
Initial Data Model Production

Good designers can create normalcy out of chaos; they can clearly communicate ideas through the organizing and manipulating of words and pictures.

—Jeffery Veen

In this chapter, we are going to start to apply the skills that were covered in the previous chapters and start creating a data model. It won't be the final model that gets implemented by any means, but the goal of this model will be to serve as the basis for the eventual model that will get implemented.

In some projects, the process of requirements gathering is complete before you start the conceptual data model. Someone has interviewed all the relevant clients (and documented the interviews) and gathered artifacts ranging from previous system documentation to sketches of what the new system might look like to prototypes to whatever is available. In other projects, you may have to model to keep up with your agile team members, and much of the process may get done mentally to produce the part of the model that the programmers are itching to get started with. In either case, the fun part starts now: sifting through all these artifacts and documents (and sometimes dealing with human beings directly) and discovering the database from within this cacophony.

image  Note   In reality, the process of discovery is rarely ever over. Analysts would require a gallon of Jack Bauer's best truth serum to get all of the necessary information from most business users, and the budget of most projects couldn't handle that. In this chapter, I am going to assume the requirements are perfect for simplicity's sake.

The ultimate purpose of the data model is to document and assist in implementing the user community's needs for data in a very structured manner. The conceptual model is the somewhat less structured younger sibling of the final model and will be refined until it produces a logical model and eventually a relational database, using techniques and patterns that we will cover in the next several chapters. The goal, for now, is to simply take the requirements and distill out the stuff that has a purpose in the database. In the rest of this chapter, I'll introduce the following processes:

  • Identifying entities: Looking for all the concepts that need to be modeled in the database.
  • Identifying relationships between entities: Relationships between entities are what make entities useful. Here, the goal is to look for natural relationships between high-level entities.
  • Identifying attributes and domains: Looking for the individual data points that describe the entities and how to constrain them to only real/useful values.
  • Identifying business rules: Looking for the boundaries that are applied to the data in the system that go beyond the domains of a single attribute.
  • Identifying fundamental processes: Looking for different processes (code and programs) that the client tends to execute that are fundamental to its business.

The result from the first two steps listed is commonly called the conceptual model. The conceptual model describes the overall structure of the data model you will be creating so you can checkpoint the process before you get too deep. You will use the conceptual model as a communication device because it has enough structure to show the customer but not so much that a great investment has been made. At this point, you will use the conceptual model as the basis of the logical model by filling in attributes and keys, discovering business rules, and making structural changes to arrive at a picture of the data needs of the client. This early version of the logical model will then go through refinement by following the principles of normalization, which will be covered in the next chapter, to produce a complete logical model that is ready to be translated to a physical data model and implemented as a set of tables, columns, constraints, triggers, and all of the fun stuff that you probably bought this book to read about.

In this chapter, we will go through the steps required to produce an unrefined, early logical model, using a one-page set of requirements as the basis of our design that will be introduced in the first section. For those readers who are new to database design, this deliberate method of working though the design to build this model is a great way to help you follow the best possible process. Take care that I said "new to database design," not "new to creating and manipulating tables in SQL Server." Although these two things are interrelated, they are distinct and different steps of the same process.

After some experience, you will likely never take the time to produce a model exactly like I will discuss in this chapter. In all likelihood, you will perform a lot of these steps mentally and will combine them with some of the refinement processes we will work on in the later chapters. Such an approach is natural and actually a very normal thing. You should know, however, that working though the database design process is a lot like working a complex math problem, in that you are solving a big problem trying to find the answer and showing your work is never a bad thing. As a student in a lot of math classes, I was always amazed that showing your work is usually done more by the advanced mathematician than by anyone else. Advanced people know that writing things down avoids errors, and when errors occur, you can look back and figure out why. This isn't to say that you will never want to go directly from requirements to an implementation model. However, the more you know about how a proper database should look, then the more likely you are to try to force the next model into a certain mold, sometimes without listening to what the customer needs first.

The fact is, building a data model requires a lot of discipline because of our deep-down desire is to just "build stuff." I know I didn't start writing SQL code with a great desire to write and read loads of mind-numbing documentation about software that doesn't yet exist. But tearing off designing structures and writing code without a firm understanding of the requirements leads to pitiful results due to missing important insight into the client's structures and needs, leading you to restructure your solution at least once and possibly multiple times.

Example Scenario

Throughout the rest of the chapter, the following example piece of documentation will be used as the basis of our examples. In a real system, this might be just a single piece of documentation that has been gathered. (It always amazes me how much useful information you can get from a few paragraphs, though to be fair I did write—and rewrite—this example more than a couple of times.)

The client manages a couple of dental offices. One is called the Chelsea Office, the other the Downtown Office. The client needs the system to manage its patients and appointments, alerting the patients when their appointments occur, either by e-mail or by phone, and then assisting in the selection of new appointments. The client wants to be able to keep up with the records of all the patients' appointments without having to maintain lots of files. The dentists might spend time at each of the offices throughout the week.

For each appointment, the client needs to have everything documented that went on and then invoice the patient's insurance, if he or she has insurance (otherwise the patient pays). Invoices should be sent within one week after the appointment. Each patient should be able to be associated with other patients in a family for insurance and appointment purposes. We will need to have an address, a phone number (home, mobile, and/or office), and optionally an e-mail address associated with each family, and possibly each patient if the client desires. Currently, the client uses a patient number in its computer system that corresponds to a particular folder that has the patient's records.

The system needs to track and manage several dentists and quite a few dental hygienists who the client needs to allocate to each appointment as well. The client also wants to keep up with its supplies, such as sample toothpastes, toothbrushes, and floss, as well as dental supplies. The client has had problems in the past keeping up with when it's about to run out of supplies and wants this system to take care of this for both locations. For the dental supplies, we need to track usage by employee, especially any changes made in the database to patient records.

Through each of the following sections, our goal will be to acquire all the pieces of information that need to be stored in our new database system. Sounds simple enough, eh? Well, although it's much easier than it might seem, it takes time and effort (two things every programmer has in abundance, right?).

The exercise/process provided in this chapter will be similar to what you may go through with a real system design effort, but it is very much incomplete. The point of this chapter is to give you a feeling for how to extract a data model from requirements. The requirements in this section are very much a subset of what is needed to implement the full system that this dental office will need. In the coming chapters, we will present smaller examples to demonstrate independent concepts in modeling that have been trimmed down to only the concepts needed.

Identifying Entities

Entities generally represent people, places, objects, ideas, or things referred to grammatically as nouns. While it isn't really critical for the final design to put every noun into a specific bucket of types, it can be useful in identifying patterns of attributes later. People usually have names, phone numbers, and so on. Places have an address that identifies an actual location.

It isn't critical to identify that an entity is a person, place, object, or idea, and in the final database, it won't make a bit of difference. However, in the next major section of this chapter, we will use these types as clues to some attribute needs and to keep you on the lookout for additional bits of information along the way. So I try to make a habit of classifying entities as people, places, and objects for later in the process. For example, our dental office includes the following:

  • People: A patient, a doctor, a hygienist, and so on
  • Place: Dental office, patient's home, hospital
  • Object: A dental tool, stickers for the kids, toothpaste
  • Idea: A document, insurance, a group (such as a security group for an application), the list of services provided, and so on

There's clearly overlap in several of the categories (for example, a building is a "place" or an "object"). Don't be surprised if some objects fit into several of the subcategories below them that I will introduce. Let's look at each of these types of entities and see what kinds of things can be discovered from the documentation sample in each of the aforementioned entity types.

image  Tip   The way an entity is implemented in a table might be different from your initial expectation. It's better not to worry about such details at this stage in the design process—you should try hard not to get too wrapped up in the eventual database implementation. When building the initial design, you want the document to come initially from what the user wants. Then, you'll fit what the user wants into a proper table design later in the process. Especially during the conceptual modeling phase, a change in the design is a click and a drag away, because all you're doing is specifying the foundation; the rest of the house shouldn't be built yet.


Nearly every database needs to store information about people. Most databases have at least some notion of user (generally thought of as people, though not always so don't assume and end up with a first name of "Alarm" and last name "System"). As far as real people are concerned, a database might need to store information about many different types of people. For instance, a school's database might have a student entity, a teacher entity, and an administrator entity.

In our example, four people entities can be found—patients, dentists, hygienists, and employees:

… the system to manage its patients


… manage several dentists , and quite a few dental hygienists

Patients are clearly people, as are dentists and hygienists (yes, that crazy person wearing a mask that is digging into your gums with a pitchfork is actually a person). Because they're people, specific attributes can be inferred (such as that they have names, for example).

