Simulating stereo and mono cameras in Gazebo

In the previous section, we discussed laser scanner simulation. In this section, we will see how to simulate a camera. A camera is an important sensor for all kinds of robots. We will see how to launch both mono and stereo camera simulations. You can use the following commands to launch the simulations.

Mono camera:

$ roslaunch sensor_sim_gazebo camera.launch

Stereo camera:

$ roslaunch sensor_sim_gazebo stereo_camera.launch

You can view the image from the camera either using Rviz or using a tool called image_view.

You can look at the mono camera view using the following command:

$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/sensor/camera1/image_raw

Simulating stereo and mono cameras in Gazebo

Figure 18: Image from simulated camera

To view images from a simulated stereo camera, use the following commands:

$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/stereo/camera/right/image_raw
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/stereo/camera/left/image_raw

This commands will display two image windows from each camera of the stereo camera, which is shown here:

Simulating stereo and mono cameras in Gazebo

Figure 19: Image from simulated stereo camera

Similar to the laser scanner plugin, we are using a separate plugin for mono and stereo cameras. You can see the Gazebo plugin definition in sensor_sim_gazebo/urdf/camera.xacro and stereo_camera.xacro.

The plugin is used to simulate a mono camera, and for a stereo camera.

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