
The Workshop is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review what you've learned, and get you thinking about how to put your knowledge into practice. The answers to the quiz are in Appendix A, “Answers to Quizzes/Exercises.”


1:True or False: The text displayed in the form's title bar is determined by the value in the TitleBarText property.
2:The named color Control is what kind of color?
3:In what three places are a form's icon displayed?
4:A window with a smaller than normal title bar is called what?
5:For a Minimize or Maximize button to be visible on a form, what other element must be visible?
6:What, in general, is the best value to use for the StartPosition property of a form?
7:To maximize, minimize, or restore a form in code, you set what property?
8:True or False: To display a form, you must create a variable in code.
9:What property do you set to make a hidden form appear?


  1. Create a semitransparent form with a picture in its background. (Hint: Change the form's Opaque property.) Does the image become transparent? Add some controls to the form. Does the image appear behind or in front of the controls? (Hint: To create a transparent form, set the form's Opacity to something other than 100%—try 50%.)

  2. Create a Windows Application with three forms. Give the startup form two buttons. Make the other two forms tool windows, and make one button display one tool window and the other button display the second tool window.

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