


De World Over


The following marketing plan is for a fictitious band, DeMand, and is not intended to represent any artist or band, living or dead. The plan is a simulation of the elements that an actual marketing plan would contain.

DeMand De World Over Marketing Plan – Created by Dexter Story/adapted by T. Hutchison

De World Over

Malign Records
Phase 1 Marketing Plan

(updated as of November 26, 2002)

Prepare for DeMand Domination! First, there was the platinum debut album DeMand in 1996 that featured the smash singles “Talk To Me,” “On Your Mark” and “Never Break A Promise.” Next, came the multi-platinum, follow-up release Enter DeMand in 1998 that took the group to even greater heights with chart topping hits “What Is Your Love” and “There Are Some Tunes.” On November 26th, witness history in the making with the third installment in the DeMand saga. Last seen together in 1999, Jacqo, Sharp, Marco, Nada and newest member Kino return with De World Over, the long-awaited new album featuring the runaway hit single “I Could Have Been.”

Project facts




Bobby “Kino” Keller, Jack “Jacqo” Brown, Leroy “Sharp” Baskins, Timothy “Nada” Bordeaux and Mark “Marco” Adams


Baltimore, MD

Album Title:

De World Over

Release Date:

November 26, 2002


Kino, Maxie, Sharp, Bobby Campbell, Michael Gaines, Shapia, Dr. Spearson,


CD 0 440 052 476-23
Cass 0 440 052 476-4 7
LP 0 440 052 477-15

Price Code:


Order Due Date:


File Under:




Box Lot:


Track listing

1.   Love Happens

2.   Rapturous

3.   I Could Have Been …

4.   Should I

5.   Get It Done

6.   W.A.R.

7.   Best Love

8.   What She Tells Me

9.   All The Time

10.   My True Love

11.   Always In Love With You

12.   Seem To Say I’m Sorry

13.   You Did What?

First Single:

“I Could Have Been …”

Servicing Date:

September 9, 2002 to Urban and Urban AC radio

Impact Date:

October 7, 2002

Project contacts


Kxxxxxx Cxxxx

Assistant: Sxxxxxn Hxxxxx


Cell: (310) 555-2020

Mxxx “Hxxxx” Cxxxxx

Mobile: (818) 555-4040

2way: [email protected]

Email:[email protected]




New York, NY 10019

Phone: (212) 555-5680


Jxxxxxxx Xxxx

Phone: (212) 555-2481

Fax: (212) 555-8264

Email: [email protected]

Cxxxxxxx Bxxxxx

Phone: (323) 555-7409

Fax: (323) 555-0564

Email: [email protected]


Jxxx Jxxxxxx

Phone: (212) 555-5460

Fax: (212) 555-5591

Email: [email protected]


Dexter Story

Assistant: Txxxxxx Gxxxe

Phone: (212) 555-4845

Phone: (212) 555-6648

Fax: (212) 555-4615


Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Cell: (917) 555-7419

Cell: (917) 555-7549

Background information/marketing

Album History:

image  “DeMand” 1996 – 1.62 million scanned

image  “Enter DeMand” 1998 – 2.24 million scanned

image  Jacqo “Unleash The Dog” 1999 – 4.19 million scanned

image  Jacqo “Return of Dog” 2001 – 446k scanned

image  “De World Over” – Now

Single History:

image  “On Your Mark” 1996 – 1.3 million scanned

image  “Talk to Me” 1996 – 756k scanned

image  “Never Break A Promise” 1997 – 756k scanned

image  “We’re Not Into Love” 1997 – 726k scanned

image  “There Are Some Tunes” 1997 – 276k scanned

image  Jacqo “Uncomparable” 2002 – 1.02 million scanned

Top Soundscan Markets:

image  New York

image  Los Angeles

image  Chicago

image  Philadelphia

image  Washington DC

image  Atlanta

image  Dallas

image  Boston

image  Detroit

image  Baltimore

image  SF-Oakland-San Jose

Target Audience:

