Answers for Hour 23

1: What does XML stand for?
A1: eXtensible Markup Language
2: An element is designated in an XML document using the what?
A2: Starting and ending tags
3: True or False: XML tag names are case sensitive.
A3: True
4: What is the name of the protocol used by .NET to marshal object requests across the Web?
A4: SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
5: What forms engine is used to create forms that run over the Internet?
A5: Web Forms
6: Which forms engine provides for faster response to user interaction?
A6: Windows Forms
7: Where is the .NET Framework installed for Windows Forms applications? Web Forms applications?
A7: The .NET Framework is installed on the user's computer for Windows applications and on the Web server for Web Forms applications.
8: What is the name of the ASP.NET technology used to expose application logic as objects over the Web?
A8: XML Web services

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