One additional person type entity is also found here:

… we need to track usage by employee

Dentists and hygienists have already been mentioned. It's clear that they'll be employees as well. For now, unless you can clearly discern that one entity is exactly the same thing as another, just document that there are four entities: patients, hygienists, dentists, and employees. Our model then starts out as shown in Figure 4-1.


Figure 4-1. Four entities that make up our initial model

image  Tip   Note that I have started with giving each entity a simple surrogate key attribute. In the conceptual model, we don't care about the existence of a key, but as we reach the next step with regards to relationships, the surrogate key will migrate from table to table to give a clear picture of the lineage of ownership in the model. Feel free to leave the surrogate key off if you want, especially if it gets in the way of communication, because lay people sometimes get hung up over keys and key structures.


Users will want to store information relative to many different types of places. One obvious place entity is in our sample set of notes:

… manages a couple of dental offices

From the fact that dental offices are places, later we'll be able to infer that there's address information about the offices, and probably phone numbers, staffing concerns, and so on. We also get the idea from the requirements that the two offices aren't located very close to each other, so there might be business rules about having appointments at different offices or to prevent the situation in which a dentist might be scheduled at two offices at one time. "Inferring" is just slightly informed guessing, so verify all inferences with the client.

I add the Office entity to the model, as shown in Figure 4-2.


Figure 4-2. Added Office as an entity

image Note   To show progress in the model as it relates to the narrative in the book, in the models, things that haven't changed from the previous step in the process are in gray, while new things are uncolored.


Objects refer primarily to physical items. In our example, there are a few different objects:

… with its supplies, such as sample toothpastes, toothbrushes, and floss, as well as dental supplies …

Supplies, such as sample toothpastes, toothbrushes, and floss, as well as dental supplies, are all things that the client needs to run its business. Obviously, most of the supplies will be simple, and the client won't need to store a large amount of descriptive information about them. For example, it's possible to come up with a pretty intense list of things you might know about something as simple as a tube of toothpaste:

  • Tube size: Perhaps the length of the tube or the amount in grams
  • Brand: Colgate, Crest, or some off-brand
  • Format: Metal tube, pump, and so on
  • Flavor: Mint, bubble gum (the nastiest of all flavors), cinnamon, and orange
  • Manufacturer information: Batch number, expiration date, and so on

We could go on and on coming up with more and more attributes of a tube of toothpaste, but it's unlikely that the users will have a business need for this information, because they probably just have a box of whatever they have and give it out to their patients (to make them feel better about the metal against enamel experience they have just gone through). One of the first lessons about over-engineering starts right here. At this point, we need to apply selective ignorance to the process and ignore the different attributes of things that have no specifically stated business interest. If you think that the information is useful, it is probably a good idea to drill into the client's process to make sure what they actually want, but don't assume that just because you could design the database to store something that it is necessary, or that the client will change their processes to match your design. If you have good ideas they might, but most companies have what seem like insane business rules for reasons that make sense to them and they can reasonably defend them.

Only one entity is necessary—Supply—but document that "Examples given were sample items, such as toothpaste or toothbrushes, plus there was mention of dental supplies. These supplies are the ones that the dentist and hygienists use to perform their job." This documentation you write will be important later when you are wondering what kind of supplies are being referenced.

Catching up the model, I add the Supply entity to the model, as shown in Figure 4-3.


Figure 4-3. Added the Supply entity


No law or rule requires that entities should represent real objects or even something that might exist physically. At this stage of discovery, you need to consider information on objects that the user wants to store that don't fit the already established "people," "places," and "objects" categories and that might or might not be physical objects.

For example, consider the following:

… and then invoice the patient's insurance , if he or she has insurance (otherwise the patient pays ) …

Insurance is an obvious important entity as the medical universe rotates around it. Another entity name looks like a verb rather than a noun in the phrase "patient pays." From this, we can infer that there might be some form of payment entity to deal with.

image  Tip   Not all entities will be adorned with a sign flashing "Yoo-hoo, I am an entity!" A lot of the time, you'll have to read what has been documented over and over and sniff it out like a pig on a truffle.

The model now looks like Figure 4-4.


Figure 4-4. Added the Insurance and Payment entities


A document represents some piece of information that is captured and transported in one package. The classic example is a piece of paper that has been written on, documenting a bill that needs to be paid. If you have a computer and/or have used the Interweb at all, you probably know that the notion that a document has to be a physical piece of paper is as antiquated as borrowing a cup of sugar from your neighbor. And even for a paper document, what if someone makes a copy of the piece of paper? Does that mean there are two documents, or are they both the same document? Usually, it isn't the case, but sometimes people do need to track physical pieces of paper and, just as often, versions and revisions of a document.

In the requirements for our new system, we have a few examples of documents that need to be dealt with. First up, we have:

… and then invoice the patient's insurance, if he or she has insurance (otherwise the patient pays) …

Invoices are pieces of paper (or e-mails) that are sent to a customer after the services have been rendered. However, no mention was made as to how invoices are delivered. They could be e-mailed or postal mailed—it isn't clear—nor would it be prudent for the database design to force it to be done either way unless this is a specific business rule. At this point, just identify the entities and move along; again, it usually isn't worth it to spend too much time guessing how the data will be used. This is something you should interview the client for.

Next up, we have the following:

… appointments, alerting the patients when their appointments occur, either by e-mail or by phone …

This type of document almost certainly isn't delivered by paper but by an e-mail message or phone call. The e-mail is also used as part of another entity, an Alert. The alert can be either an e-mail or a phone alert. You may also be thinking "Is the alert really something that is stored?" Maybe or maybe not, but it is probably likely that when the administrative assistants call and alert the patient that they have an appointment, a record of this interaction would be made. Then, when the person misses their appointment, they can say, "We called you!"

image  Note   If you are alert, you probably are thinking that Appointment, Email, and Phone are all entity ­possibilities, and you would be right. Here, I am looking at the types individually to make a point. In the real process, you would just look for nouns linearly through the text.

Next, we add the Invoice and Alert entities to the model, as shown in Figure 4-5.


Figure 4-5. Added the Alert and Invoice entities


Another idea-type entity is a group of things, or more technically, a grouping of entities. For example, you might have a club that has members or certain types of products that make up a grouping that seems more than just a simple attribute. In our sample, we have one such entity:

Each patient should be able to be associated with other patients in a family for insurance and appointment purposes.

Although a person's family is an attribute of the person, it's more than that. So, we add a Family entity, as shown in Figure 4-6.


Figure 4-6. Added the Family entity

Other Entities

The following sections outline some additional common objects that are perhaps not as obvious as the ones that have been presented. They don't always fit a simple categorization, but they're pretty straightforward.

Audit Trails

Audit trails, generally speaking, are used to track changes to the database. You might know that the RDBMS uses a log to track changes, but this is off-limits to the average user. So, in cases where the user wants to keep up with who does what, entities need to be modeled to represent these logs. They could be analogous to a sign-in/sign-out sheet, an old-fashioned library card in the back of the book, or just a list of things that went on in any order.

Consider the following example:

For the dental supplies, we need to track usage by employee, and especially any changes made in the database to the patient records.

In this case, the client clearly is keen to keep up with the kinds of materials that are being used by each of its employees. Perhaps a guess can be made that the user needs to be documented when dental supplies are taken (the difference between dental supplies and non-dental supplies will certainly have to be discussed in due time). Also, it isn't necessary at this time that the needed logging be done totally on a computer, or even by using a computer at all.

A second example of an audit trail is as follows:

For the dental supplies, we need to track usage by employee, and especially any changes made in the database to the patient records.

A typical entity that you need to define is the audit trail or a log of database activity, and this entity is especially important when the data is sensitive. An audit trail isn't a normal type of entity, in that it stores no data that the user directly manipulates, and the final design will generally be deferred to the implementation design stage, although it is common to have specific requirements for what sorts of information need to be captured in the audit. Generally, the primary kinds of entities to be concerned with at this point are those that users wish to store in directly.


Event entities generally represent verbs or actions:

For each appointment , the client needs to have everything documented that went on …

An appointment is an event, in that it's used to record information about when patients come to the office to be tortured for not flossing regularly enough. For most events, appointments included, it's important to have a schedule of when the event is (or was) and where the event will or did occur. It's also not uncommon to want to have data that documents an event's occurrence (what was done, how many people attended, and so on). Hence, many event entities will be tightly related to some form of document entity. In our example, appointments are more than likely scheduled for the future, along with information about the expected activities (cleaning, x-rays, etc.), and when the appointment occurs, a record is made of what services were actually performed so that the dentist can get paid. Generally speaking, there are all sorts of events to look for in any system, such as meter readings for a utility company, weather readings for a sensor, equipment measurements, phone calls, and so on.

