Answers to Hour 15

1: True or False: You have to know the start and end values of a for loop at design time to use this type of loop.
A1: False. You must know these values at runtime, but it isn't necessary to know them at design time.
2: Is it possible to nest loops?
A2: Yes, and this is a common thing to do.
3: What type of loop would you most likely need to create if you didn't have any idea how many times the loop would need to occur?
A3: do…while
4: If you evaluate the expression in a do…while on the while statement, is it possible that the code within the loop may never execute?
A4: No. When you evaluate the expression on the while statement, the code within the loop is guaranteed to execute at least once.
5: What statement do you use to terminate a do…while without evaluating the expression on the do or while statements?
A5: break

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