image  Core DeMand fan

image  Dedicated Jacqo fan

image  18-34 age

image  Female 70/30

image  Urban, crossover, R&B-savvy

Marketing Tools:

image  Bios

image  Glossies

image  :15 Access Granted World Premier TV spot

image  :15 album TV spot

image  :30 album TV spot

image  :60 radio

image  Personality posters

image  2,000 teaser flats

image  10,000 teaser flyers

image  3 × 1 flats

image  Die cut clings

image  T-shirts

image  Tour posters

image  Baseball cards

Marketing objective

Malign Records considers it a privilege to carry on the successful DeMand brand. Designed to reach a broad demographic (e.g. core fan base, Jacqo enthusiasts and beyond), this plan utilizes aggressive and timely marketing. The De World Over project must explode visually and facilitate Malign’s radio, video, sales, publicity and new media departments in bringing the BEST maximum visibility to the group. The first “looks” are:

image  Online: (9/3) World Premier download

image  Radio: (9/4) single servicing and (10/18) interview at a Baltimore station

image  Print: (week of 10/7) Airplay Monitor tip sheet cover (teaser using logo only)

image  Group appearance: (10/16) LL Cool J performance at Hammerstein Ballroom

image  Television: (10/23) BET Access Granted (“I Could Have Been …” video shoot – Los Angeles)

image  Group performance: (10/29) BET Walk of Fame: Stevie Wonder tribute (“Living For The City”)

image  Live performance: (11/20) Red Star/Heineken Music Initiative presents …

Key dates

10/23 – BET Access Granted airing

10/24 – Online premier of “I Could Have Been …” video on

10/29 – BET 106th and Park airing

10/29 – BET Walk of Fame: Stevie Wonder tribute airing

11/4 (week of) – MTV2 Soul host appearance

11/6 – MTV DFX video premiere

11/8 – Multi-city promo tour launch through 11/27

11/20 – Red Star/Heineken Music Initiative presents … DeMand Live at The World (New York)

11/25 – Midnight sale

11/26 – Album release date, BET 106th and Park appearance airing, release party (Baltimore tentative)

11/27 – BET Blueprint Special airing, retail in-store (Baltimore)

12/7 – Dale Tans promotion through 12/11 (St. Croix)

12/9 – 13th Annual Billboard Awards (Las Vegas)

A&R/Artist development/setup

Every effort has been made to transition DeMand from a 4-year hiatus to a full-time endeavor. Back from recording the album in a remote area on the island of St. Croix, the group is willingly engaged in taking themselves to the next level. Artist development and set up include:

image  Management by veterans Kelly Smith and Mike “Diggy” Alden

image  Media training with the highly-effective Dana Wilson

image  Photo shoot with photographer Matthew Miller

image  Choreography with talented Rodney Wallace

image  Art direction by the awesome Roger Sanjen

Following is our working tag line:

First, there was DeMand!

Next, there was Enter DeMand!

Now, get ready for De World Domination!

DeMand (logo)

“I Could Have Been …”

The New Single From The Long-Awaited Album

De World Over.


Malign will implement a press/promotional plan that targets maximum exposure through print, radio and television. Album reviews and feature stories will be timed to the release of the De World Over album. Some publications and/or television shows will depend heavily on chart positioning and first week sales success. Long and short lead press strategies are as follows:

image  Independent publicity coordinated by Cathy Bailey

image  Fanzine shoot in September with Anthony Catello in September

image  Bio written by Abby Edgar in October

image  Extensive EPK shoot in conjunction with the new media department in September/October

image  Special press kit servicing in October

image  Intimate listening session for key press in November

The biography (subject to revision):

DeMand have shattered sales records and racked up numerous awards. Their singles have soared to the top of the charts, their albums have sold in the millions and they’ve set the gold standard for R&B. So, after all the number one hits, the platinum CDs, the awards and the love, what could DeMand possibly do to top themselves?

