Deleting a process version 

If a process version is no longer in use, you can delete it. You can only delete those process versions that are in the Draft, Inactive, or Invalid Draft status. This means that you can't delete an active process. If you want to delete an active process version, you must deactivate it first, and then delete it. If a process version has scheduled actions, then you can't delete it; in such a case, you must wait until those pending actions have been completed or deleted. To delete a process, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to Setup (gear icon) | Setup | PLATFORM TOOLS | Process Automation | Process Builder.
  2. This will redirect you to the Process Management page. Click on the name of the process whose version you want to delete.
  3. Identify the process version that you want to delete, and click on Delete, as shown in the following screenshot:

If your process has only one version and you delete that version, the whole process will be removed from the Process Management page.

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