Lookup filters

Lookup filters are used to restrict the values and lookup dialog results for the Lookup, Master-detail, and Hierarchical relationship fields.

You can specify the restrictions by configuring filter criteria that compare fields and values based on:

  • The current record
  • The related object (via the Lookup, Master-detail, or Hierarchical field)
  • The current user's record, permissions, and role
  • The records directly associated to the related object

As an example, you can:

  • Restrict the Contact Name field on an Account record to allow only those contacts that have a custom status of Active, filtering out inactive contacts
  • Restrict the Contact Name field on a case record to allow only those contacts that are associated with the Account record specified in the Account Name field in the Case record
  • Restrict the Account Name field on an Opportunity record to allow only those users who have an International profile to create or edit Opportunity records for accounts outside the United States

Optionally, you can click on Insert Suggested Criteria to choose from a list of lookup filter criteria that the Salesforce CRM system suggests based on the defined relationships between the objects in your organization.

You can make lookup filters either required or optional.

For fields with required lookup filters, only values that match the lookup filter criteria appear in the lookup dialog. Invalid values manually entered into the field also prevent the record from saving; Salesforce CRM displays an error message, which you can set.

For fields with optional lookup filters, only values that match the lookup filter criteria appear in the lookup dialog initially. However, users can click on the Show all results link in the lookup dialog to remove the filter and view all search result values for the lookup field. Optional lookup filters also allow users to save values that do not match the lookup filter criteria.

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