Records and Journals

The last of the entity types to examine at this stage is a record or journal of activities. Note that I mean "record" in a nondatabase sort of way. A record could be any kind of activity that a user might previously have recorded on paper. In our example, the user wants to keep a record of each visit:

The client wants to be able to keep up with the records of all the patients' appointments without having to maintain lots of files.

Keeping information in a centralized database of the main advantages of building database systems: eliminating paper files and making data more accessible, particularly for future data mining. How many times must I tell the doctor what medicines I'm taking, all because her files are insane clutters used to cover her billing process, rather than being a useful document of my history? What if I forget one that another doctor prescribed, and it interacts strongly with another drug? All of this duplication of asking me what drugs I take is great for covering the doctor's and pharmacy's hides, but by leveraging an electronic database that is connected to other doctor and pharmacy records, the information that people are constantly gathering comes alive, and trends can be seen instantly in ways it would take hours to see on paper. "Hmm, after your primary doctor started you taking Vitamin Q daily, when the time between cleanings is more than 10 months from the previous one, you have gotten a cavity!" Of course, putting too much information in a centralized location makes security all that much more important as well, so it is a double-edged sword as well (we will talk security in Chapter 9, but suffice it to say that it is not a trivial issue).

The model after the changes looks like Figure 4-7.


Figure 4-7. Added the Appointment, DentalSupplyAudit, and PatientRecord entities

Careful now, as you are probably jumping to a quick conclusion that a payment record is just an amalgamation of their invoices, insurance information, x-rays, and so on. This is 100 % true, and I will admit right now that the PatientRecord table is probably a screen in the application where each of the related rows would be located. During early conceptual modeling, it is often best to just put it on the model and do the refinement later when you feel you have everything needed to model it right.

Entity Recap

So far, we've discovered the list of preliminary entities shown in Table 4-1. It makes a pretty weak model, but this will change in the next few sections as we begin adding relationships between entities and the attributes. Before progressing any further, stop, define, and document the entities as shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4.1. Entity Listing

Entity Type Description
Patient People The people who are the customers of the dental office. Services are performed, supplies are used, and patients are billed for them.
Family Idea A group of patients grouped together for convenience.
Dentist People People who do the most important work at the dental office. Several dentists are working for the client's practice.
Hygienists People People who do the basic work for the dentist. There are quite a few more hygienists than dentists. (Note: Check with client to see whether there are guidelines for the number of hygienists per dentist. Might be needed for setting appointments.)
Employee People Any person who works at the dental office. Dentists and hygienists are clearly a type of employee.
Office Places Locations where the dentists do their business. They have multiple offices to deal with and schedule patients for.
Supplies Objects Examples given were sample items, such as toothpaste or toothbrushes, plus there was mention of dental supplies. These supplies are the ones that the dentist and hygienists use to perform their job.
Insurance Idea Used by patients to pay for the dental services–rendered work.
Payment Idea Money taken from insurance or patients (or both) to pay for services.
Invoice Document A document sent to the patient or insurance company explaining how much money is required to pay for services.
Alert Document E-mail or phone call made to tell patient of an impending appointment.
Dental Supply Audit Audit Trail Used to track the usage of dental supplies.
Appointment Event The event of a patient coming in and having some dental work done.
Patient Record Record All the pertinent information about a patient, much like a patient's folder in any doctor's office.
Implementation modeling note: log any changes to sensitive/important data.

The descriptions are based on the facts that have been derived from the preliminary documentation. Note that the entities that have been specified are directly represented in the customer's documentation.

Are these all of the entities? Maybe, maybe not, but it is what we have discovered after the first design pass. During a real project you will frequently discover new entities and delete an entity or two that you thought would be necessary. It is a not a perfect process in most cases, because you will be constantly learning the needs of the users.

image  Note   The conceptual modeling phase is where knowledge of your clients' type of business can help and hinder you. On one hand, it helps you see what they want quickly, but at the same time it can lead you to jump to conclusions based on "how things were done at my other client." Every client is unique and has its own way of doing stuff. The most important tools you will need to use are your ears.

Relationships between Entities

Next, we will look for the ways that the entities relate to one another, which will then be translated to relationships between the entities on the model. The idea here is to find how each of the entities will work with one another to solve the client's needs. I'll start first with the one-to-N type of relationships and then cover the many-to-many. It's also important to consider elementary relationships that aren't directly mentioned in your requirements, but it can't be stressed enough that making too many inferences at this point in the process can be detrimental to the process. The user knows what they want the system to be like, and you are going to go back over their requests and fill in the blanks later.

One-to-N Relationships

In each of the one-to-N (commonly one-to-one or one-to-many) relationships, the table that is the "one" table in the relationship is considered the parent, and the "N" is the child or children rows. While the one-to-N relationship is going to be the only relationship you will implement in your relational model, a lot of the natural relationships you will discover in the model may in fact turn out to be many-to-many relationships. It is important to really scrutinize the cardinality of all relationships you model so as not to limit future design considerations by missing something that is very natural to the process. To make it more real, instead of thinking about a mechanical term like One-to-N, we will break it down in to a couple of types of relationships:

  • Associative: – A parent type is related to one or more child types. The primary point of identifying relationships this way is to form an association between two entity rows.
  • Is a: Unlike the previous classification, when we think of an is-a relationship, usually the two related items are the same thing, often meaning that one table is a more generic version of the other. A manager is an employee, for example. Usually, you can read the relationship backwards, and it will make sense as well.

I'll present examples of each type in the next couple sections.

image  Tip   A good deal of the time required to do database design may be simple "thinking" time. I try to spend as much time thinking about the problem as I do documenting/modeling a problem, and often more. It can make your management uneasy (especially if you are working an hourly contract), since "thinking" looks a lot like "napping" (occasionally because they end up being the same thing), but working out all the angles in your head is definitely worth it.

Associative Relationships

In this section, we discuss some of the types of associations that you might uncover along the way as you are modeling relationships. Another common term for an associative relationship is a has-a relationship, so named because as you start to give verb phrase/names to relationships, you will find it very easy to say "has a" for almost every associative type relationship. In fact, a common mistake by modelers is to end up using "has a" as the verb phrase for too many of their parent-child relationships.

In this section, I will discuss a few example type relationships that you will come in contact quite often. The following are different types of has-a relationships:

  • Association: A simple association between two things, like a person and their driver's license or car. This is the most generic of all relationships.
  • Transaction: Or perhaps more generically, this could be thought of as an interaction relationship. For example, a customer pays bill or makes phone call, so an account is credited/debited money through transactions.
  • Multivalued attribute: In an object implemented in an object oriented language, one can have arrays for attributes, but in a relational database, as discussed in Chapter 1, all attributes must be atomic/scalar values (or at least should be) in terms of what data we will use in relational queries. So when we design, say, an invoice entity, we don't put all of the line items in the same table, we make a new table, commonly called invoiceLineItem. Another common example is storing customers' preferences. Unless they can only have a single preference, a new table is required for each.

In the next few sections, I will use these three types of relationships to classify and pick out some of the relationship types discovered in our dental example.


In our example requirements paragraph, consider the following:

… then invoice the patient's insurance , if he or she has insurance …

In this case, the relationship is between the Patient and Insurance entities. It's an optional relationship, because it says "if he or she has insurance." Add the following relationship to the model, as shown in Figure 4-8.


Figure 4-8. Added the relationship between the Patient and Insurance entities

Another example of a has-a relationship follows:

Each patient should be able to be associated with other patients in a family for insurance and appointment purposes.

In this case, we identify that a family has patients. Although this sounds a bit odd, it makes perfect sense in the context of a medical office. Instead of maintaining ten different insurance policies for each member of a family of ten, the client wants to have a single one where possible. So, we add a relationship between family and patient, stating that a family instance may have multiple patient instances. Note too that we make it an optional relationship because a patient isn't required to have insurance.

That the family is covered by insurance is also a possible relationship in Figure 4-9. It has already been specified that patients have insurance. This isn't unlikely, because even if a person's family has insurance, one of the members might have an alternative insurance plan. It also doesn't contradict our earlier notion that patients have insurance, although it does give the client two different paths to identify the insurance. This isn't necessarily a problem, but when two insurance policies exist, you might have to implement business rule logic to decide which one takes precedence. Again, this is something to discuss with the client and probably not something to start making up.