Do it again.

De World Over is the eagerly anticipated third album from one of R&B’s most popular and successful acts. Featuring the emotional new single “I Could Have Been”, and production and songwriting contributions from Kelly, TJ, Allday and DeMand, De World Over is the album fans have been waiting for and DeMand has always wanted to create. “I really feel that this album is our best effort to date,” “declares Jacqo. “We all came to the project really focused and with more energy, intensity and desire and you can feel it.” “In many ways this record is a new start,” chimes in Nada, who handled the majority of the production. “It wasn’t a record we were obligated to make; it was something we really wanted to do.”

Wanted to do but waited to do as well. It has been four years since Enter DeMand, the group’s multi platinum sophomore CD. The reason for the long hiatus? Jacqo offers, “People had things to deal with in their own lives. We all needed time to do that and then be able to come back fresh. We had solo projects (Jacqo’s Soul Music album and Marco’s Unleash the Dog and Return of Dog), but finally we had the opportunity to come together.”

“It was just time,” says Nada, “but more than that it was the call from the street and from the fans. Everyone who had supported us over the past four years and from the very beginning. Making another record was one of those things that you couldn’t prevent. All roads were leading to it.”

DeMand started down the road towards De World Over with renewed enthusiasm, wisdom, confidence and a new member. Joining the foursome is long time friend and musical collaborator, Kino. Although De World Over marks Kino’s DM debut he has been down with the fellows from the very beginning, but due to contractual issues, was prohibited from recording with his friends. ”

We were always tight, “Kino offers. “In many ways I was always there, I was the ghost fifth member.” Kino officially joined DeMand in 2001, right about the time the group decided to enter the studio. Says Nada: “He came over and started singing and that was pretty much it. He’d written songs on Jacqo’s album and done production work with me, so he already had the DeMand Sound.”

The new DeMand was undaunted by industry expectations or the pressures of a comeback. “We weren’t nervous,”Nada explains, “because we left off at a high point and it never went anywhere. Nobody ever came and knocked down that bar we set. There’s not much pressure, it’s just making sure we retain and maintain what makes DeMand.” “I love it!” laughs Jacqo.”I like the pressure. We’ve always had that driving force, that energy. That constant movement.”

And as for any fears as to how DeMand might fit into the current R&B trends Nada shrugs,” All of our music is emotions. It’s real life and that doesn’t ever go out of style.”

Those sort of timeless emotions are evident on the lead off single “I Could Have Been.” The passionate mid tempo love song was written by newcomers Allday, who DeMand discovered at a Baltimore talent show. “We saw these guys on stage,” Marco recalls, “and they were good. They kinda reminded me of us and after they performed they handed us a CD of their material. I played it and one of the songs was ‘I Could Have Been.’ As soon as I heard it, I knew it was a hit.” In an age of big name producers and starmaking songwriters, handing the creative reigns over to unknowns was a gutsy move. Jacqo dismisses the concerns. “A lot of times people go for the most expensive producers, the hottest guys, but by having Nada, who produced 80 percent of the album, we didn’t have to look elsewhere. We are self-contained because we have writers and producers in the group. It was cool that these young guys could come up with a track that embodied that youthful feel and energy, and for us to have a song that wasn’t by well-known guys. Just four kids from Baltimore. They captured the DeMand spirit.”

More of that spirit is felt on “Rapturous,” which Jacqo exclaims is “Phenomenal!” Written by Nada, TJ and Clive, and produced by Nada, “Rapturous” is a sexy love ballad that deals with the mind games played between lovers. Another sensual ballad is “What She Tells Me” featuring Kinky of EndLess. Offers Nada, who wrote and produced the song, “What She Tells Me” is a different vibe than you might get from an ordinary ballad because it talks about a man talking to another woman about his woman and the comforting feelings that arise from that situation. Everyone who has heard the song is really touched by the depth of the emotions.” Emotions of another variety are explored on the rugged “W.A.R.” which was written and produced by Nada, Jacqo and Kino. Featuring a sizzling cameo from Gavaera, “W.A.R.” is a straight up, gangsta club banger.

