Replaying traffic by reading from a saved pcap file

While playing with network packets, you may need to replay traffic by reading from a previously saved pcap file. In that case, you'd like to read the pcap file and modify the source or destination IP addresses before sending them.

How to do it...

Let us use Scapy to read a previously saved pcap file. If you don't have a pcap file, you can use the Saving packets in the pcap format using pcap dumper recipe of this chapter to do that.

Then, parse the arguments from the command line and pass them to a send_packet()function along with the parsed raw packets.

Listing 9.6 gives the code for replaying traffic by reading from a saved pcap file, as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Python Network Programming Cookbook -- Chapter - 9
# This program is optimized for Python 2.7. 
# It may run on any other version with/without modifications.

import argparse
from scapy.all import *

def send_packet(recvd_pkt, src_ip, dst_ip, count):
  """ Send modified packets"""
  pkt_cnt = 0
  p_out = []

  for p in recvd_pkt:
    pkt_cnt += 1
    new_pkt = p.payload
    new_pkt[IP].dst = dst_ip
    new_pkt[IP].src = src_ip
    del new_pkt[IP].chksum
    if pkt_cnt % count == 0:
      p_out = []

  # Send rest of packet
  print "Total packets sent: %d" %pkt_cnt

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # setup commandline arguments
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Packet Sniffer')
  parser.add_argument('--infile', action="store", dest="infile", 
  parser.add_argument('--src-ip', action="store", dest="src_ip", 
  parser.add_argument('--dst-ip', action="store", dest="dst_ip", 
  parser.add_argument('--count', action="store", dest="count", 
default=100, type=int)
  # parse arguments
  given_args = ga = parser.parse_args()
  global src_ip, dst_ip
  infile, src_ip, dst_ip, count =  ga.infile, ga.src_ip, 
ga.dst_ip, ga.count
    pkt_reader = PcapReader(infile)
    send_packet(pkt_reader, src_ip, dst_ip, count)
  except IOError:
    print "Failed reading file %s contents" % infile

If you run this script, it will read the saved pcap file, pcap1.pcap, by default and send the packet after modifying the source and destination IP addresses to and respectively, as shown in the following output. If you use the tcpdump utility, you can see these packet transmissions.

# python 
Sent 3 packets.
Total packets sent 3
# tcpdump src
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol 
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 
^C18:44:13.186302 IP > ARennes-651-1-107-2.w2- Flags [P.], seq 2543332484:2543332663, ack 
3460668268, win 65535, length 179
1 packets captured
3 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

How it works...

This recipe reads a saved pcap file, pcap1.pcap, from the disk using the PcapReader() function of Scapy that returns an iterator of packets. The command-line arguments are parsed if they are supplied. Otherwise, the default value is used as shown in the preceding output.

The command-line arguments and the packet list are passed to the send_packet() function. This function places the new packets in the p_out list and keeps track of the processed packets. In each packet, the payload is modified, thus changing the source and destination IPs. In addition to this, the checksum packet is deleted as it was based on the original IP address.

After processing one of the packets, it is sent over the network immediately. After that, the remaining packets are sent in one go.

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