Answers to Hour 7

1: Which control would you use to display text that the user can't edit?
A1: A Label control
2: What common property is shared by the Label control and text box 2and whose value determines what the user sees in the control?
A2: Text
3: To change the Height of a text box, you must set what property?
A3: You must set the MultiLine property to true.
4: What is the default event of a Button control?
A4: The Click event.
5: A button whose Click event is triggered when the user presses Enter, regardless of the control that has the focus, is called an…?
A5: Accept button.
6: Which control would you use to display a yes/no value to a user?
A6: A check box.
7: How would you create two distinct sets of mutually exclusive option buttons?
A7: Place each set of option buttons on a different container control, such as a group box.
8: To manipulate items in a list, you use what collection?
A8: The Items collection of the control.
9: What method adds an item to a list in a specific location?
A9: The Insert method of the Items collection.

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