Offset (roll) image horizontally and vertically

We see here how to roll an image. That is, to shift it to the right or left without losing anything - the image effectively rolls as if the edges were joined. The same process will work in the vertical direction.

Getting ready

Use the image canary_a.jpg from the folder /constr/pics1.

How to do it...

Execute the following program noting that we need to import a module belonging to PIL called ImageChops. The Chops stands for channel operations.

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
import Image
import ImageChops
im_1 ="/constr/pics1/canary_a.jpg")
# adjust width and height to desired size
dx = 200
dy = 300
im_2 = ImageChops.offset(im_1, dx, dy)"/constr/picsx/canary_2.jpg")

How it works...

The excellent guide Python Imaging Library by John Shipman written in mid 2009 does not mention ImageChops.

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