The versatility to rock the house and whisper sweet nothings has always been at the core of DeMand. DeMand started singing together while they were barely in their teens. In 1992 the group’s soaring harmonies and musicality (each of the guys plays several instruments), caught the attention of a local manager and by ‘95 word of their talent had made its way to then President of Bonk Records Black Music, Che Hendricks. Hendricks asked the teens to record “Talk to Me,” which was included on the Chuckie soundtrack. The single went platinum, became a Top 20 pop hit and hit the top of the R&B charts, becoming the first of a string of DeMand singles to do so. DeMand released their debut album DeMand in 1996. The album was an immediate smash, selling over a million copies and yielding hits “On Your Mark (Billboard’s #1 single for 1997) “Never Break A Promise” (the group’s third consecutive #1 R&B chart topper), and the gold single “You’re Not In Love,” which was a Top 5 pop and R&B smash.

The group toured extensively around the world and in 1998 was invited to perform at a special celebration for then President Nelson Mandela’s 80th birthday in South Africa.

That same year DeMand dropped their sophomore CD Enter DeMand, which debuted at #2 on the Billboard 200 album chart. The CD yielded the hits “What Is Your Love” and “There Are Some Tunes,” both of which hit the top of the charts. In 1999 DeMand appeared on Will Smith’s hit “Wild Wild West.”

Later in 1999 Jacqo released his multi platinum solo debut Unleash The Dogs that contained the international smash “Sarong Song.” In 2001 Jacqo followed up that success with the best selling Return Of Dogs. “Even though we did solo stuff, the plan always was for us to get back together,” Jacqo says “I’d always bring it in up in interviews, it was just a matter of waiting for the right moment.”

Asked what the difference is this time around, the guys are thoughtful. “We’ve learned how to deal with and respect each other,” Sharp says. “We each had our chance to shine and now coming back together it’s made us that much stronger.” “I’m really impressed by the versatility of the vocal arrangements this time,” Jacqo offers. “In the past most of our songs featured either Sharp or myself on lead but now this is the biggest group effort we’ve ever made. Everybody is singing and to me it’s comparable to what the Temptations did.”

Revitalized, renewed and blessed with a collection of honest, emotional songs, DeMand is poised to regain their crown by doing what they do best. “It’s like what the intro says,” Nada smiles. “‘Love me or hate me. I’m gonna take you back to the beginning.’”


Lifestyle trade and news publication targets include, but are not limited to:

image  Vibe

image  Jet

image  Honey

image  Essence

image  Ebony

image  Upscale

image  Savoy

image  USA Today

Television targets include, but are not limited to:

image  Wayne Brady

image  Regis and Kelly

image  Jay Leno

image  Soul Train

image  BET NYLA

image  Showtime at the Apollo

image  Carson Daly

image  Billboard Music Awards


Phase 1:

First Single: “I Could Have Been …”

Servicing Date: September 9, 2002

Tip Sheet Advertising: R&B Airplay Monitor (cover), R&R, HITS and SIN

Impact Date: October 7, 2002

Goal: #2 most added at Urban mainstream and top 5 most added at Urban AC on 10/7

Previous early airplay markets (þ15 spins):

Hartford, CT

Buffalo, NY

Baltimore, MD

Washington DC

Raleigh, NC

Greenville, SC

Memphis, TN

Augusta, GA

Miami, FL

Orlando, FL

Columbus, OH

Flint, MI

Toledo, OH

Cincinatti, OH

Chicago, IL

St. Louis, MO

Tulsa, OK

Shreveport, LA

National promotion concepts include:

image  “I Could Have Been …”– themed national sweepstakes involving local band competition for an opening slot on upcoming DeMand tour in 2003

image  “I Could Have Been …”– themed national sweepstakes involving flyaway for two to St. Croix for exclusive concert attendance and vacation with DeMand at live performance

image  “I Could Have Been … Your Sweetie” sweepstakes involving female radio call-ins to enter to win flyaway with to undisclosed location

image  Win-It-Before-You-Can-Buy-It promotions at major airplay market stations.

