

  1. Array creation routines

    1. arange()

    2. linspace() graph

    3. linspace() vs. logspace() graph

    4. method

    5. np.arange() method

    6. np.zeros() method


  1. Beowulf cluster

  2. /boot/config.txt file

    1. options

    2. Pi 2

    3. Pi 3

    4. Pi B and Pi B+

  3. Broadcasting


  1. Cluster

    1. Beowulf cluster

    2. definition

    3. heterogenous

    4. Pis

      1. female-to-female standoffs

      2. male-to-female standoffs

      3. male-to-male standoffs

      4. Raspberry Pi

      5. second Pi

  2. Colorbar

  3. Colormaps

  4. Computer algebra system (CAS)

  5. Concurrency

  6. config.txt file

  7. Control Data Corporation (CDC)

D, E

  1. Data tagging

  2. Desktop connection

    1. LXDE

    2. remote options

    3. time remote login

  3. Distributed memory system


  1. Floating Point Operations Per Second (FLOPS)

  2. Fourier transforms


  1. Gathering

  2. Geany

    1. Raspbian menu

    2. set build commands

    3. text editor


  1. Heterogenous cluster


  1. Image processing program

    1. image channels

    2. Matplotlib

      1. Lena image

      2. multiple image grid

      3. plotting window

      4. pyplot imshow()

    3. NumPy

    4. scipy.misc module

    5. simple image processing

  2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

    1. Geany

    2. IDLE

  3. Integration

  4. Interpolation

    1. a 1-D curve

    2. 1-D interpolation

    3. 2-D interpolation

    4. methods

    5. N-D curve

  5. J, K

  6. Jupyter

    1. commands

    2. IPython

    3. notebooks

      1. Chromium browser

      2. commands

      3. components

      4. console

      5. Python 3 code

      6. Python 3 notebook

      7. running

      8. screenshot

      9. tab


  1. LAN with DHCP

  2. LAN with static IP addresses

  3. Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE)

  4. Linear algebra

  5. Linux commands

    1. Help option

    2. network-related commands

      1. ifconfig

      2. iwconfig

      3. iwlist wlan0 scan

      4. ping

    3. system information

      1. CPU

      2. hostname-I

      3. lsusb

      4. memory

      5. partition

      6. system and OS version information

      7. vcgencmd measure_temp


  1. Matplotlib

    1. colorbar

    2. colormaps

    3. histogram demo

    4. image processing

    5. image reading

    6. interpolation methods

    7. Lena image

    8. multiple image grid

    9. plotting window

    10. pyplot imshow()

