List of Figures

Figure 1.1   Microsoft Surface home page: an example of an RIA

Figure 1.2   Key attributes of Web 2.0

Figure 1.3   Traditional (thin client) web-based application architecture

Figure 1.4   RIA architecture

Figure 1.5   The five dimensions of application usability

Figure 1.6   eBay desktop application developed using Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR

Figure 1.7   Beijing 2008 Olympics game videos on NBC's Olympics web site featuring Microsoft Silverlight

Figure 1.8   Olympics Silverlight plug-in on the MSN web site

Figure 1.9   Applying a "balancing act" in the selection of the right Web 2.0 technologies to develop Enterprise RIAs

Figure 1.10   Silverlight architecture

Figure 1.11   Microsoft Silverlight 2 XAML UI controls

Figure 1.12   XAML voting screen of the Silverlight web application

Figure 1.13   Silverlight data binding

Figure 2.1   My Album RIA

Figure 2.2   My Album user interface framework definition

Figure 2.3   My Album RIA in full-screen mode

Figure 2.4   The My Album RIA layout design and specifications

Figure 2.5   Application window background

Figure 2.6   My Album application title screenshot

Figure 2.7   My Album application with categories

Figure 2.8   Accessing Expression Blend within a Visual Studio Silverlight project

Figure 2.9   Setting up Rectangle.Fill with LinearGradientBrush

Figure 2.10   Application with populated title and categories

Figure 2.11   Designing the preview pane using Expression Blend

Figure 2.12   Pen tool of Expression Blend

Figure 2.13   Expression Blend Designer displays grid lines to define the control position easily.

Figure 2.14   Setting up the Previous symbol's properties using Expression Blend

Figure 2.15   Transforming objects using Expression Blend

Figure 2.16   Setting up common properties of the object using Expression Blend

Figure 2.17   Application with the preview pane

Figure 2.18   The Asset Library button displays the Asset Library in Expression Blend.

Figure 2.19   Asset Library controls in Expression Blend

Figure 2.20   Drawing a picture container using the Image control

Figure 2.21   DrawingEllipse control for the Play/Stop symbols

Figure 2.22   Defining brushes for the Ellipse control

Figure 2.23   Defining the appearance of the Stop symbol

Figure 2.24   Play/Stop symbol for the My Album RIA

Figure 2.25   Importing media files using Expression Encoder

Figure 2.26   The Item tab displaying imported media files

Figure 2.27   The Output tab defining encoding properties of imported media files

Figure 2.28   Setting up the Thumbnail section within the Output tab

Figure 2.29   Setting up the Job Output section within the Output tab

Figure 2.30   Adding image files to the Silverlight Project

Figure 2.31   Adding video files to the Silverlight project

Figure 2.32   My Album application code-behind events integration

Figure 2.33   Defining events for the Pictures category using Microsoft Expression Blend

Figure 2.34   Defining events for the Videos category using Microsoft Expression Blend

Figure 2.35   Defining XAML control properties using Expression Blend

Figure 2.36   XAML controls event integration using Expression Blend

Figure 2.37   Binding event handlers to the object using Expression Blend

Figure 2.38   Defining individual file deployment behavior using the Build Action property

Figure 2.39   Different options for the Build Action property

Figure 2.40   Deploying Silverlight applications on Microsoft Silverlight Streaming Server provided by Windows Live

Figure 2.41   Uploading a Silverlight application XAP package on Microsoft Silverlight Streaming Server

Figure 2.42   Creating a new Silverlight application on the Microsoft Silverlight Streaming Server

Figure 2.43   Creating a manifest for the Silverlight application

Figure 2.44   A message indicating the successful creation of your Silverlight application manifest

Figure 2.45   Configuring the Silverlight application

Figure 2.46   Different options for adding the deployed Silverlight application (on the Microsoft Silver-light Streaming Server) to your web page/application

Figure 3.1   Enterprise 2.0: the big picture

Figure 3.2   Key elements of Enterprise 2.0

Figure 3.3   Refined elements of Enterprise 2.0

Figure 3.4   Features of BEAs

Figure 3.5   The four dimensions of BEAs to achieve maximum ROI

Figure 3.6   Seven key principles for building RIAs as SaaS

Figure 3.7   Device-and platform-independent Enterprise 2.0 and Web 2.0 applications

Figure 3.8   Architecture components for enterprise RIAs

Figure 3.9   Application architecture of the My Album RIA developed in Chapter 2

Figure 3.10   Enterprise RIA architecture of the My Album RIA

Figure 4.1   SOA concept: relationship between SOA-based application objectives and organizational strategic components

