Writing a chat server using select.select

Launching a separate thread or process per client may not be viable in any larger network server application where several hundred or thousand clients are concurrently connected to the server. Due to the limited available memory and host CPU power, we need a better technique to deal with large number of clients. Fortunately, Python provides the select module to overcome this problem.

How to do it...

We need to write an efficient chat server that can handle several hundred or a large number of client connections. We will use the select() method from the select module that will enable our chat server and client to do any task without blocking a send or receive call all the time.

Let us design this recipe such that a single script can launch both client and server with an additional --name argument. Only if --name=server is passed from the command line, the script will launch the chat server. Any other value passed to the --name argument, for example, client1, client2, will launch a chat client. Let's specify our char server port number from the command line using --port argument. For a larger application, it may be preferable to write separate modules for the server and client.

Listing 2.3 shows an example of chat application using select.select as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Python Network Programming Cookbook -- Chapter - 2
# This program is optimized for Python 2.7
# It may run on any other version with/without modifications
import select
import socket
import sys
import signal
import cPickle
import struct
import argparse

SERVER_HOST = 'localhost'

# Some utilities
def send(channel, *args):
    buffer = cPickle.dumps(args)
    value = socket.htonl(len(buffer))
    size = struct.pack("L",value)

def receive(channel):
    size = struct.calcsize("L")
    size = channel.recv(size)
        size = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack("L", size)[0])
    except struct.error, e:
        return ''
    buf = ""
    while len(buf) < size:
        buf = channel.recv(size - len(buf))
    return cPickle.loads(buf)[0]

The send() method takes one named argument channel and positional argument *args. It serializes the data using the dumps() method from the cPickle module. It determines the size of the data using the struct module. Similarly, receive() takes one named argument channel.

Now we can code the ChatServer class as follows:

class ChatServer(object):
    """ An example chat server using select """
 def __init__(self, port, backlog=5):
   self.clients = 0
   self.clientmap = {}
   self.outputs = [] # list output sockets
   self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
   # Enable re-using socket address
   self.server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
   self.server.bind((SERVER_HOST, port))
   print 'Server listening to port: %s ...' %port
   # Catch keyboard interrupts
   signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sighandler)
    def sighandler(self, signum, frame):
        """ Clean up client outputs"""
        # Close the server
        print 'Shutting down server...'
        # Close existing client sockets
        for output in self.outputs:

    def get_client_name(self, client):
        """ Return the name of the client """
        info = self.clientmap[client]
        host, name = info[0][0], info[1]
        return '@'.join((name, host))

Now the main executable method of the ChatServer class should look like the following code:

    def run(self):
        inputs = [self.server, sys.stdin]
        self.outputs = []
        running = True
        while running:
          readable, writeable, exceptional = 
          select.select(inputs, self.outputs, [])
            except select.error, e:
            for sock in readable:
                if sock == self.server:
                    # handle the server socket
                    client, address = self.server.accept()
                    print "Chat server: got connection %d from %s" %                     (client.fileno(), address)
                    # Read the login name
                    cname = receive(client).split('NAME: ')[1]
                    # Compute client name and send back
                    self.clients += 1
                    send(client, 'CLIENT: ' + str(address[0]))
                    self.clientmap[client] = (address, cname)
                    # Send joining information to other clients
                    msg = "
(Connected: New client (%d) from %s)" %                   (self.clients, self.get_client_name(client))
                    for output in self.outputs:
                        send(output, msg)
                elif sock == sys.stdin:
                    # handle standard input
                    junk = sys.stdin.readline()
                    running = False
                    # handle all other sockets
                        data = receive(sock)
                        if data:
                            # Send as new client's message...
                            msg = '
#[' + self.get_client_name(sock)
                                   + ']>>' + data
                            # Send data to all except ourself
                            for output in self.outputs:
                                if output != sock:
                                    send(output, msg)
                            print "Chat server: %d hung up" % 
                            self.clients -= 1
                            # Sending client leaving info to others
                            msg = "
(Now hung up: Client from %s)" %                             self.get_client_name(sock)
                            for output in self.outputs:
                                send(output, msg)
                    except socket.error, e:
                        # Remove

The chat server initializes with a few data attributes. It stores the count of clients, map of each client, and output sockets. The usual server socket creation also sets the option to reuse an address so that there is no problem restarting the server again using the same port. An optional backlog argument to the chat server constructor sets the maximum number of queued connections to listen by the server.