Figure 4-9. Relationships added among the Patient, Insurance, and Family entities

Here's another example of a has-a relationship, shown in Figure 4-10:


Figure 4-10. Relationship added between the Office and Appointment entities

… dental offices … The client needs the system to manage its patients and appointments

In this case, make a note that each dental office will have appointments. Clearly, an appointment can be for only a single dental office, so this is a has-a relationship. One of the attributes of an event type of entity is a location. It's unclear at this point whether a patient comes to only one of the offices or whether the patient can float between offices. This will be a question for the clients when you go back to get clarification on your design. Again, these relationships are optional because a patient is not required to be a member of a family in the client's instructions.


Transactions are probably the most common type of relationships in databases. Almost every database will have some way of recording interactions with an entity instance. For example, some very common transaction are simply customers making purchases, payments, and so on. Generally speaking, capturing transactions is how you know that business is good. I can't imagine a useful database that only has customer and product data with transactional information recorded elsewhere.

In our database, we have one very obvious transaction:

…if he or she has insurance (otherwise the patient pays). Invoices should be sent

We identified patient and payment entities earlier, so we add a relationship to represent a patient making a payment. Figure 4-11 shows the new relationship.


Figure 4-11. Relationship added between the Patient and Appointment entities

Multivalued Attributes

During the early phases of modeling, it is far less likely to discover multivalued relationships naturally than any other types. The reason is that users generally think in large concepts, such as objects. In our model, so far, we identified a couple of places where we are likely to expand the entities to cover array types that may not strictly be written in requirements, particularly true when the requirements are written by end users. (Invoices have invoice line items; Appointments have lists of Actions that will be taken such as cleaning, taking x-rays, and drilling; Payments can have multiple payment sources.) Therefore, I won't come up with any examples of multivalued attributes in the example paragraphs, but we will cover more about this topic in Chapter 8 when I cover modeling patterns for implementation.

The Is-A Relationship

The major idea behind an is-a relationship is that the child entity in the relationship extends the parent. For example, cars, trucks, RVs, and so on, are all types of vehicles, so a car is a vehicle. The cardinality of this relationship is always one-to-one, because the child entity simply contains more specific information that qualifies this extended relationship. There would be some information that's common to each of the child entities (stored as attributes of the parent entity) but also other information that's specific to each child entity (stored as attributes of the child entity).

In our example text, the following snippets exist:

… manage several dentists , and quite a few dental hygienists who the client …


… track usage by employee , and especially …

From these statements, you can reasonably infer that there are three entities, and there's a relationship between them. A dentist is an employee, as is a dental hygienist. There are possibly other employees for whom the system needs to track supply usage as well. Figure 4-12 represents this relationship.


Figure 4-12. Identified subtyped relationship between the Employee, Dentist, and DentalHygenist entities

image Note   Because the subtype manifests itself as a one-to-one identifying relationship (recall from Chapter 3 that the Z on the relationship line indicates a one-to-one relationship), separate keys for the Dentist and ­DentalHygienist entities aren't needed.

This use of keys can be confusing in the implementation, since you might have relationships at any of the three table levels and since the key will have the same name. These kinds of issues are why you maintain a data model for the user to view as needed to understand the relationships between tables.

Many-to-Many Relationships

Many-to-many relationships are far more prevalent than you might think. In fact, as you refine the model, a great number of relationships may end up being many-to-many relationships as the real relationship between entities is realized. However, early in the design process, only a few obvious many-to-many relationships might be recognized. In our example, one is obvious:

The dentists might spend time at each of the offices throughout the week.

In this case, multiple dentists can work at more than one dental office. A one-to-many relationship won't suffice; it's wrong to state that one dentist can work at many dental offices, because this implies that each dental office has only one dentist. The opposite, that one office can support many dentists, implies dentists work at only one office. Hence, this is a many-to-many relationship (see Figure 4-13).


Figure 4-13. Added a many-to-many relationship between Dentist and Office

I know what most of you are thinking, "Hey what about dentists being associated with appointments, and the same for dental hygienists?" First off, that is good thinking. When you get back to your client, you probably will want to discuss that issue with them. For now, we document what the requirements ask for, and later, we ask the analyst and the client if they want to track that information. It could be that, in this iteration of the product, they just want to know where the dentist is so they can use that information when making manual appointments. Again, we are not to read minds but to do what the client wants in the best way possible.

This is an additional many-to-many relationship that can be identified:

dental supplies, we need to track usage by employee

This quote says that multiple employees can use different types of supplies, and for every dental supply, multiple types of employees can use them. However, it's possible that controls might be required to manage the types of dental supplies that each employee might use, especially if some of the supplies are regulated in some way (such as narcotics).

The relationship shown in Figure 4-14 is added.


Figure 4-14. Added a many-to-many relationship between the Supply and Employee entities

I'm also going to remove the DentalSupplyAudit entity, because it's becoming clear that this entity is a report (in a real situation, you'd ask the client to make sure, but in this case, I'm the client, and I agree).

Listing Relationships

Figure 4-15 shows the model so far.


Figure 4-15. The model so far

There are other relationships in the text that I won't cover explicitly, but I've documented them in the descriptions in Table 4-2, which is followed by the model with relationships identified and the definitions of the relationships in our documentation (note that the relationship is documented at the parent only).

Table 4.2. Iniztial Relationship Documentation

Entity Type Description
Patient People The people who are the customers of the dental office. Services are performed, supplies are used, and the patient is billed for these services.
Is covered by Insurance Identifies when the patient has personal insurance.
Is reminded by Alerts Alerts are sent to patients to remind them of their appointments.
Is scheduled via Appointments Appointments need to have one patient.
Is billed with Invoices Patients are charged for appointments via an invoice.
Makes Payment Patients make payments for invoices they receive.
Has activity listed in PatientRecord Activities that happen in the doctor's office.
Family Idea A group of patients grouped together for convenience.
Has family members as Patients A family consists of multiple patients.
Is covered by Insurance Identifies when there's coverage for the entire family.
Dentist People People who do the most important work at the dental office. Several dentists work for the client's practice.
Works at many Offices Dentists can work at many offices.
Is an Employee Dentists have some of the attributes of all employees.
Works during Appointments Appointments might require the services of one dentist.
Hygienist People People who do the basic work for the dentist. There are quite a few more hygienists than dentists. (Note: Check with client to see if there are guidelines for the number of hygienists per dentist. Might be needed for setting appointments.)
Is an Employee Hygienists have some of the attributes of all employees.
Has Appointments All appointments need to have at least one hygienist.
Employee People Any person who works at the dental office. Dentists and hygienists are clearly types of employees.
Use Supplies Employees use supplies for various reasons.
Office Places Locations where the dentists do their business. They have multiple offices to deal with and schedule patients for.
Is the location of Appointments Appointments are made for a single office.
Supplies Objects Examples given were sample items, such as toothpaste or toothbrushes, plus there was mention of dental supplies. These supplies are the ones that the dentist and hygienists use to perform their job.
Are used by many Employees Employees use supplies for various reasons.
Insurance Idea Used by patients to pay for the dental services rendered.
Payment Idea Money taken from insurance or patients (or both) to pay for services.
Invoice Document A document sent to the patient or insurance company explaining how much money is required to pay for services.
Has Payments Payments are usually made to cover costs of the invoice (some payments are for other reasons).
Alert Document E-mail or phone call made to tell patient of an impending appointment.
Appointment Event The event of a patient coming in and having some dental work done.
PatientRecord Record All the pertinent information about a patient, much like a patient's chart in any doctor's office.

Figure 4-16 shows how the model has progressed.


Figure 4-16. The final conceptual model

You can see, at this point, that the conceptual model has really gelled, and you can get a feel for what the final model might look like. In the next section, we will start adding attributes to the tables, and the model will truly start to take form. It is not 100 percent complete, and you could probably find a few things that you really want to add or change (for example, the fact that Insurance pays Invoice stands out is a definite possibility). However, note that we are trying our best in this phase of the design (certainly in this exercise) to avoid adding value/information to the model. That is part of the process that comes later as you fill in the holes in the documentation that you are given from the client.

Bear in mind that the key attributes that I have included on this model were used as a method to show lineage. The only time I used any role names for attributes was in the final model, when I related the two subtypes of employee to the appointment entity, as shown in Figure 4-17.


Figure 4-17. Appointment entity with a role named EmployeeRelationship

I related the two subtypes to the appointment entity to make it clear what the role of each relationship was for, rather than having the generic EmployeeId in the table for both relationships. Again, even the use of any sort of key is not a standard conceptual model construct, but without relationship attributes, the model seems sterile and also tends to hide lineage from entity to entity.

