
The Workshop is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review what you've learned, and get you thinking about how to put your knowledge into practice. The answers to the quiz are in Appendix A,“Answers to Quizzes/Exercises.”


1:To get only the remainder of a division operation, you use which operator?
2:Which operation is performed first in the following expression—the addition or the multiplication?

3:Does this expression evaluate to true or to false?
((true || true) && false) == !true

4:Which Boolean operator performs a logical negation?
5:The process of appending one string to another is called?
6:What property can be used to return the month of a given date?


  1. Create a project that has a single text box on a form. Assume the user enters a first name, a middle initial, and a last name into the text box. Parse the contents into three variables—one for each part of the name.

  2. Create a project that has a single text box on a form. Assume the user enters a valid birthday into the text box. Use the date functions as necessary to tell the user the number of the month in which they were born.

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