
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below


achieving goals

by becoming self-sufficient

by building your knowledge

developing a mantra or theme song for

finding support for

harnessing the power of the mind for

by making them SMART

perseverance for

putting your goal in your face for

rethinking your own capabilities for

acquiring properties

by buying multi-family home as your residence

by buying single-family home as an investor

for first rental

with lease/sublet with option to buy

with money from 401(k)

with money from self-directed IRA

with money from self-directed Solo 401(k)

by partnering

by purchasing with seller financing

by purchasing your landlord’s rental

by reinvesting to build net worth

strategies for, see strategies for acquiring properties

by tapping your retirement account

with 1031 Exchanges

through traditional purchase

without spending money


active approach to investing, for passive income

Adams, Joey, on stock market

adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM)

advice, bad


optimal mortgage terms by

for receiving Social Security benefits

for required minimum distributions

for Roth-type account contributions and withdrawals

strategies for acquiring properties by

for tapping retirement accounts

AIM (Anderson Inspection Method) Tool


Anderson, K. Kai

on accountability

on misery

on “poor me”

on rental property

Anderson Inspection Method (AIM) Tool

annual operating expenses


ARM (adjustable-rate mortgage)

The Art of Happiness (Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler)


of the heart

of the mind

of the pocket

turning liabilities into


Baby Boomers

bad advice, sources of

balloon mortgages

Baruch, Bernard, on stock market


benefit(s) of rental properties

cash flow as

diversification as

equity creation as

increased net worth as

inflation protection as

return on investment boost as

tax reduction as

Benna, Ted

Bogle, John

on fees on accounts

on money market

The Book on Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor (Amanda Han and Matthew MacFarland)

Borzi, Phyllis, on experts

Breaking the Buck



building your knowledge

capabilities, rethinking your

capital expense (CapEx)

“capital gains” method of investing

capital gains taxes

car, renting out your

cash flow

from lease/sublets

with mortgage paid off

from rental properties

Cash Flow Analysis (CFA) Tool

Cash-on-Cash Return

cheap houses

comfort, see Level II Goal



on going on

on personal excellence

Corcoran, Barbara, on real estate values

corridor theory


credit card debt

custody battles, saving your house from

Cutler, Howard

cyber-related risk



Dalai Lama

Danko, William D.

Dean, Jimmy, on adjusting



belief that we need to get out of

credit card


in net worth

paying down


for rental properties

for sales at a loss

defined benefit plans, see also pensions

defined contribution plans, see also 401(k)s

depreciation on properties

Detroit employee pension plans

Disraeli, Benjamin, on diligence


across electronic and non-electronic accounts

definition of

in mutual funds

with real estate

with rental properties

using IRA funds

see also Level I Goal

divorce, saving your house in

dollar cost averaging

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, on thinking

down payment


drop in property values

Economics Policy Institute


The Effects of Conflicted Investment Advice on Retirement Savings

Einstein, Albert, on solving problems

Eker, T. Harv, on buying real estate

electronic risk

“elephant and mouse” partnerships

emergency funds

for costly repairs

for retirement needs

Roth-type accounts as

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, on dreams

Employee Benefit Research Institute

employer loyalty

Enlightened Wealth Institute

equity creation

equity partnerships

Equity REITs

estate planning


expense ratio

expensive houses

expert support

Fannie Mae

Fannie Mae HomePath


of personal power

of the unknown

when securing first rental

Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages

fees on accounts

and best return on accounts

determining impact of

example of

and financial advisers

online resources for checking

FHA mortgages

fiduciary financial planners

“Fight Song”

financial advisers

assumptions made by

and fees on accounts

as risks with nest egg model

financial comfort, see also Level II Goal

financial diversification, see Level I Goal

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

financial planners

financial risk

financial self-sufficiency, see Level III Goal

FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority)

first-time home buyers programs

fixed-rate mortgages


flipping properties

Ford, Henry

on obstacles

on thinking

foreclosure, saving property in


acquiring properties with money from

in Great Recession

impact of fees on

penalties on early use of

pensions vs.


