Q1:Should I alert the user that an exception has occurred to just let the code keep running?
A1: If you've written code to handle the specific exception, then there's probably no need to tell the user about it. However, if an exception occurs that the code doesn't know how to address, you should provide the user with the exception information so that he or she can report the problem and you can fix it.
Q2:Should I comment every statement in my application?
A2: Probably not. However, you should consider commenting every decision-making and looping construct in your program. Usually, these sections of code are pivotal to the success of the procedure, and it's not always obvious what they do.
Q3:I'm tired of writing out the full qualifier System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(). Is there anyway to shorten this?
A3: Yes, by adding a using directive for the System.Diagnostics namespace, you will be able to access its members without having to specify the namespace. This will shorten all your System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine() statements to Debug. WriteLine().
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