Identifying Attributes and Domains

As we start the initial phase of creating a logical model, the goal is to look for items that identify and describe the entity you're trying to represent, or—to put this into more computing-like terms—the properties of your entities. For example, if the entity is a person, attributes might include a driver's license number, Social Security number, hair color, eye color, weight, spouse, children, mailing address, and e-mail address. Each of these things serves to represent the entity in part.

Identifying which attributes to associate with an entity requires a similar approach to identifying the entities themselves. You can frequently find attributes by noting adjectives that are used to describe an entity you have previously found. Some attributes will simply be discovered because of the type of entity they are (person, place, and so on).

Domain information for an attribute is generally discovered at the same time as the attributes, so at this point, you should identify domains whenever you can conveniently locate them. The following is a list of some of the common types of attributes to look for during the process of identifying attributes and their domains:

  • Identifiers: Any information used to identify a single instance of an entity. This will be loosely analogous to a key, though identifiers won't always make proper keys.
  • Descriptive information: Information used to describe something about the entity, such as color, amounts, and so on.
  • Locators: Identify how to locate what the entity is modeling, such as a mailing address, or on a smaller scale, a position on a computer screen.
  • Values: Things that quantify something about the entity, such as monetary amounts, counts, dates, and so on.

As was true during our entity search, these aren't the only places to look for attributes, but they're a good place to start. The most important thing for now is that you'll look for values that make it clearer what the entity is modeling. Also, it should be noted that all of these have equal merit and value, and groupings may overlap. Lots of attributes will not fit into these groupings (even if all of my example attributes all too conveniently will). These are just a set of ideas to get you help you when looking for attributes.


In this section, we will consider elements used to identify one instance from another. Every entity needs to have at least one identifying attribute or set of attributes. Without attributes, there's no way that different objects can be identified later in the process. These identifiers are likely to end up being used as candidate keys of the entity. For example, here are some common examples of good identifiers:

  • For people: Social Security numbers (in the United States), full names (not always a perfect identifier), or other IDs (such as customer numbers, employee numbers, and so on).
  • For transactional documents (invoices, bills, computer-generated notices): These usually have some sort of externally created number assigned for tracking purposes.
  • For books: The ISBN numbers (titles definitely aren't unique, not even always by author).
  • For products: Product numbers for a particular manufacturer (product names aren't unique).
  • For companies that clients deal with: These are commonly assigned a customer/client number for tracking.
  • For buildings: Often, a building will be given a name to be referred to.
  • For mail: The addressee's name and address and the date it was sent.

This is not by any means an exhaustive list, but this representative list will help you understand what identifiers mean. Think back to the relational model overview in Chapter 1—each instance of an entity must be unique. Identifying unique natural keys in the data is the first step in implementing a design.

Take care to really discern whether what you think of as a unique item is actually unique. Look at people's names. At first glance, they almost seem unique, and in real life you will use them as keys, but in a database, doing so becomes problematic. For example, there are hundreds of Louis Davidsons in the United States. And thousands, if not millions, of John Smiths are out there! For these cases, you may want to identify in the documentation what I call "likely uniqueness." Is it possible to have two John Smiths as customers? Definitely, but is it extremely likely? That depends on the size of your clientele. In your model and eventually in your applications, you will most likely want to identify data that is not actually a good key (like first and last name) but that is very likely unique. Using this information, the UI might identify likely matching people when you put in first and last name and then ask for a known piece of information rather than expecting that it is a new customer. (In Chapter 8, we will discuss the different ways we can implement uniqueness criteria; for now, it is important to document the cases.)

In our example, the first such example of an identifier is found in this phrase:

The client manages a couple of dental offices. One is called the Chelsea Office , the other the Downtown Office .

Almost every case where something is given a name, it's a good attribute to identify the entity, in our case Name for Office. This makes it a likely candidate for a key because it's unlikely that the client has two offices that it refers to as "Downtown Office," because that would be confusing. So, I add the name attribute to the Office entity in the model (shown in Figure 4-18). I'll create a generic domain for these types of generic names, for which I generally choose 60 characters as a reasonable length. This isn't a replacement for validation, because the client might have specific size requirements for attributes, though most of the time, the client will not really give a thought to lengths, nor care initially until reports are created and the values have to be displayed. I use 60 because that is well over half of the number of characters that can be displayed on a normal document or form:


Figure 4-18. Added the Name attribute to the Office entity


The actual default length can easily be changed. That is the point of using domains.

image  Tip Report formatting can often vary what your model can handle, but be careful about letting it be the complete guide. If 200 characters are needed to form a good name, use 200, and then create attributes that shorten the name for reports. When you get to testing, if 200 is the maximum length, then all forms, reports, queries, and so on should be tested for the full-sized attribute's size, hence the desire to keep things to a reasonable length.

When I added the Name attribute to the Office entity in Figure 4-18, I also set it to require unique values, because it would be really awkward to have two offices named the same time, unless you are modeling the dentist/carpentry office for Moe, Larry, and Shemp…

Another identifier is found in this text:

Currently the client uses a patient number in its computer system that corresponds to a ­particular folder that has the patient's records.

Hence, the system needs a patient number attribute for the Patient entity. Again, this is one of those places where querying the client for the specifications of the patient number is a good idea. For this reason, I'll create a specific domain for the patient number that can be tweaked if needed. After further discussion, we learn that the client is using eight-character patient numbers from the existing system (see Figure 4-19).


Figure 4-19. Added the PatientNumber attribute to the Patient entity

image Note   I used the name PatientNumber in this entity, even though it included the name of the table as a suffix (something I suggested that should be done sparingly). I did this because it's a common term to the client. It also gives clarity to the name that Number would not have. Other examples might be terms like PurchaseOrderNumber or DriversLicenseNumber, where the meaning sticks out to the client. No matter what your naming standards, it's generally best to make sure that terms that are common to the client appear as the client normally uses them.

For the most part, it's usually easy to discover an entity's identifier, and this is especially true for the kinds of naturally occurring entities that you find in user-based specifications. Most everything that exists naturally has some sort of way to differentiate itself, although differentiation can become harder when you start to dig deeper.

Of course, in the previous paragraph I said "usually," and I meant it. A common contra-positive to the prior statement about everything being identifiable is things that are managed in bulk. Take our dentist office—although it's easy to differentiate between toothpaste and floss, how would you differentiate between two different tubes of toothpaste? And do you really care? It's probably a safe enough bet that no one cares which tube of toothpaste is given to little Johnny, but this knowledge might be important when it comes to the narcotics that might be distributed. More discussion with the client would be necessary, but my point is that differentiation isn't always simple. During the early phase of logical design, the goal is to do the best you can. Some details like this can become implementation details. For narcotics, we might require a label be printed with a code and maintained for every bottle. For toothpaste, you may have one row and an estimated inventory amount. In the former, the key might be the code you generate and print, and in the latter, the name "toothpaste" might be the key, regardless of the actual brand of toothpaste sample.

Descriptive Information

Descriptive information refers to the common types of adjectives used to describe things that have been previously identified as entities and will usually point directly to an attribute. In our example, different types of supplies are identified, namely, sample and dental:

… their supplies, such as sample toothpastes, toothbrushes, and floss, as well as dental supplies .

Another thing you can identify is the possible domain of an attribute. In this case, the attribute is "Type of Supply," and the domain seems to be "Sample" and "Dental." Hence, I create a specific special domain: SupplyType (see Figure 4-20).


Figure 4-20. Added the Type attribute to the Supply entity


The concept of a locator is not unlike the concept of a key, except that instead of talking about locating something within the electronic boundaries of our database, the locator finds the geographic location, physical position, or even electronic location of something.

For example, the following are examples of locators:

  • Mailing address: Every address leads us to some physical location on Earth, such as a mailbox at a house or even a post office box in a building.
  • Geographical references: These are things such as longitude and latitude or even textual directions on how to get to some place.
  • Phone numbers: Although you can't always pinpoint a physical location using the phone number, you can use it to locate a person.
  • E-mail addresses: As with phone numbers, you can use these to locate and contact a person.
  • Web sites, FTP sites, or other assorted web resources: You'll often need to identify the web site of an entity or the URL of a resource that's identified by the entity; such information would be defined as attributes.
  • Coordinates of any type: These might be a location on a shelf, pixels on a computer screen, an office number, and so on.

The most obvious location we have in our example is an office, going back to the text we used in the previous section:

The client manages a couple of dental offices. One is called the Chelsea Office , the other the Downtown Office .

