Session Security Levels

Session-level security settings are used for connected apps, reports, and dashboards. Here, you can restrict access to these areas of functionality based on the level of security associated with the authentication (login) method for the user's current session. You can restrict access to connected apps, reports, and dashboards by setting the level of security associated with the user's current authentication (login) method; each login method has one of the two security levels: either Standard or High Assurance. Different authentication methods are assigned with the following security levels:

  • Username PasswordStandard
  • Delegated AuthenticationStandard
  • Two-Factor AuthenticationHigh Assurance
  • Authentication ProviderStandard
  • SAMLStandard

To change the security level associated with a login method, navigate to Setup | Security Controls | Session Settings. Locate Session Security Levels, select the login method, and then click on the Add or Remove arrow to move it to the required category, as shown in the following screenshot:

Session Security Levels

Logging in as another user

To assist other users, you can log in to Salesforce as another user. If you have been granted access, you will see a Login button on their user record if they have granted login access to their administrator.

System administrators can also log in as any user in their organization without asking users to grant login access.


This feature is only available by sending a request to support to have this in your organization.

If you have had this feature activated by Salesforce, you can enable login access by navigating to Setup | Security Controls | Login Access Policies. On the Login Access Policies page, enable Administrators Can Log in as Any User. Finally, click on Save.

To log in as another user, navigate to Setup | Manage Users | Users. Now, click on the Login link next to the user who has granted you access.

Logging in as another user

You can also log in as another user from the User Detail page using the Login button, as shown in the following screenshot:

Logging in as another user

The Login link or button only appears for users who have granted login access to an administrator. After you have logged in as another user, you will notice a message in the top-right corner of all Salesforce pages that display the You are currently logged in as message.

To return to your administrator account, click on the logged-in user's name (the user who has granted you access—Trevor Howard, in this example). Then, click on the Logout option.

Logging in as another user


Regardless of the login access policy, whenever an administrator logs in as another user, the login and logout events are recorded in the setup audit trail.

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