SQL Server Tools

Accessing or managing data inside SQL Server and developing data solutions are two separate disciplines, each with their own specific focus on SQL Server. As such, Microsoft has created two different tools, each tailored towards the processes and facets of these disciplines.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), as the name suggests, is the main management interface between DBAs/developers and SQL Server. The studio was originally released with SQL Server 2005 as a replacement and consolidation of the old Query Analyzer and Enterprise Manager tools. As with any non-revenue-generating software, SSMS only received minimal attention over the years, with limitations and missing tooling for many of the newer features in SQL Server. With SQL Server 2016, the focus of Microsoft has shifted and SSMS has been de-coupled from the release cycle of SQL Server itself. This decoupling allows both SSMS and SQL Server to be developed without having to wait for each other or for release windows. New releases of SSMS are created on top of more recent versions of Visual Studio, and have seen almost monthly update releases since SQL Server 2016 was released into the market.

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is also an application based on the Visual Studio framework. SSDT is focused on the application/data development discipline. SSDT is much more closely aligned with Visual Studio in its structure and the features offered. This focus includes the ability to create entire database projects and solution files, easier integration into source control systems, the ability to connect projects into automated build processes, and generally offering a developer-centric development environment with a familiarity with Visual Studio. It is possible to design and create solutions in SSDT for SQL Server using the Relational Engine, Analysis Services, Integration Services, Reporting Services, and of course the Azure SQL database.

Further details of SQL Server Tools can be found in Chapter 3SQL Server Tools.

This concludes the overview of programming enhancements inside SQL Server 2016. The improvements outlined are all solid evolutionary steps in their respective areas. New features are very welcome and allow us to achieve more while requiring less effort on our side. The In-memory OLTP enhancements are especially positive, as they now expand on the groundwork laid down in the release of SQL Server 2014. Please read the respective chapters to gain deeper insight into how these enhancements can help you.

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