Figure 4.2   Service integration based on SOA

Figure 4.3   Service definition and Web Service definition

Figure 4.4   SOA concept for Microsoft Silverlight-based RIAs

Figure 4.5   Seven key principles for building RIAs as SaaS

Figure 4.6   Dimensions of usability

Figure 4.7   Characteristics of flexibility

Figure 4.8   Agile SDLC Model

Figure 4.9   Dimensions of simplicity

Figure 4.10   Advantages of reusability

Figure 4.11   Dimensions of scalability

Figure 4.12   Vertical and horizontal scaling to improve scalability

Figure 4.13   Dimensions of maintainability

Figure 4.14   Dimensions of security

Figure 4.15   LINQ architecture

Figure 4.16   Building loosely coupled Silverlight user interface

Figure 4.17   Horizontal and vertical dynamic tabs

Figure 5.1   The My Album RIA developed in Chapter 2 using Silverlight

Figure 5.2   The Enterprise Training Portal RIA

Figure 5.3   Application architecture of the Enterprise Training Portal RIA

Figure 5.4   The Enterprise Training Portal RIA UI framework layout design and specifications

Figure 5.5   Silverlight XAML control class diagram for the Enterprise Training Portal RIA

Figure 5.6   Database schema of the trainingPortalDB_Data.mdf database containing Enterprise Training Portal training profiles

Figure 5.7   Microsoft Silverlight custom controls contain a clear separation between visuals and business logic.

Figure 5.8   Demonstrating how to define and apply style to the Button control

Figure 5.9   Demonstrating how to define ControlTemplate to change the Button control's shape to Oval and apply the template to the Button control

Figure 5.10   The Slider control has four distinct parts.

Figure 5.11   Different states of the CheckBox control

Figure 5.12   Two different state groups of the CheckBox control

Figure 5.13   State transition of the CheckBox control

Figure 5.14   States management window in Microsoft Expression Blend

Figure 5.15   Changing the generic.xaml file to a resource file

Figure 5.16   Generic structured template for a typical Silverlight custom control

Figure 5.17   Adding a Silverlight custom control as a reference to the Silverlight Application project

Figure 5.18   Adding the custom control to the Visual Studio Toolbox

Figure 5.19   Enterprise Training Portal project structure

Figure 5.20   getContents WCF service class diagram

Figure 5.21   Adding SQLDB.dbml LINQ to SQL classes mapped to relational objects

Figure 5.22   Creating data classes

Figure 5.23   Making the data class Serializable

Figure 5.24   Publishing the getContents WCF service

Figure 5.25   Adding the getContent WCF service as a reference

Figure 5.26   Changing the Collection type of the data service to support the List collection type

Figure 5.27   Class diagram of the tpDataLayer data access component

Figure 5.28   High-level class diagram of the Enterprise Training Portal RIA

Figure 5.29   User interface layout design of the left navigation pane

Figure 5.30   Class diagram of the panelMenu class

Figure 5.31   User interface layout design of the thumbnails to develop the preview pane

Figure 5.32   Class diagram of the thumbnails class

Figure 5.33   User interface layout design of the media player

Figure 5.34   Editing the control template using Expression Blend

Figure 5.35   Defining the style resource for the control template

Figure 5.36   Class diagram of the mediaSlider class

Figure 5.37   Class diagram of the mediaPlayer class

Figure 5.38   User interface layout design of the RSS feed viewer

Figure 5.39   Class diagram of the Rss2Reader class library project

Figure 5.40   Adjusting the default view of Deep Zoom images

Figure 5.41   Additional references and resource files for the TrainingPortal project

Figure 5.42   Enterprise Training Portal RIA in design view mode of the Page.xaml file

Figure 5.43   Class diagram of the Page.xaml.cs class of the main TrainingPortal Silverlight application project

Figure 5.44   Deployment process for deploying the Enterprise Training Portal RIA

Figure 5.45   Deployed Enterprise Training Portal RIA on

Figure 6.1   Silverlight SmartTabs project properties window

Figure 6.2   Silverlight SmartTabs application XAP package file

Figure 6.3   AppManifest.xaml of the SmartTabs application

Figure 6.4   Defining in-package/on-demand behavior using the Copy Local property of the assembly file

Figure 6.5   Setting the Build Action property of a resource file

Figure 6.6   Deploying and consuming a Silverlight application

Figure 6.7   The .NET Framework resource manager follows the hub-and-spoke model to identify and load the appropriate satellite assembly.

Figure 7.1   Push architecture model

Figure 7.2   Pull architecture model

Figure 7.3   Store-and-forward synchronization model

Figure 7.4   Database synchronization model

Figure 7.5   File/Document synchronization model

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