rules and restrictions for

taxes on



see also 401(k)s

457(b)s, see also 401(k)s

fraudulent real estate training

Freddie Mac

Freddie Mac HomeSteps

frozen accounts

Gandel, Stephen, on retirement crisis

Gandhi, Mahatma

GAO (U.S. Government Accountability Office)

gender differences in savings

Ghilarducci, Teresa, on 401(k)s


beyond Level III


Primary, see Primary Goals

secrets to achieving, see achieving goals


Ultimate, see Ultimate Goal

as vital to success

Great Recession

Greece, frozen accounts in

The Guru Manifesto (Vena Jones-Cox)


Han, Amanda


Hay, Louise


assets of the

liabilities of the

Hei, Rabbi Ben, on effort

HELOC (home equity line of credit)

Hicks, Esther

Hicks, Jerry

higher-risk real estate

condos as

expensive or cheap houses as

house flipping as

properties purchased “sight unseen” as

raw land as

real estate investment trusts as

timeshares as

Hill, Napoleon

on desires

on destiny

on goals

on limitations

on waiting

home (your residence)

buying multi-family home as

house-sharing in

keeping as rental after moving

as liability vs. asset

single-family, bought as an investment

using mortgage strategies with

home equity line of credit (HELOC)

home equity loan

home warranties


to reverse negative cash flow

through lease/sublet

in your own home

identity theft

illiquid funds

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

impact of fees on


Solo 401(k)s vs.

inexpensive houses


inheriting property

inspecting properties

interest-only mortgages

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

investor clubs

Investors United School of Real Estate Investing

IRAs, see Individual Retirement Accounts

Ironic Process Theory

IRS (Internal Revenue Service)

Jefferson, Thomas, on taking action

job, as means to an end

The Johnston Cos

Jones-Cox, Vena

Keller, Gary

on “bread and butter” homes

on living dreams

on living life

on money

on real estate

Kiyosaki, Kim

Kiyosaki, Robert

on assets

on good debt

on liabilities

on luck

on profits of accounts

on stock market

on your home

Knight Capital

knowledge, building your

landlord’s rental, purchasing your

LaPorte, Danielle

on action

on goals and habits

on legacies

Law of Attraction

lease option

leases, month-to-month


Lee, Bruce, on life

Level I Goal

Level II Goal

Level III Goal

Lewis, C.S., on eggs


of the heart

of the mind

of the pocket

turned into assets

loaning yourself money

MacFarland, Matthew

Madoff, Bernie

maintenance of properties


market risk

Marley, Bob

on freeing the mind

on what one sows

marriage, acquiring property at

Matthew 17:20

Miller, George, on account fees

The Millionaire Next Door (Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko)


assets of the

liabilities of the

as most powerful asset

overcoming roadblocks of the


minimum required distribution (MRD)


needed for retirement, calculating


running out of

money market accounts

mortgage interest

Mortgage REITs




financial self-sufficiency before paying off


monthly payments on

for multi-family homes

optimal terms for, by age

paying down

paying off


term of


when renting out your home

moving, keeping house as rental when

MRD (minimum required distribution)

multi-family home

for achieving goals

as property to meet Level III goal

in 1031 Exchanges

for those over age 60

for those over ages 40–60

for younger investors

as your residence plus rentals

mutual fund-based retirement accounts

and ability to loan money to yourself

dollar cost averaging with

employer matching with

growth in value of

mutual funds companies

nest egg

nest egg retirement model

401(k)s in

pensions in

retirement accounts in

risks of

Social Security in

threats to, see threat(s) to nest egg model

net worth

New Thought

New York Stock Exchange

Niebuhr, Reinhold, on serenity

Nin, Anaïs, on courage

non-electronic accounts

Olen, Helaine, on financial advisers

owner financing

partnering, acquiring properties by


passive income, active approach to investing for

Patton, Wendy

penalties, on early use of retirement accounts



Peter, Irene, on safety

Peterson, Jonathan, on Social Security

Pillay, Srinivasan


Plato, on attraction

Platten, Rachel


assets of the

liabilities of the

Ponzi schemes

positive thinking

power of the mind

PRE (Primary Residence Exclusion)

