
When Louis asked me to write the foreword to this book, I thought he was joking. Why would anyone want a developer to write the foreword for a database book? A quick reminder from Louis made it all clear—I mention the predecessor to this book in my consulting engagements. Who better to demonstrate how effectively he communicates the concepts than someone who lives and breathes databases everyday? Well, I am here to tell you that if you are looking for a sound technical resource for working with SQL Server, look no further.

Once again, Louis has done a remarkable job turning the critical details of SQL Server into an easy-to-read style that is more of a conversation than a technical manual. Louis relates what you really need to know based on his considerable experience and insight. I’m proud to have the opportunity to get to know Louis through his community endeavors and to leverage his knowledge to save time in delivering some of my solutions.

—John Kellar

Chairman, Devlink Technical Conference, and Microsoft MVP

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