Advanced formula

The basic formula feature is quite restricted and you will most likely seek to create more complicated formulas that can be performed by selecting the Advanced Formula tab.

Within this tab, click on Insert Field, choose a field, and then click on Insert.

You can now include merge fields along with advanced operators as well as functions, which are prebuilt Salesforce CRM formulas that you can invoke and pass your input values to.


Function description and example usage

Select a function and click on Help to view a description and examples of formulas using that function.

The following are the steps to create a new custom field:

  1. Click on Check Syntax to check your formula for errors.
  2. Enter a description of the formula in the Description box.
  3. If your formula references any number, currencies, or percent fields, choose an option to handle blank fields. To give any blank fields a zero value, choose Treat blank fields as zeros. To leave these fields blank, choose Treat blank fields as blanks.
  4. Click on Next.
  5. Set the field-level security to determine whether the field should be visible for specific profiles or not, and click on Next.
  6. Choose the page layouts that should display the field. The field is added as the last field in the first two-column section on the page layout. For user custom fields, the field is automatically added to the bottom of the user detail page.


    Formula fields are automatically calculated. Therefore, they are not visible on edit pages and are read-only on record detail pages. Formula fields do not update last-modified date fields

  7. Click on Save to finish or on Save & New to create more custom fields.


    Formula fields have character and byte size limits and cannot contain more than 3,900 characters

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