Detecting inactive machines on your network

If you have been given a list of IP addresses of a few machines on your network and you are asked to write a script to find out which hosts are inactive periodically, you would want to create a network scanner type program without installing anything on the target host computers.

Getting ready

This recipe requires installing the Scapy library (> 2.2), which can be obtained at

How to do it...

We can use Scapy, a mature network-analyzing, third-party library, to launch an ICMP scan. Since we would like to do it periodically, we need Python's sched module to schedule the scanning tasks.

Listing 3.7 shows us how to detect inactive machines, as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Python Network Programming Cookbook -- Chapter – 3
# This program is optimized for Python 2.7.
# It may run on any other version with/without modifications.
# This recipe requires scapy-2.2.0 or higher 

import argparse
import time
import sched
from scapy.all import sr, srp, IP, UDP, ICMP, TCP, ARP, Ether
scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)

def detect_inactive_hosts(scan_hosts):
    Scans the network to find scan_hosts are live or dead
    scan_hosts can be like to cover range. 
    See Scapy docs for specifying targets.   
    global scheduler
    scheduler.enter(RUN_FREQUENCY, 1, detect_inactive_hosts, (scan_hosts, ))
    inactive_hosts = []
        ans, unans = sr(IP(dst=scan_hosts)/ICMP(),retry=0, timeout=1)
        ans.summary(lambda(s,r) : r.sprintf("%IP.src% is alive"))
        for inactive in unans:
            print "%s is inactive" %inactive.dst
        print "Total %d hosts are inactive" %(len(inactive_hosts))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Python networking utils')
    parser.add_argument('--scan-hosts', action="store", dest="scan_hosts", required=True)
    given_args = parser.parse_args() 
    scan_hosts = given_args.scan_hosts    
    scheduler.enter(1, 1, detect_inactive_hosts, (scan_hosts, ))

The output of this script will be something like the following command:

$ sudo python --scan-hosts=
Begin emission:
.*...Finished to send 3 packets.
Received 6 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 2 packets is alive is inactive is inactive
Total 2 hosts are inactive
Begin emission:
*.Finished to send 3 packets.
Received 3 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 2 packets is alive is inactive is inactive
Total 2 hosts are inactive

How it works...

The preceding script first takes a list of network hosts, scan_hosts, from the command line. It then creates a schedule to launch the detect_inactive_hosts() function after a one-second delay. The target function takes the scan_hosts argument and calls Scapy's sr() function.

This function schedules itself to rerun after every 10 seconds by calling the schedule.enter() function once again. This way, we run this scanning task periodically.

Scapy's sr() scanning function takes an IP, protocol and some scan-control information. In this case, the IP() method passes scan_hosts as the destination hosts to scan, and the protocol is specified as ICMP. This can also be TCP or UDP. We do not specify a retry and one-second timeout to run this script faster. However, you can experiment with the options that suit you.

The scanning sr()function returns the hosts that answer and those that don't as a tuple. We check the hosts that don't answer, build a list, and print that information.

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