It is reasonably clear from the names that the offices are not located together (like in the same building that has 100 floors, where one office is a more posh environment or something), so another identifier we should add is the building address. Buildings will be identified by its geographic location because a nonmoving target can always be physically located with an address or geographic coordinates. Figure 4-21 shows office entity after adding the address:


Figure 4-21. Added an Address attribute to the Office entity

Each office can have only one address that identifies its location, so the address initially can go directly in the office entity. Also important is that the domain for this address be a physical address, not a post office box.

Places aren't the only things you can locate. People are locatable as well. In this loose definition, a person's location can be a temporary location or a contact that can be made with the locator, such as addresses, phone numbers, or even something like GPS coordinates, which might change quite rapidly. In this next example, there are three typical locators:

have an address, a phone number (home, mobile, and/or office), and optionally an e-mail address associated with each family, and possibly patient if the client desires

Most customers, in this case the dental victims—er, patients—have phone numbers, addresses, and/or e-mail address attributes. The dental office uses these to locate and communicate with the patient for many different reasons, such as billing, making and canceling appointments, and so on. Note also that often families don't live together, because of college, divorce, and so on, but you might still have to associate them for insurance and billing purposes. From these factors you get these sets of attributes on families and patients; see Figure 4-22.


Figure 4-22. Added location-specific attributes to the Family entity

The same is found for the patients, as shown in Figure 4-23.


Figure 4-23. Added location-specific attributes to the Patient entity

This is a good place to reiterate one of the major differences between a column that you are intending to implement and an attribute in your early modeling process. An attribute needn't follow any specific requirement for its shape. It might be a scalar value; it might be a vector, and it might be a table in and of itself. A column in your the physical database you implement needs to fit a certain mold of being a scalar or fixed vector and nothing else. In logical modeling, the goal is documentation of structural needs and moving closer to what you will implement. The normalization process completes the process of shaping all of the attributes into the proper shape for implementation in our relational database.

It's enough at this early phase of modeling to realize that when users see the word "address" in the context of this example, they think of a generic address used to locate a physical location. In this manner, you can avoid any discussion of how the address is implemented, not to mention all the different address formats that might need to be dealt with when the address attribute is implemented later in the book.


Numbers are some of the most powerful attributes, because often, math is performed with them to get your client paid, or to calculate or forecast revenue. Get the number of dependents wrong for a person, and his or her taxes will be messed up. Or get your wife's weight wrong in the decidedly wrong direction on a form, and she might just beat you with some sort of cooking device (sad indeed).

Values are generally numeric, such as the following examples:

  • Monetary amounts: Financial transactions, invoice line items, and so on
  • Quantities: Weights, number of products sold, counts of items (number of pills in a prescription bottle), number of items on an invoice line item, number of calls made on a phone, and so on
  • Other: Wattage for light bulbs, size of a TV screen, RPM rating of a hard disk, maximum speed on tires, and so on

Numbers are used all around as attributes and are generally going to be rather important (not, of course, to minimize the value of other attributes!). They're also likely candidates to have domains chosen for them to make sure their values are reasonable. If you were writing a package to capture tax information about a person, you would almost certainly want a domain to state that the count of dependents must be greater than or equal to zero. You might also want to set a likely maximum value, such as 30. It might not be a hard and fast rule, but it would be a sanity check, because most people don't have 30 dependents (well, most sane people, before, or certainly not after!). Domains don't have to be hard and fast rules at this point (only the hard and fast rules will likely end up as database constraints, but they have to be implemented somewhere, or users can and will put in whatever they feel like at the time).

In our example paragraphs, there's one such attribute:

The client manages a couple of dental offices.

The question here is what attribute this would be. In this case, it turns out it won't be a numeric value, but instead some information about the cardinality of the dental Office entity. There would be others in the model once we dug deeper into invoicing and payments, but I specifically avoided having monetary values to keep things simple in the model.

Relationship Attributes

Every relationship that's identified might imply bits of data to support it. For example, consider a common relationship such as Customer pays Invoice. That's simple enough; this implies a relationship between the Customer entity and the Invoice entity. But the relationship implies that an invoice needs to be paid; hence (if you didn't know what an invoice was already), it's now known that an invoice has some form of amount attribute.

As an example in our database, in the relationship Employees use Supplies for various reasons, the "for various reasons" part may lead us to the related-information type of attribute. What this tells us is that the relationship isn't a one-to-many relationship between Person and ­Supplies, but it is a many-to-many relationship between them. However, it does imply that an ­additional entity may later be needed to document this fact, since it's desirable to identify more ­information about the relationship.

image Tip    Don't fret too hard that you might miss something essential early in the design process. Often, the same entity, attribute, or relationship will crop up in multiple places in the documentation, and your clients will also recognize many bits of information that you miss as you review things with the over and over until you are happy with your design and start to implement.

A List of Entities, Attributes, and Domains

Figure 4-24 shows the logical graphical model as it stands now and Table 4-3 shows the entities, along with descriptions and column domains. The attributes of an entity are indented within the Entity/Attribute column (I've removed the relationships found in the previous document for clarity). Note I've taken the list a bit further to include all the entities I've found in the paragraphs and will add the attributes to the model after the list is complete.


Figure 4-24. Graphical model of the patient system so far

Table 4.3. Final Model for the Dental Office Example

Entity/Attribute Description Column Description Column Domain
Patient The people who are the customers of the dental office. Services are performed, supplies are used, and patients are billed for them.
PatientNumber Used to identify a patient's records in the computer Unknown, generated by the current computer system
HomePhoneNumber Phone number to call patient at home Any valid phone number
MobilePhoneNumber Phone number to call patient away from home Any valid phone number
OfficePhoneNumber Phone number to call patient during work hours (Note: Do we need to know work hours for the patient?) Any valid phone number
Address Postal address of the family Any valid address
EmailAddress Electronic mail address of the family Any valid e-mail address Continued
Family Groups of persons who are associated, likely for insurance purposes.
HomePhoneNumber Phone number to call patient at home Any valid phone number
MobilePhoneNumber Phone number to call patient away from home Any valid phone number
OfficePhoneNumber Phone number to call patient during work hours (Note: Do we need to know work hours for the patient?) Any valid phone number
Address Postal address of the family Any valid address
EmailAddress Electronic mail address of the family Any valid e-mail address
FamilyMembers Patients that make up a family unit Any patients (Note: Can a patient be a member of only one family?)
Dentist Persons who do the most important work at the dental office. Several dentists work for the client's practice.
DentalHygienist People who do the basic work for the dentist. There are quite a few more hygienists than dentists. (Note: Check with client to see if there are guidelines for the number of hygienists per dentist. Might be needed for setting appointments.)
Employee Any person who works at the dental office. Dentists and hygienists are clearly types of employees.
Office Locations where the dentists do their business. They have multiple offices to deal with and schedule patients for.
Address Physical address where the building is located Address that is not a PO box
Name The name used to refer to a given office Unique
Supply Examples given were sample items, such as toothpaste or toothbrushes; plus, there was mention of dental supplies. These supplies are the ones that the dentist and hygienists use to perform their jobs.
Type Classifies supplies into different types "Sample" or "Dental" identified
Implementation modeling note: Log any changes to sensitive or important data. The relationship between employees and supplies will likely need additional information to document the purpose for the usage.

Table 4-3 lists a subset of the descriptive metadata.

image Tip Consider carefully the use of the phrase "any valid" or any of its derivatives. The scope of these statements needs to be reduced to a reasonable form. In other words, what does "valid" mean? The phrases "valid dates" indicates that there must be something that could be considered invalid. This, in turn, could mean the "November 31st" kind of invalid or that it isn't valid to schedule an appointment during the year 1000 BC. Common sense can take us a long way, but computers seriously lack common sense without human intervention.

Note that I added another many-to-many relationship between Appointment and Supply to document that supplies are used during appointments. Figure 4-25 shows the final graphical model that we can directly discern from the slight description we were provided:


Figure 4-25. Model with all entities, attributes, and relationships that were found directly in the model

At this point, the entities and attributes have been defined. Note that nothing has been added to the design that wasn't directly implied by the single requirement artifact we started with. When doing this kind of activity in a real setting, all the steps of finding entities, relationships, and attributes would likely be handled at one time. In this chapter, I've performed the steps in a deliberate, step-by-step process only to focus on one at a time to make the parts of the process clearer. If this had been a real design session, whenever I found something to add to the model, I would have added it immediately.

It might also be interesting to note that the document is now several pages long—all from analyzing three small paragraphs of text. When you do this in a real project, the resulting document will be much larger, and there will likely be quite a bit of redundancy in much of the documentation.

