a 30- to 60-minute review meeting to bring closure to the estimation activity. This meeting also provides an opportunity for the team to contemplate this execution of the Wideband Delphi process and suggest ways they can improve it for future applications.

The participants should make sure the final task list is as complete as possible. They might have thought of additional tasks since the estimation meeting, which they could add to the task list now. Check to see whether tasks that had wildly different individual estimates have been merged in a sensible way. The ultimate objective is to produce an estimate range that allows the project manager and other key stakeholders to proceed with project planning and execution at an acceptable confidence level.

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