Phase 2 (subject to revisions):

On deck is the rhythmic second single “Get It Done” with its anthemic shouts. The single’s remix version features multi-Platinum Align South artist Luscious and Shannon (of DRT fame).

Ship Date:

12/16 (vinyl)

1/6 (Cdpro)



Known for their trend-setting visuals, DeMand enlisted prolific and talented director San Johnson to bring “I Could Have Been …” to life. Shot in an abandoned Masonic Temple in San Francisco, California, the video captures the essence of the strong individual personalities as well as the group synergy. Fans will not be disappointed as they view the signature slick performance in addition to renewed camaraderie among the augmented DeMand.

image  Date: September 15–16

image  Location: San Francisco, CA

image  Theme/treatment: Performance video in avant garde venue

image  Director: San Johnson

Promotion: “I Could Have Been …”

Plans include partnering with the networks to time video-play, appearances, contests and charting with the album release and single phases.


image  Video servicing: (week of October 14th)

image  Video add date: (week of October 21st)

image  Access Granted: taping (September 15th and 16th) and airing (October 23rd)

image  106th and Park walk-on: taping (October 28th) and airing (October 29th)

image  Walk of Fame – Stevie Wonder Tribute: taping (October 19th) and airing(October 29th)

image  Peak spins and impressions surrounding (November 26th) release

image  106th and Park walk-on: taping (November 19th) and airing (November 26th)

image  Blueprint Special: taping (November 6th) and airing (November 27th)

image  Turnstyle taping (November 14th) and airing (January 2003)


image  Video servicing: November 2002

image  DFX: taping (October 29th) and airing (November 6th)

image  TRL: taping (TBD) and airing (TBD)

image  M2 Soul: taping (November 1st) and airing (week of November 4th)


image  Video servicing: (week of October 21st)

Phase 2 (subject to revisions):

Second single video: “Get It Done”

image  SHOOT – Middle to end of January 2003

image  SERVICING – February 2003

New media

The new media campaign—led by Thelma Olivia-Hendon and staff—will complement the overall strategy with innovative website imaging and aggressive viral marketing. The following items are based loosely on the comprehensive plan that is forthcoming:

image  9/3 World Premiere of “I Could Have Been…”

image  Zen-themed, fan-friendly launch on November 18th powered by OKtoSay

image  House of Blues Artist of the Month Fall 2002 during upcoming HOB tour

image  10/25 Online World Premiere of DeMand’s debut video, “I Could Have Been”, on the day after BET’s Access Granted premier (7 day exclusive event)

image  Win A Date With DeMand/Match promotion on (Match is the leading online dating service, and this contest will essentially be anonline personals ad, where women can match their interests with those of the group. Five lucky winners will win a date with DeMand)

image  DeMand EPK “Making The De World Over” posted on website including footage from the video, photo shoot, Quad and Hit Factory recording studios and exclusive interviews

image  Online premiere of the DeMand album on during the week of release as a part of their “Get It First, Get It Fast” promotion

image  Building online street team with FanScape

image  “REMIX” contest featuring an a cappella download and a final judge (phase 2)

image “Video Girl” contest (proposed)



image  A 1-week :15 teaser flight world that premiers the BET Access Granted airing on October 23rd

image  A 5-week :15 spot flight at BET targeting the highly-rated 106th and Park, Hits from the Street, Comic View and NYLA/ programming (11/18 – 12/9)