An interesting aspect of this chat server is to catch the user interrupt, usually via keyboard, using the signal module. So a signal handler sighandler is registered for the interrupt signal (SIGINT). This signal handler catches the keyboard interrupt signal and closes all output sockets where data may be waiting to be sent.

The main executive method of our chat server run() performs its operation inside a while loop. This method registers with a select interface where the input argument is the chat server socket, stdin. The output argument is specified by the server's output socket list. In return, select provides three lists: readable, writable, and exceptional sockets. The chat server is only interested in readable sockets where some data is ready to be read. If that socket indicates to itself, then that will mean a new client connection has been established. So the server retrieves the client's name and broadcasts this information to other clients. In another case, if anything comes from the input arguments, the chat server exits. Similarly, the chat server deals with the other client's socket inputs. It relays the data received from any client to others and also shares their joining/leaving information.

The chat client code class should contain the following code:

class ChatClient(object):
    """ A command line chat client using select """

    def __init__(self, name, port, host=SERVER_HOST):
        self.name = name
        self.connected = False
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        # Initial prompt
        self.prompt='[' + '@'.join((name, socket.gethostname().split('.')[0])) + ']> '
        # Connect to server at port
            self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self.sock.connect((host, self.port))
            print "Now connected to chat server@ port %d" % self.port
            self.connected = True
            # Send my name...
            send(self.sock,'NAME: ' + self.name)
            data = receive(self.sock)
            # Contains client address, set it
            addr = data.split('CLIENT: ')[1]
            self.prompt = '[' + '@'.join((self.name, addr)) + ']> '
        except socket.error, e:
            print "Failed to connect to chat server @ port %d" % self.port

    def run(self):
        """ Chat client main loop """
        while self.connected:
                # Wait for input from stdin and socket
                readable, writeable,exceptional = select.select([0, self.sock], [],[])
                for sock in readable:
                    if sock == 0:
                        data = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
                        if data: send(self.sock, data)
                    elif sock == self.sock:
                        data = receive(self.sock)
                        if not data:
                            print 'Client shutting down.'
                            self.connected = False
                            sys.stdout.write(data + '
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print " Client interrupted. """

The chat client initializes with a name argument and sends this name to the chat server upon connecting. It also sets up a custom prompt [ name@host ]>. The executive method of this client run() continues its operation as long as the connection to the server is active. In a manner similar to the chat server, the chat client also registers with select(). If anything in readable sockets is ready, it enables the client to receive data. If the sock value is 0 and there's any data available then the data can be sent. The same information is also shown in stdout or, in our case, the command-line console. Our main method should now get command-line arguments and call either the server or client as follows:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Socket Server Example with Select')
    parser.add_argument('--name', action="store", dest="name", required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--port', action="store", dest="port", type=int, required=True)
    given_args = parser.parse_args()
    port = given_args.port
    name = given_args.name
    if name == CHAT_SERVER_NAME:
        server = ChatServer(port)
        client = ChatClient(name=name, port=port)

We would like to run this script thrice: once for the chat server and twice for two chat clients. For the server, we pass –name=server and port=8800. For client1, we change the name argument --name=client1 and for client2, we put --name=client2. Then from the client1 value prompt we send the message "Hello from client 1", which is printed in the prompt of the client2. Similarly, we send "hello from client 2" from the prompt of the client2, which is shown in the prompt of the client1.

The output for the server is as follows:

$ python 2_3_chat_server_with_select.py --name=server --port=8800
Server listening to port: 8800 ...
Chat server: got connection 4 from ('', 56565)
Chat server: got connection 5 from ('', 56566)

The output for client1 is as follows:

$ python 2_3_chat_server_with_select.py --name=client1 --port=8800
Now connected to chat server@ port 8800
[[email protected]]>
(Connected: New client (2) from [email protected])
[[email protected]]> Hello from client 1
[[email protected]]>
#[[email protected]]>>hello from client 2

The output for client2 is as follows:

$ python 2_3_chat_server_with_select.py --name=client2 --port=8800
Now connected to chat server@ port 8800
[[email protected]]>
#[[email protected]]>>Hello from client 1
[[email protected]]> hello from client 2
[[email protected]]

The whole interaction is shown in the following screenshot:

How to do it...

How it works...

At the top of our module, we defined two utility functions: send() and receive().

The chat server and client use these utility functions, which were demonstrated earlier. The details of the chat server and client methods were also discussed earlier.

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