Identifying Business Rules

Business rules can be defined as statements that govern and shape business behavior. Depending on an organization's methodology, these rules can be in the form of bulleted lists, simple text ­diagrams, or other formats (too often they are stored in a key employee's head). A business rule's existence doesn't imply the ability to implement it in the database at this point in the process. The goal is to get down all data-oriented rules for use later in the process.

When defining business rules, there might be some duplication of rules and attribute domains, but this isn't a real problem at this point. Get as many rules as possible documented, because missing business rules will hurt you more than missing attributes, relationships, or even tables. You'll frequently find new tables and attributes when you're implementing the system, usually out of necessity, but finding new business rules at a late stage can wreck the entire design, forcing an expensive rethink or an ill-advised "kludge" to shoehorn them in.

Recognizing business rules isn't generally a difficult process, but it is time-consuming and fairly tedious. Unlike entities, attributes, and relationships, there's no straightforward, specific grammar-oriented clue for identifying all the business rules. In essence, everything we have done so far in this chapter is, in fact, just specialized versions of business rules.

However, my general practice when I have to look for business rules is to read documents line by line, looking for sentences including language such as "once … occurs," "… have to … ," "… must … ," "… will … ," and so on. Unfortunately for you, documents don't usually include every business rule, and it is just as great a folly to expect that your clients will remember all of them right off the top of their heads. You might look through a hundred or a thousand invoices and not see a single instance where a client is credited money, but this doesn't mean it never happens. In many cases, you have to mine business rules from three places:

  • Old code: It's the exception, not the rule, that an existing system will have great documentation. Even the ones that start out with wonderful system documentation tend to have their documentation grow worse and worse as time grows shorter and client desires grow. It isn't uncommon to run into poorly written spaghetti code that needs to be analyzed.
  • Client experience: Using human memory for documentation can be as hard as asking teenagers what they did the night before. Forgetting important points of the store, or simply making up stuff that they think you want to hear is just part of human nature. I've already touched on how difficult it is to get requirements from users, but when you get into rules, this difficulty grows by at least an order of magnitude because most humans don't think in details, and a good portion of the business-rules hunt is about minute details.
  • Your experience: Or at least the experience of one member of your team. Like the invoice example, you might ask questions like "do you ever…" to jog the customer's memory. If you smell rotten cheese, it is usually not because it is supposed to smell that way.

If you're lucky, you'll be blessed by a business analyst who will take care of this process, but in a lot of cases the business analyst won't have the programming experience to think in code-level details, and to ferret out subtle business rules from code, so a programmer may have to handle this task. That's not to mention that it's hard to get to the minute details until you understand the system, something you can do only by spending lots of time thinking, considering, and digesting what you are reading. Rare is the occasion going to be afforded you to spend enough time to do a good job.

In our "snippet of notes from the meeting" example, a few business rules need to be defined. For example, I've already discussed the need for a customer number attribute but was unable to specify a domain for the customer number. Take the following sentence:

For each appointment, the client needs to have everything documented that went on …

From it, you can derive a business rule such as this:

For every appointment, it is required to document every action on the patient's chart so it can be charged.

Note that this rule brings up the likelihood that there exists yet another attribute of a patient's chart—Activity—and another attribute of the activity—ActivityPrices. This relationship between Patient, PatientRecord, Activity, and ActivityPrices gives you a feeling that it might be wrong. It would be wrong to implement it in code this way, very wrong. Normalization corrects this sort of dependency issue, and it's logical that there exists an entity for activities with attributes of name and price that relate back to the PatientRecord entity that has already been created. Either way is acceptable before calling an end to the modeling process, as long as it makes sense to the readers of the documents. I'll go ahead and add an Activity entity with a name and a price for this requirement.

Another sentence in our example suggests a further possible business rule:

The dentists might spend time at each of the offices throughout the week.

Obviously, a doctor cannot be in two different locations at one time. Hence, we have the following rule:

Doctors must not be scheduled for appointments at two locations at one time.

Another rule that's probably needed is one that pertains to the length of time between appointments for doctors:

The length of time between appointments for dentists at different offices can be no shorter than X.

Not every business rule will manifest itself within the database, even some that specifically deal with a process that manages data. For example, consider this rule:

Invoices should be sent within one week after the appointment.

This is great and everything, but what if it takes a week and a day, or even two weeks? Can the invoice no longer be sent to the patient? Should there be database code to chastise the person if someone was sick, and it took a few hours longer than a week? No; although this seems much like a rule that could be implemented in the database, it isn't. This rule will be given to the people doing system documentation and UI design for use when designing the rest of the system. The other people working on the design of the overall system will often provide us with additional entities and attributes.

The specifics of some types of rules will be dealt with later in Chapters 6 and 7, as we implement various types of tables and integrity constraints.

Identifying Fundamental Processes

A process is a sequence of steps undertaken by a program that uses the data that has been identified to do something. It might be a computer-based process, such as "process daily receipts," where some form of report is created, or possibly a deposit is created to send to the bank. It could be something manual, such as "creating new patient," which details that first the patient fills out a set of forms, then the receptionist asks many of the same questions, and finally, the nurse and ­doctor ask the same questions again once arriving in the room. Then, some of this information is keyed into the computer after the patient leaves so the dental office can send a bill.

You can figure out a lot about your client by studying their processes. Often, a process that you guess should take two steps and ten minutes can drag on for months and months. The hard part will be determining why. Is it for good, often security oriented reasons? Or is the long process the result of historical inertia? There are reasons for every bizarre behavior out there, and you may or may not be able to figure out why it is as it is and possibly make changes. At a minimum, the processes will be a guide to some of the data you need, when it is required, and who uses the data in the organization operationally.

As a reasonable manual-process example, consider the process of getting a driver's license (at least in Tennessee for a new driver. There are other processes that are followed if you come from another state, are a certain age, are not a citizen, etc.):

  1. Fill in learner's permit forms.
  2. Obtain learner's permit.
  3. Practice.
  4. Fill in license forms.
  5. Pass eye exam.
  6. Pass written exam.
  7. Pass driving exam.
  8. Have picture taken.
  9. Receive license.

Processes might or might not have each step well enumerated during the logical design phase, and many times, a lot of processes are fleshed out during the physical database implementation phase in order to accommodate the tools that are available at the time of implementation. I should mention that most processes have some number of process rules associated with them (which are business rules that govern the process, much like those that govern data values). For example, you must complete each of those steps (taking tests, practicing driving, and so on) before you get your license. Note that some business rules are also lurking around in here, because some steps in a process might be done in any order. For example you could have the written exam before the eye exam and the process would remain acceptable, while others must be done in order. Like if you received the license without passing the exams, which would be kind of stupid, even for a process created by a bureaucracy.

In the license process, you have not only an explicit order that some tasks must be performed but other rules too, such as that you must be 15 to get a learner's permit, you must be 16 to get the license, you must pass the exam, practice must be with a licensed driver, and so on (and there are even exceptions to some of these rules, like getting a license earlier if you are a hardship case!) If you were the business analyst helping to design a driver's license project, you would have to document this process at some point.

Identifying processes (and the rules that govern them) is relevant to the task of data modeling because many of these processes will require manipulation of data. Each process usually translates into one or more queries or stored procedures, which might require more data than has been specified, particularly to store state information throughout the process.

In our example, there are a few examples of such processes:

The client needs the system to manage its patients and appointments …

This implies that the client needs to be able to make appointments, as well as manage the patients—presumably the information about them. Making appointments is one of the most central things our system will do, and you will need to answer questions like these: What appointments are available during scheduling? When can appointments be made?

This is certainly a process that you would want to go back to the client and understand:

… and then invoice the patient's insurance, if he or she has insurance (otherwise the patient pays).

I've discussed invoices already, but the process of creating an invoice might require additional attributes to identify that an invoice has been sent electronically or printed (possibly reprinted). Document control is an important part of many processes when helping an organization that's trying to modernize a paper system. Note that sending an invoice might seem like a pretty inane event—press a button on a screen, and paper pops out of the printer. All this requires is selecting some data from a table, so what's the big deal? However, when a document is printed, we might have to record the fact that the document was printed, who printed it, and what the use of the document is. We might also need to indicate that the documents are printed during a process that includes closing out and totaling the items on an invoice. The most important point here is that you shouldn't make any major assumptions.