  2. Matrix and linear algebra

  3. Message Passing Interface (MPI)

    1. distributed memory system

    2. facts

    3. features of

    4. forum

    5. history and evolution of

    6. implementations

    7. MPI4PY

SeeMPI for Python (MPI4PY)
  1. nmap

  1. MicroSD card, backup of

  2. MPI for Python (MPI4PY)

    1. combination

    2. overview

    3. parallel programs

    4. philosophy of

    5. Python 3 on Raspbian

    6. SPMD architecture


  1. N-Dimensional array (ndarray)

    1. attributes

    2. notebook

  2. nmap

  3. Numeric(al) Python (NumPy)

    1. built-array creation routines

    2. data types

    3. features

    4. fourier transforms

    5. Jupyter

  1. matrix and linear algebra

  2. ndarray

    1. attributes

    2. notebook

  3. random numbers and statistics

  4. trigonometric methods


  1. Overclocking

    1. /boot/config.txt file

      1. models

      2. options

      3. Pi 2

      4. Pi 3

      5. Pi B and Pi B+

    2. heatsink

      1. installation

      2. procurement

    3. meaning

    4. raspi-config

    5. risks of

P, Q

  1. Parallelism

  2. Parallel programs

    1. broadcasting


    3. conditional statements

    4. data tagging

    5. dynamic data transfer

    6. gathering

    7. MPI concepts

    8. MPI4PY

    9. multiple ranks

    10. one-to-one communication

    11. processes

    12. scattering

  3. Peta FLOPS (PFLOPS)

  4. Pis

    1. cluster

    2. hostname command

      1. mpirun

      2. ssh-keygen keys

    3. LAN with DHCP

    4. nmap

    5. static IP addresses and LAN

    6. WiFi network

  5. Python

    1. community support

    2. easy to learn

    3. easy to maintain

    4. easy to read

    5. extensible

    6. extensive libraries

    7. features of

    8. high-level language

    9. history of

    10. IDE

SeeIntegrated Development Environment (IDE)
  1. interactive mode

  2. interpreted

  3. memory management

  4. normal mode

  5. object-oriented

  6. open source project

  7. parallel programs

SeeParallel programs
  1. portable

  2. powerful

  3. principles

  4. Python 2 and 3

    1. classes

    2. differences

    3. features

    4. handling exceptions

    5. print() function

    6. raising exceptions

    7. Raspbian

    8. use of

    9. xrange() function

  5. rapid prototyping

  6. robust

  7. simple and minimalist language


  1. Raspberry Pi

    1. booting up

      1. quad-core processor

      2. Raspbian desktop

      3. single core processor

      4. steps

    2. bottom view

    3. config.txt file

    4. configuration

      1. desktop autologin

      2. icon

      3. internationalization options

      4. LXTerminal window

      5. raspi-config

      6. screenshot

    5. ethernet

      1. dynamic IP address

      2. static IP address

    6. fileconfig.txt

    7. foundation

    8. hardware requirement

      1. computer/laptop

      2. HDMI male-to-male cable

      3. HDMI-to-VGA adapter

      4. I/O devices

      5. microSD card

      6. monitor

      7. power supply

      8. Raspberry Pi

      9. SD/microSD card reader

      10. VGA cable

    9. HDMI-to-VGA cable

    10. manual preparation

    11. microSD card

      1. error message

      2. overwrite warning message

      3. successful message

      4. Win32DiskImager

    12. reboot prompt

    13. shutdown

    14. software requirement

      1. download accelerator plus

      2. Raspbian OS image

      3. Win32DiskImager

      4. WinZip/WinRaR

    15. specifications (1 Model B+)

    16. specifications (2 Model B)

    17. specifications (3 Model B)

    18. top view

    19. update

      1. firmware

      2. raspi-config

      3. upgrading Raspbian

    20. WiFi

  2. Raspbian

  3. raspi-config file

    1. enable confirmation

    2. SSH server

  4. raspi-config tool

  5. Remote connectivities

    1. file transfer

    2. Raspberry Pi

      1. desktop

      2. Linux/macOS

      3. ping command

      4. PuTTY

      5. WinSCP

    3. raspi-config

    4. SSH

  6. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)


  1. Scattering

  2. Scientific computing, SciPy

    1. integration

    2. interpolation

      1. a 1-D curve

      2. 1-D interpolation

      3. 2-D interpolation

      4. N-D curve

    3. linear algebra

    4. mathematical constants

  3. Scientific Python (SciPy) stack

    1. components

    2. installation

    3. role of

    4. SymPy

SeeSymbolic programming (SymPy)
  1. Signal processing

    1. waveforms

      1. generator function

      2. modulated wave

      3. sawtooth wave signal

      4. square wave signal

    2. window function

      1. convolution

      2. Hamming function

      3. Hanning demo

      4. Kaiser demo

      5. Mexican hat wavelet

  2. Single board computers (SBCs)

    1. factors

    2. functional computer

    3. history of

    4. popular families

    5. regular computers

    6. SoC vs. regular CPU

    7. system on chip (SoC)

  3. Single-Program Multiple-Data (SPMD)

  4. Supercomputers

    1. cluster

    2. concept of

    3. concurrency

    4. history of

    5. networks

  1. nodes

    1. hostname

    2. lxterminal prompt

  2. parallelism

  3. parallel programming

  1. Symbolic programming (SymPy)

    1. calculus

    2. create and navigate

    3. printers

    4. simplification

    5. string conversion

    6. symbols

    7. website

  2. System on chip (SoC)

T, U, V

  1. Tera FLOPS (TFLOPS)

  2. Trigonometric methods

W, X, Y, Z

  1. Waveforms

    1. generator function

    2. modulated wave

    3. sawtooth wave signal

    4. square wave signal

  2. WiFi network

  3. Window function

    1. convolution

    2. Hamming function

    3. Hanning demo

    4. Kaiser demo

    5. Mexican hat wavelet

  4. WinSCP

    1. dialog box

    2. file transfer window

    3. save session

    4. window

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