C Extensions

The Android NDK comes with the GCC compiler (version 4.4.3 in release 7 of the NDK). As a consequence, you are able to use the C extensions the GNU Compiler Collection supports. Among the ones that are particularly interesting, as far as performance is concerned, are:

  • Built-in functions
  • Vector instructions

NOTE: Visit http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/C-Extensions.html for an exhaustive list of the GCC C extensions.

Built-in Functions

Built-in functions, sometimes referred to as intrinsics, are functions handled in a special manner by the compiler. Built-in functions are often used to allow for some constructs the language does not support, and are often inlined, that is, the compiler replaces the call with a series of instructions specific to the target and typically optimized. For example, a call to the __builtin_clz() function would result in a CLZ instruction being generated (if the code is compiled for ARM and the CLZ instruction is available). When no optimized version of the built-in function exists, or when optimizations are turned off, the compiler simply makes a call to a function containing a generic implementation.

For example, GCC supports the following built-in functions:

  • __builtin_return_address
  • __builtin_frame_address
  • __builtin_expect
  • __builtin_assume_aligned
  • __builtin_prefetch
  • __builtin_ffs
  • __builtin_clz
  • __builtin_ctz
  • __builtin_clrsb
  • __builtin_popcount
  • __builtin_parity
  • __builtin_bswap32
  • __builtin_bswap64

Using built-in functions allows you to keep your code more generic while still taking advantage of optimizations available on some platforms.

Vector Instructions

Vector instructions are not really common in C code. However, with more and more CPUs supporting SIMD instructions, using vectors in your algorithms can accelerate your code quite significantly.

Listing 3–31 shows how you can define your own vector type using the vector_size variable attribute and how you can add two vectors.

Listing 3–31. Vectors

typedef int v4int __attribute__ ((vector_size (16))); // vector of four 4 integers (16

void add_buffers_vectorized (int* dst, const int* src, int size)
  v4int* dstv4int = (v4int*) dst;
  const v4int* srcv4int = (v4int*) src;
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < size/4; i++) {
      *dstv4int++ += *srcv4int++;
  // leftovers
  if (size & 0x3) {
      dst = (int*) dstv4int;
      src = (int*) srcv4int;

      switch (size & 0x3) {
          case 3: *dst++ += *src++;
          case 2: *dst++ += *src++;
          case 1:
          default:  *dst += *src;

// simple implementation
void add_buffers (int* dst, const int* src, int size)
    while (size--) {
        *dst++ += *src++;

How this code will be compiled depends on whether the target supports SIMD instructions and whether the compiler is told to use these instructions. To tell the compiler to use NEON instructions, simply add the .neon suffix to the file name in Android.mk's LOCAL_SRC_FILES. Alternatively, you can define LOCAL_ARM_NEON to true if all files need to be compiled with NEON support.

Listing 3–32 shows the resulting assembly code when the compiler does not use ARM SIMD instructions (NEON) whereas Listing 3–33 shows the use of the NEON instructions. (The add_buffers function is compiled the same way and is not shown in the second listing.) The loop is shown in bold in both listings.

Listing 3–32. Without NEON Instructions

00000000 <add_buffers_vectorized>:
   0:    e92d 0ff0      stmdb    sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp}
   4:    f102 0803      add.w    r8, r2, #3    ; 0x3
   8:    ea18 0822      ands.w    r8, r8, r2, asr #32
   c:    bf38           it    cc
   e:    4690           movcc    r8, r2
  10:    b08e           sub    sp, #56
  12:    4607           mov    r7, r0
  14:    468c           mov    ip, r1
  16:    ea4f 08a8      mov.w    r8, r8, asr #2
  1a:    9201           str    r2, [sp, #4]
  1c:    f1b8 0f00      cmp.w    r8, #0    ; 0x0
  20:    4603           mov    r3, r0
  22:    460e           mov    r6, r1
  24:    dd2c           ble.n    80 <add_buffers_vectorized+0x80>
  26:    2500           movs    r5, #0
  28:    f10d 0928      add.w    r9, sp, #40    ; 0x28
  2c:    462e           mov    r6, r5
  2e:    f10d 0a18      add.w    sl, sp, #24    ; 0x18
  32:    f10d 0b08      add.w    fp, sp, #8    ; 0x8   36:    197c           adds    r4, r7, r5
  38:    3601           adds    r6, #1
  3a:    e894 000f      ldmia.w    r4, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
  3e:    e889 000f      stmia.w    r9, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
  42:    eb0c 0305      add.w    r3, ip, r5
  46:    3510           adds    r5, #16
  48:    4546           cmp    r6, r8
  4a:    cb0f           ldmia    r3!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
  4c:    e88a 000f      stmia.w    sl, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
  50:    9b0a           ldr    r3, [sp, #40]
  52:    9a06           ldr    r2, [sp, #24]
  54:    4413           add    r3, r2
  56:    9a07           ldr    r2, [sp, #28]
  58:    9302           str    r3, [sp, #8]
  5a:    9b0b           ldr    r3, [sp, #44]
  5c:    4413           add    r3, r2
  5e:    9a08           ldr    r2, [sp, #32]
  60:    9303           str    r3, [sp, #12]
  62:    9b0c           ldr    r3, [sp, #48]
  64:    4413           add    r3, r2
  66:    9a09           ldr    r2, [sp, #36]
  68:    9304           str    r3, [sp, #16]
  6a:    9b0d           ldr    r3, [sp, #52]
  6c:    4413           add    r3, r2
  6e:    9305           str    r3, [sp, #20]
  70:    e89b 000f      ldmia.w    fp, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
  74:    e884 000f      stmia.w    r4, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
  78:    d1dd           bne.n    36 <add_buffers_vectorized+0x36>
  7a:    0136           lsls    r6, r6, #4
  7c:    19bb           adds    r3, r7, r6
  7e:    4466           add    r6, ip
  80:    9901           ldr    r1, [sp, #4]
  82:    f011 0203      ands.w    r2, r1, #3    ; 0x3
  86:    d007           beq.n    98 <add_buffers_vectorized+0x98>
  88:    2a02           cmp    r2, #2
  8a:    d00f           beq.n    ac <add_buffers_vectorized+0xac>
  8c:    2a03           cmp    r2, #3
  8e:    d007           ;beq.n    a0 <add_buffers_vectorized+0xa0>
  90:    6819           ldr    r1, [r3, #0]
  92:    6832           ldr    r2, [r6, #0]
  94:    188a           adds    r2, r1, r2
  96:    601a           str    r2, [r3, #0]
  98:    b00e           add    sp, #56
  9a:    e8bd 0ff0      ldmia.w    sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp}
  9e:    4770           bx    lr
  a0:    6819           ldr    r1, [r3, #0]
  a2:    f856 2b04      ldr.w    r2, [r6], #4
  a6:    188a           adds    r2, r1, r2
  a8:    f843 2b04      str.w    r2, [r3], #4
  ac:    6819           ldr    r1, [r3, #0]
  ae:    f856 2b04      ldr.w    r2, [r6], #4
  b2:    188a           adds    r2, r1, r2
  b4:    f843 2b04      str.w    r2, [r3], #4
  b8:    e7ea           b.n    90 <add_buffers_vectorized+0x90>
  ba:    bf00           nop

