
Today's exercise is to add additional email functionality to the Agency case study. In the exercise directory under Day 11 on the accompanying Web site there is a version of the Agency case study that sends emails to applicants whenever they register or change their details. This extra functionality has been added to the JobMatch MDB and is implemented by the EmailApplicant class.

Using the code in the exercise directory as a starting point, your task today is to add functionality to the ApplicantMatch MDB to send email to all customers when a new applicant registers or changes their details. Use the existing code in the JobMatch class as a guide to adding your new functionality. You will find it convenient to either modify the EmailApplicant class to maintain applicant as well as job details, or to simply create a new EmailCustomer class based on the functionality of the EmailApplicant class.

A complete solution can be found in the agency directory under Day 11 on the accompanying Web site. The solution includes a separate EmailCustomer class for managing matched jobs.

The solution provided for the Agency case study is incomplete, as it does not email customers when new applicant details match advertised jobs, nor does it email applicants when new job details match their details. Adding this functionality is left as optional exercise as no solution is provided.

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