About the Author

Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker is a software architect, and DevOps engineer who's currently working at University College London (UCL), United Kingdom. In recent years, he has been leading a number of Python software development projects, including the implementation of an interactive web-based scientific computing framework using the IPython Notebook service at UCL. He is a specialist and an expert in open source technologies, for example, e-learning and web application platforms, agile software development, and IT service management methodologies such as DSDM Atern and ITIL Service management frameworks.

Dr. Sarker received his PhD in multirobot systems from University of South Wales where he adopted various Python open source projects for integrating the complex software infrastructure of one of the biggest multirobot experiment testbeds in UK. To drive his multirobot fleet, he designed and implemented a decoupled software architecture called hybrid event-driven architecture on D-Bus. Since 1999, he has been deploying Linux and open source software in commercial companies, educational institutions, and multinational consultancies. He was invited to work on the Google Summer of Code 2009/2010 programs for contributing to the BlueZ and Tahoe-LAFS open source projects.

Currently, Dr. Sarker has a research interest in self-organized cloud architecture. In his spare time, he likes to play with his little daughter, Ayesha, and is keen to learn about child-centric educational methods that can empower children with self-confidence by engaging with their environment.

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