Urban and cross-over radio time buys planned surrounding album release

image  Spot: :60

image  Flight: 11/22 – 11/29

image  Markets (Stations):

image  New York (3 stations: WQHT, WWPR, WBLS)

image  Philadelphia (2 stations: WUSL, WPHI)

image  Boston (WJMN)

image  Baltimore (2 stations: WERQ, WXYV)

image  Washington, DC (2 stations: WPGC, WKYS)

image  Norfolk (WOWI)

image  Charlotte (WPEG)

image  Raleigh (WQOK)

image  Atlanta (WVEE)

image  Detroit (WJLB)

image  Chicago (WGCI)

image  Los Angeles (KKBT)

Print: full-page album release advertising with Sam Goody retail tag in the following trades:


(street date: December 3rd – circulation: 777k)


(street date: November 19th – circulation: 150k)

One World

(street date: December 2nd – circulation: 215k)

Word Up!

(street date: December 10th – circulation: 85k)

Right On!

(street date: December 10th – circulation: 76k)


(street date: December 13th – circulation: 154k)

Black Beat

(street date: December 27th – circulation: 76k)


(street date: January 7, 2003 – circulation: 350k)

Out of home: MovieTunes December run pending approval


UMVD books ship: 10/23

Album solicitation period: 10/28 – 11/8

Initial ship: 300,000

image  National Account Visibility Co-op programs in development

image  Mid-Level Chain and Urban Indie campaigns in development

image  Beginning November 1st, DeMand will be part of the monthly Sam Goody Hot 97 mixshow spots and each of their stores in the Northeast region will participate in a pre-order campaign

Phase I: Creating the buzz at retail

Local market retail representatives tied the DeMand album release into the Heineken Music Initiative: Red Star parties in order to create a buzz with the key retail consumers. Major markets where events took place included:




Los Angeles



New York

Phase 2: Visibility

Prime visibility was secured for the DeMand release at all key Urban Independent Coalition and Urban Leaning Local Chains. Front windows were purchased at accounts in the following top 20 markets:

New York Philadelphia Los Angeles Chicago

Washington, DC Baltimore Virginia Raleigh







Jackson, MS


San Francisco


Visibility Programs are running from November 20th through January 1st

Belly Bandit shrink wrap program with remix CD including Target campaign (pending)

Phase 3 : Added Value Promotions

Each key Urban Independent Retailer and Mid-level Chain in key airplay markets will execute an added value promotion in which each account will receive a quantity of customized 18×24 DeMand Personality Posters to reward their customers with upon each purchase of the album.


Initial Press Interviews: October 25th

Proposed travel: January 2003 (Europe), March 2003 (Europe/Japan)

Plan: De World Over will have a ‘soft’ release overseas simultaneously with the U.S. to avoid imports. However, we will go after the commercial single and a major marketing push in 2003.

Therefore, we are concentrating on the major markets in the next 2 months, Canada being most important, along with long lead press in the UK and Japan, and Germany, with France and Holland following as second priority.

Promotion plans are coming in from the above listed territories and priority interviews and phoners will be slotted into the 12pm–3pm interview time from Oct. 22-Nov. 3, where time is available (will be submitted via AIS).

Red Star Sound presents … DeMand Performance: Using this event for media to get their first look at the new DeMand. Have asked for international promotion time the day before, so we can invite media to fly over for an interview and to cover the gig.

Will service bio, some publicity photos, EPK, and other tools when they become available, to the territories. Will do major mail-out in 2003 with highlights from the U.S. story, and will set up overseas promotion trips around single release in 2003.


It’s business as usual with De World Over as DeMand will support the album release with a 2-week national promo tour in November featuring radio, local video, local press, retail and new media elements. Further, club promotions and charitable activities will also take place in select markets.