00000000 <add_buffers>:
   0:    b470           push    {r4, r5, r6}
   2:    b14a           cbz    r2, 18 <add_buffers+0x18>
   4:    2300           movs    r3, #0
   6:    461c           mov    r4, r3
   8:    58c6           ldr    r6, [r0, r3]
   a:    3401           adds    r4, #1
   c:    58cd           ldr    r5, [r1, r3]
   e:    1975           adds    r5, r6, r5
  10:    50c5           str    r5, [r0, r3]
  12:    3304           adds    r3, #4
  14:    4294           cmp    r4, r2
  16:    d1f7           bne.n    8 <add_buffers+0x8>
  18:    bc70           pop    {r4, r5, r6}
  1a:    4770           bx    lr

Listing 3–33. With NEON Instructions

00000000 <add_buffers_vectorized>:
   0:    b470           push    {r4, r5, r6}
   2:    1cd6           adds    r6, r2, #3
   4:    ea16 0622      ands.w    r6, r6, r2, asr #32
   8:    bf38           it    cc
   a:    4616           movcc    r6, r2
   c:    4604           mov    r4, r0
   e:    460b           mov    r3, r1
  10:    10b6           asrs    r6, r6, #2
  12:    2e00           cmp    r6, #0
  14:    dd0f           ble.n    36 <add_buffers_vectorized+0x36>
  16:    460d           mov    r5, r1
  18:    2300           movs    r3, #0
  1a:    3301           adds    r3, #1
  1c:    ecd4 2b04      vldmia    r4, {d18-d19}
  20:    ecf5 0b04      vldmia    r5!, {d16-d17}
  24:    42b3           cmp    r3, r6
  26:    ef62 08e0      vadd.i32    q8, q9, q8
  2a:    ece4 0b04      vstmia    r4!, {d16-d17}
  2e:    d1f4           bne.n    1a <add_buffers_vectorized+0x1a>
  30:    011b           lsls    r3, r3, #4
  32:    18c4           adds    r4, r0, r3
  34:    18cb           adds    r3, r1, r3
  36:    f012 0203      ands.w    r2, r2, #3    ; 0x3
  3a:    d008           beq.n    4e <add_buffers_vectorized+0x4e>
  3c:    2a02           cmp    r2, #2
  3e:    4621           mov    r1, r4
  40:    d00d           beq.n    5e <add_buffers_vectorized+0x5e>
  42:    2a03           cmp    r2, #3
  44:    d005           beq.n    52 <add_buffers_vectorized+0x52>
  46:    680a           ldr    r2, [r1, #0]
  48:    681b           ldr    r3, [r3, #0]
  4a:    18d3           adds    r3, r2, r3
  4c:    600b           str    r3, [r1, #0]
  4e:    bc70           pop    {r4, r5, r6}
  50:    4770           bx    lr
  52:    6820           ldr    r0, [r4, #0]
  54:    f853 2b04      ldr.w    r2, [r3], #4
  58:    1882           adds    r2, r0, r2
  5a:    f841 2b04      str.w    r2, [r1], #4
  5e:    6808           ldr    r0, [r1, #0]
  60:    f853 2b04      ldr.w    r2, [r3], #4
  64:    1882           adds    r2, r0, r2
  66:    f841 2b04      str.w    r2, [r1], #4
  6a:    e7ec           b.n    46 <add_buffers_vectorized+0x46>

You can quickly see that the loop was compiled in far fewer instructions when NEON instructions are used. As a matter of fact, the vldmia instruction loads four integers from memory, the vadd.i32 instruction performs four additions, and the vstmia instruction stores four integers in memory. This results in more compact and more efficient code.

Using vectors is a double-edged sword though:

  • They allow you to use SIMD instructions when available while still maintaining a generic code that can compile for any ABI, regardless of its support for SIMD instructions. (The code in Listing 3–31 compiles just fine for the ×86 ABI as it is not NEON-specific.)
  • They can result in low-performing code when the target does not support SIMD instructions. (The add_buffers function is far simpler than its “vectorized” equivalent and results in simpler assembly code: see how many times data is read from and written to the stack in add_buffers_vectorized when SIMD instructions are not used.)

NOTE: Visit http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Vector-Extensions.html for more information about vectors.

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