Here are other processes that have been listed:

  • Track and manage dentists and hygienists: From the sentence, "The system needs to track and manage several dentists, and quite a few dental hygienists who the client needs to allocate to each appointment as well."
  • Track supplies: From "The client has had problems in the past keeping up with when it's about to run out of supplies, and wants this system to take care of this for both locations. For the dental supplies, we need to track usage by employee, and especially any changes made in the database to the patient records."
  • Alert patient: From "alerting the patients when their appointments occur, either by e-mail or by phone …"

Each of these processes identifies a unit of work that you must deal with during the implementation phase of the database design procedure.

The Intermediate Version of the Logical Model

In this section, I'll briefly cover the steps involved in completing the task of establishing a working set of documentation. There's no way that we have a complete understanding of the documentation needs now, nor have we yet discovered all the entities, attributes, relationships, business rules, and processes that the final system will require. However, the better the job you do, the easier the rest of the process of designing and implementing the final system will be.

On the other hand, be careful, because there's a sweet spot when it comes to the amount of design needed. After a certain point, you could keep designing and make little—if any—progress. This is commonly known as analysis paralysis. Finding this sweet spot requires experience. Most of the time, too little design occurs, usually because of a deadline that was set without any understanding of the realities of building a system. On the other hand, without strong management, I've found that I easily get myself into analysis paralysis (hey, this book focuses on design for a reason; to me it's the most fun part of the project).

The final steps of this discovery phase remain (the initial discovery phase anyhow, because you'll have to go back occasionally to this process to fill in gaps that were missed the first time). There are a few more things to do, if possible, before starting to write code:

  1. Identify obvious additional data needs.
  2. Review the progress of the project with the client.
  3. Repeat the process until you're satisfied and the client is happy and signs off on what has been designed.

These steps are part of any system design, not just the data-driven parts.

Identifying Obvious Additional Data Needs

Up until this point, I've been reasonably careful not to broaden the information that was included from the discovery phase. The purpose has been to achieve a baseline to our documentation, staying faithful to the piles of documentation that were originally gathered. Mixing in our new thoughts prior to agreeing on what was in the previous documentation can be confusing to the client, as well as to us. However, at this point in the design, you need to change direction and begin to add the attributes that come naturally. Usually, there's a fairly large set of obvious attributes and, to a lesser extent, business rules that haven't been specified by any of the users or initial analysis. Make sure any assumed entities, attributes, relationships, and so on stand out from what you have gotten from the documentation.

For the things that have been identified so far, go through and specify additional attributes that will likely be needed. For example, take the Patient entity, as shown in Table 4-4.

Table 4.4. Completed Patient Entity

Entity Description Domain
Patient The people who are the customers of the dentist office. Services are performed, supplies are used, and they are billed for them.
PatientNumber Used to identify a patient's records, in the current computer system Unknown; generated by computer and on the chart?
Insurance Identifies the patient's insurance carrier. Unknown (Note: Check for common formats used by insurance carriers, perhaps?)
Has Alerts Alerts are sent to patients to remind them of their appointments.
Has Appointments Appointments need to have one patient.
Has Invoices Patients are charged for appointments via an invoice.
Makes Payment Patients make payments for invoices they receive.

The following additional attributes are almost certainly desirable:

  • Name: The patient's full name is probably the most important attribute of all.
  • Birth date: If the person's birthday is known, a card might be sent on that date. This is probably also a necessity for insurance purposes.

You could certainly add more attributes for the Patient entity, but this set should make the point clearly enough. There might also be additional tables, business rules, and so on, to recommend to the client. In this phase of the design, document them, and add them to your lists.

One of the main things to do is to identify when you make any large changes to the customer's model. In this example, the client might not want to keep up with the birth dates of its patients (though as noted, it's probably an insurance requirement that wasn't initially thought of).

The process of adding new stuff to the client's model based on common knowledge is essential to the process and will turn out to be a large part of the process. Rarely will the analyst think of everything.

Review with the Client

Once you've finished putting together this first-draft document, it's time to meet with the client to explain where you've gotten to in your design and have the client review every bit of this document. Make sure the client understands the solution that you're beginning to devise.

It's also worthwhile to follow or devise some form of sign-off process or document, which the client signs before you move forward in the process. In some cases, your sign-off documents could well be legally binding documents and will certainly be important should the project go south later for one reason or another. Obviously, the hope is that this doesn't happen, but projects fail for many reasons, and a good number of them are not related to the project itself. It's always best if everyone is on the same page, and this is the place to do that.

Repeat Until the Customer Agrees with Your Model

It isn't likely you'll get everything right in this phase of the project. The most important thing is to get as much correct as you can and get the customer to agree with this. Of course, it's unlikely that the client will immediately agree with everything you say, even if you're the greatest data architect in the world. It is also true that often the client will know what they want just fine but cannot express it in a way that gets through your thick skull. In either event, it usually takes several attempts to get the model to a place where everyone is in agreement. Each iteration should move you and the client closer to your goal.

There will be many times later in the project that you might have to revisit this part of the design and find something you missed or something the client forgot to share with you. As you get through more and more iterations of the design, it becomes increasingly important to make sure you have your client sign off at regular times; you can point to these documents when the client changes his or her mind later.

If you don't get agreement, often in writing or in a public forum, such as a meeting with enough witnesses, you can get hurt. This is especially true when you don't do an adequate job of handling the review and documentation process and there's no good documentation to back up your claim versus the clients. I've worked on consulting projects where the project was well designed and agreed on but documentation of what was agreed wasn't done too well (a lot of handshaking at a higher level to "save" money). As time went by and many thousands of dollars were spent, the client reviewed the agreement document, and it became obvious that we didn't agree on much at all. Needless to say, that whole project worked out about as well as hydrogen-filled, thermite coated dirigibles.

image Note I've been kind of hard on clients in this chapter, making them out to be conniving folks who will cheat you at the drop of a hat. This is seldom the case, but it takes only one. The truth is that almost every client will appreciate you keeping him or her in the loop and getting approval for the design at reasonable intervals, because clients are only as invested in the process as they have to be. You might even be the fifteenth consultant performing these interviews because the previous 14 were tremendous failures.

Best Practices

The following list of some best practices can be useful to follow when doing conceptual and logical modeling:

  • Be patient : A great design comes from not jumping the gun and starting to get ahead of the process. I present the process in this book, as I do to try to encourage you to follow a reasonably linear process rather than starting out with a design looking for a problem to solve with it.
  • Be diligent: Look through everything to make sure that what's being said makes sense. Be certain to understand as many of the business rules that bind the system as possible before moving on to the next step. Mistakes made early in the process can mushroom later.
  • Document: The point of this chapter has been just that—document every entity, attribute, relationship, business rule, and process identified (and anything else you discover, even if it won't fit neatly into one of these buckets). The format of the documentation isn't really all that important, only that the information is there, that it's understandable by all parties involved, and that it will be useful going forward toward implementation.
  • Communicate: Constant communication with clients is essential to keep the design on track. The danger is that if you start to get the wrong idea of what the client needs, every decision past that point might be wrong. Get as much face time with the client as possible.

image  Note This mantra of "review with client, review with client, review with client" is probably starting to get a bit old at this point. This is one of the last times I'll mention it, but it's so important that I hope it has sunk in.


In this chapter, I've presented the process of discovering the structures that should eventually make up a dental-office database solution. We've weeded through all the documentation that had been gathered during the information-gathering phase, doing our best not to add our own contributions to the solution until we processed all the initial documentation, so as not to add our personal ideas to the solution. This is no small task; in our initial example, we had only three paragraphs to work with, yet we ended up with quite a few pages of documentation from it.

It is important to be diligent to determine what kind of building you are building so can create the right kind of foundation. Once you have a firm foundation to build from, the likelihood improves that the database you build on it will be solid and the rest of the process has a chance. If the foundation is shoddy, the rest of the system that gets built will likely be the same. The purpose of this process is to distill as much information as possible about what the client wants out of the system and put it into the conceptual and logical model in order to understand the user's needs.

Once you have as much documentation as possible from the users, the real work begins. Through all this documentation, the goal is to discover as many of the following as possible:

  • Entities and relationships
  • Attributes and domains
  • Business rules that can be enforced in the database
  • Processes that require the use of the database

From this, a conceptual and logical data model will emerge that has many of the characteristics that will exist in the actual implemented database. Pretty much all that is left after this is to mold the design into a shape that fits the needs of the RDBMS to provide maximum ease of use. In the upcoming chapters, the database design will certainly change from the model we have just produced, but it will share many of the same characteristics and will probably not be so different that even the nontechnical layperson who has to approve your designs will understand.

In Chapters 6 and 7, we will apply the skills covered in this chapter for translating requirements to a data model and those for normalization from the next chapter to produce portions of data models that demonstrate the many ways you can take these very basic skills and create complex, interesting models.

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