In 2003, DeMand will embark on their signature live performance tour. The group will headline a theatre run in the 2,000-4,000-seat range with 2 to 3 opening acts.

image  11/26 – Promo tour launch in the following cities:

image  Baltimore, MD

image  Atlanta, GA

image  Birmingham, AL

image  Memphis, TN

image  Chicago, IL

image  Detroit, MI

image  Philadelphia, PA

image  Washington DC

image  Richmond, VA

image  Raleigh, NC

image  Charlotte, SC

image  New York, NY

image  Los Angeles, CA

image  12/09 – Promo tour ends (in Baltimore)

image  12/11 – Dale Tans promotion in St. Croix

image  January 2003 – Head lining small venue or theatre performance tour


image  Tour name (TBD)

image  Ticket giveaway at Urban and cross-over radio with national contest

image  On-site retailer with DeMand catalog

image  Merchandising

Agency: TBD

Set list (subject to revision):

image  “Talk to Me”

image  “On Your Mark”

image  “There Are Some Tunes”

image  “Five in Time”

image  “What Is Your Love”

image  “Splendor”

image  “You’re Not In Love No More”

image  “I Could Have Been”

image  “My True Love”

Street team

Malign’s world renowned street team will national target lifestyle events and locations frequented by our targeted Urban and cross-over demographic. The online street team will also be enlisted targeting Align’s email lists and Urban lifestyle websites. An initial street team assault is as follows:

image  10/19 Howard Homecoming weekend in Washington DC with 1×1 flats and 6×8 flyers advertising the album in store date and key BET information

image  11/26 Release party at a Baltimore location TBD

image  12/09 Los Angeles-based assault in early December with a 2-day party and live performance (tentative)


Malign is in pursuit of corporate partners and lifestyle companies that are committed to tapping into DeMand’s and the label’s own Urban demographic.

Red Star Sounds Presents …

image  “W.A.R.” song inclusion on the Heineken beverage compilation CD in stores November 5th

image  Event sponsorship in New York in November

image  Mention on all merchandise including 1×1 flats, clings, snipes and flyers for distribution in October

image  Contest tie-in’s and entry at, and – 12/10)

Others TBD



8/21 Creative Conference Call (Stylist, photographer and groomer selected)

8/22 Placeholder launch for

8/26-27 EPK shoot (Los Angeles)

8/28 Album delivered


9/3 “I Could Have Been” World Premiere on

9/4 “I Could Have Been” ships

9/8-14 Rehearsal (Baltimore/Los Angeles)

9/13 Fitting (video)

9/15-16 Video shoot (San Johnson - Los Angeles)

9/18 Fitting (photo)

9/19 Photo shoot (Matthew Miller - Los Angeles)

9/20 Fanzine shoot (Anthony Catello - Los Angeles)

9/22-24 Media training begins (Dana Wilson)

9/30 Video servicing; album


10/1 “I Could Have Been” commercial vinyl ships

10/7 Advance Retail Sampler ships, “I Could Have Been” radio impact date

10/7 (week of) Media Training/EPK interviews (Baltimore, MD)

10/9 Album readers circulate, media enhancing, biography interviewing, LL Cool J party attendance (New York, NY)

10/10 EPK shoot/taping (New York, NY)

10/16-17 Stevie Wonder tribute rehearsal (Baltimore, MD)

10/17 Vibe interview (part 2)

10/18 Stevie Wonder dress rehearsal (Washington, DC); radio visit (DC)

10/19 BET Walk of Fame Stevie Wonder tribute performance taping (Washington, DC), Vibe feature interview (Washington, DC)

10/21 Advance Retail Sampler ships, video servicing

10/22 Album film ships; masters ship; P.O.P. allocation; marketing plan due

10/23 BET Access Granted airs

10/24 Press day; Band rehearsals through 11/4 (New York, NY)

10/25 Press day

10/28 BET New Joint walk-on taping

10/29 BET New Joint walk-on airing, MTV DFX taping, BET Walk of Fame Stevie Wonder tribute airing

10/31 Vibe photo shoot (New York)


11/1 MTV2 Soul taping (New York)

11/4 MTV DFX airing on MTV2

11/5 Advanced Edited LP ships

11/6 Universal Music Distribution books ship, BET Blueprint special taping (New York)

