
When you think of a first-person shooter (FPS), modern games like Call of Duty or Halo might come to mind, but before these was Doom. The great grandfather of the modern FPS, Doom, created by id Software, took the PC gaming world by storm. For its time, Doom had amazing graphics, multiplayer capabilities, user-created levels, and introduced the concept of shareware. It included the first chapter of the game for free, but if you wanted to finish the story and beat the game, you were asked to purchase the game. Doom made history. When id Software open sourced the Doom engine, players and developers quickly scoured the code. They made updates, patched bugs, added new features, and most importantly, ported the game to multiple systems.

Doom is still being developed today. If we take advantage of modern capabilities and modern 3D graphics cards, the original game can be made to look better. For Raspberry Pi, we will go for the classic style.

PrBoom is a Linux port of the Doom engine that includes the Freedoom campaign. Freedoom is a totally new set of levels to play in the Doom universe.

Installing and running

We will install PrBoom using apt-get, as follows:

  1. At the command line, type sudo apt-get install prboom.
  2. Press Y when it asks to install.
  3. Now, let's run PrBoom by typing prboom and pressing Enter.
    Installing and running
  4. You are going to be presented with the Freedoom campaign. Press Enter to begin and then choose your difficulty level.

The awesome Doom community has created hundreds of campaigns. They are stored in files called WADs. If you want to change the campaign, download some WAD files to your Raspberry Pi and run PrBoom with the command prboom –file /path/to/game.wad.


Here is a list of the default keys in Doom:



Turn left

Left arrow

Turn right

Right arrow


Up arrow


Down arrow





Change weapon

Press 2 through 7



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