Q1:What are the two components of XSL?
A1: XSLT defines a language that is used to write stylesheets that will transform an XML document into a different format.

Formatting objects, or XSL-FO, specifies a device-independent grammar for defining the format of a transformed XML page.

Q2:What are three techniques for applying an XSLT stylesheet for a Web client?
  • Send the XML document and stylesheet to the client for processing.

  • Convert the XML into an HTML file, store the file on the server, and send the file to the client to satisfy future HTTP requests.

  • Transform the XML data on the server for every HTPP request for the data.

Q3:Which XSL element is used to insert the body of a matched XML tag into the output document expanding any nested elements?

Q4:What do the ., .., //, and @name XPath shortcuts expand to?

. expands to self::node()

. expands to parent::node()

// expands to descendent-or-self::node()

@name expands to attribute::name

Q5:What are the XSL elements for inserting a comment, inserting an element, inserting an attribute, and copying elements?
  • <xsl:comment>

  • <xsl:element>

  • <xsl:attribute>

  • <xsl:copy>

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