11/8 Advance edited vinyl ships; begin album solicitation; promo tour launches

11/18 BET National buy begins (:15), launches

11/18 House of Blues promo tour starts through December

11/19 BET 106th and Park walk-on performance taping

11/20 Red Star/Heineken Music Initiative presents … DeMand Live at The World (New York)

11/22 – 11/29 Radio buys begin in 12 major markets

11/26 Album release (Worldwide), MTV DFX airing, BET 106th and Park walk-on performance airing, release party (tentative)

11/27 End album solicitation, BET Blueprint special airing, retail in-store (Baltimore)


TBD “I Could Have Been … Opening For DeMand” radio contest launch through December

12/9 2-day party and live performance (Los Angeles)(tentative)

12/10 Right On!/Black Beat magazine street date (full-page ad)

12/11 Dale Tans promotion (St. Croix)

12/9 BET National buy ends (:15), 13th Annual Billboard Music Awards appearance (MGM Grand Hotel – Fox)

12/16 “Get It Done” vinyl ships

12/11 “I Could Have St. Croix” performance/flyaway (tentative)


1/6 “Get It Done” CD ships

TBD Theatre performance tour launch

TBD 2nd single launch


TBD “Get It Done” impact date

2/2 – 2/12 International promo tour


Album in Stores November 26th 2nd Phase Marketing Posts


image  T-shirts

image  Information booklets (ex. Musiq)

image  Get It Done postcards

image  Baseball cards

image  Glossies

image  Tour posters


image  Radio:

image  Flight: Surrounding peak airplay period

image  Markets: Top 20 airplay markets

image  Creative: Spot consists of girls singing the chorus that leads into the real music and a voice-over that says “Get It Done (about getting) the new single from DeMand’s De World Over in stores now”

image  Television

image  MTV – :30 local flight surrounding peak videoplay for “Get It Done”

image  BET – :15 national flight on 106th and Park, HITS, and Comic View

image  Print

image  Full page ads and contest incentives in fanzines such Word Up!, Right On!, Black Beat and J-14


image  HOB tour and spot radio dates in January 2003 with live band and teaser 30 minute performance

image  International promo tour in February 2003 hitting European territories and press

image  Live theatre tour in March 2003 featuring opening new artist and established act

Other live tour elements include full service merchandising, radio visits, BET NYLA/MTV News coverage and film taping for DVD or 3rd single video content



Targeting 2nd phase covers and features in major Urban and lifestyle trades like Vibe, Ebony, Savoy and Upscale as well as fanzines such as Word Up!, Right On! and Black Beat.


Targeting the following shows for 2nd phase visual injection

image  TRL

image  Soul Train

image  Jay Leno

image  David Letterman

image  Carson Daly

image  Conan O’Brien

image  BET NYLA

Fanzine shoot #2


“Get It Done” featuring Luscious and Shannon

Ship Date: TBD

Impact Date: TBD

Contest Idea: “Get It Done … The Music of DeMand” contest where station plays a quick montage of DeMand hits (or songs from the new album) and then callers guess the correct songs to be entered to win a trip to Shaolin

Contest Idea: “Get It Done … We’re Making A Difference” contest where competing schools collect the most winter coats for the homeless and enter to win a free assembly concert from DeMand

Contest Idea: “Get It Done” sweepstakes where female callers at radio sing the chorus or verse on air to win the album


Fun and moving performance video concept with crisp imaging of the group is a must for “Get It Done.” The video must be a signature DeMand visual, but communicate a rare sense of humor and choreography. San Johnson is a strong candidate, but talents like Erik White and Benny Boom also come to mind to direct.

Shoot Date: January 2000

Servicing Date: February 2003

MTV Making of the Video would be a welcome element to the campaign.

New Media:

image  Regular updates

image  Contest pop-up with gadget or overseas trip giveaway (with tie-in ads at fanzines)


Targeting lifestyle companies for tour and campaign funding including but not limited to the following:

image  Coca Cola/Sprite

image  MGD

image  Target

image  Jeep

image  Sears

image  Gap


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