Collecting runtime statistics

In the previous two subsections, you saw two kinds of information: query details and execution plan. Now it is time for execution statistics parameters. You will query a new catalog view:

SELECT * FROM sys.query_store_runtime_stats; 

The output is shown in the following screenshot:

Check collected runtime statistics in Query Store

Again, the output generated when you execute the previous query can differ from the one shown in the preceding screenshot. The sys.query_store_runtime_stats catalog view contains runtime execution statistics information for the query. A full list and descriptions of all attributes of the catalog view can be found in Books Online at Every minute (you have configured Query Store in this way), one entry per query plan will be entered in this store.

Actually, for each execution plan, you can have more than one entry in the runtime statistics store per unit defined with the Statistics Collection Interval option. If all queries were successfully executed, one row will be added to the store. However, if some executions with the same plan were aborted by the client or ended with an exception, you can have more rows representing each execution type. Three execution types are supported: Regular, Aborted, and Exception, which means that for each execution plan you can have up to three rows in the runtime statistics store per unit defined with the Statistics Collection Interval option.

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