Primary Goals

beyond Level III

Level I Goal

Level II Goal

Level III Goal

Primary Residence Exclusion (PRE)


“properties-as-team” approach

property management

and fears of owning rentals

for inherited properties

for maintenance and repairs

for other owners

for owners in custody battles or divorces

for rental owners over age

and vacancies

property values

purchase-money mortgages

purchasing properties

with seller financing

with traditional purchase

from your landlord

Quimby, Phineas


raw land

real estate agents/brokers

real estate bubble

real estate cycles

real estate investment trusts (REITs)


reinvesting, to build net worth

REITs (real estate investment trusts)


rental property(-ies)

acquiring, see acquiring properties

benefits of owning

for diversification and a safety net

for financial comfort

goals for

keeping your house as

with negative cash-flow

with paid-off mortgages

risks with

rent amounts

rent to own

rent with option to buy


required minimum distribution (RMD)

rethinking issue(s)

of assets and liabilities

of money

of spending

of your capability

Retire Happy (Richard Stim)


acquiring properties with money from

fear and excitement about

happiness in

nest egg model for, see nest egg retirement model

personal responsibility for

retirement accounts

age for withdrawing funds from

401(k)s as

getting best returns on

mutual fund-based


rules and restrictions for

return on investment (ROI)

Ridgeway, James, on fees on accounts

risk (in general)


with 401(k)s

with lease/sublets

of mortgage interest

risk(s) of rental property investment

control over

costly repairs as

drop in property values as

illiquid funds as

mortgage interest expense as

tenants from hell as

and types of higher-risk real estate

vacancy as

risk(s) with mutual fund-based accounts

electronic and cyber-related

with financial advisers

stock market changes and

risk tolerance

RMD (required minimum distribution)

Rogers, Will, on strangers

ROI (return on investment)

R.O.R.E. (Retire on Real Estate) Blueprint for Success

Roth-type retirement accounts

benefits of


withdrawing funds from

running out of money

Saint Francis of Assisi, on the impossible

savings accounts, interest on


screening tenants

SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)

The Secret (movie)


self-directed IRAs

self-directed Solo 401(k)

self-directed Solo Roth 401(k)


self-sufficiency, see also Level III Goal

seller financing

selling property

with negative cash flow

in 1031 Exchanges

Shaw, George Bernard, on change


“sight unseen” purchases

single-family home, as an investment

SMART goals

Social Security Administration (SSA)

Social Security benefits

Solo 401(k)

Solo Roth 401(k)

Sommer, Jeff

Sony Pictures


SSA (Social Security Administration)

Stanley, Thomas J.

starter homes

start-up capital

Stim, Richard

stock market cycles

stock market risk

Stone, W. Clement, on asking

strategies for acquiring properties

for ages 20–40

for ages 40–60

for ages 60+

and mortgage terms

subconscious mind


support, for achieving your goals


and deductions for rental properties

and depreciation on properties

on funds in self-directed 401(k)s

on funds in self-directed IRAs

and Primary Residence Exclusion

on retirement accounts

on retirement account withdrawals

with Roth-type retirement accounts

with seller financing

on Social Security benefits

TCRS (Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies)

technology errors

1031 Exchanges


from hell

for house-sharing

theme song

Thermostat Change and Results Theory

Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)

threat(s) to nest egg model

fees as

risk as

running out of money as

Thrift Savings Program (TSP), see also 401(k)s

Time magazine


Total Extra Needed

trading up

traditional purchase of property

with mortgages

using real estate agent or broker for

Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies (TCRS)

TSP, see Thrift Savings Program

Turner, Brandon

Twain, Mark

on security

on stock speculation

Ultimate Goal

Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)

Unrelated Debt-Financed Income (UDFI)

U.S. Department of Labor

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

vacancies, risk of

vacation properties

VA loans

Vanguard REIT Index

Vernon, Steve

Veteran’s Administration (VA) loans

Washington, George, on truth


Wegner, Daniel

Weinberg, Rabbi Noah, on decisions

Williamson, Marianne, on deepest fear


withdrawals from retirement accounts

women, advice for

Wright, Frank Lloyd, on building

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