
On Day 14, “JSP Tag Libraries,” you developed a custom tag library for use with your Web application. Today, you will write an XSLT stylesheet that will transform a Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) document into an HTML page for viewing.

Listing 17.18 shows the agency.tld file from Day 14 that you will transform into HTML for display by a Web browser.

Listing 17.18. Full Text of agency.tld
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

To display this TLD document, you will need to write an XSLT stylesheet that defines rules for the following transformations:

  • Put the tag library name in an <H1> element.

  • Define a <TABLE border="1"> element to contain all the tags.

  • Highlight each tag name using a <STRONG> element.

  • Put each tag in a row in the table and put the tag name, body content, a list of the attributes and a list of the variables each in its own cell.

Listing 17.19 shows a suitable HTML page containing one row that meets the previously listed requirements.

Listing 17.19. Transformed HTML Output
  <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <TITLE>agency TLD</TITLE>
    <H1>Tag Library Name: agency</H1>
    <TABLE border="1">
      <TR align="left" valign="top">
        <TH colspan="4">Tag</TH>
      <TR align="left" valign="top">
      <TR align="left" valign="top">

To get you started, there is an example TLD (agency.tld) and an empty XSLT stylesheet (tld.xsl) in the Day17/exercise/XML directory on the accompanying Web site. Also included in the exercise/src directory is a simple Java program called Transform that can be used to apply your XSLT stylesheet to an XML document.

To test your XSLT stylesheet run the command

> java -classpath classes Transform XML/tld.xsl XML/agency.tld

and study the HTML output. You can also use the following command to save the output to a file:

> java -classpath classes Transform XML/tld.xsl XML/agency.tld XML/agency.html

You can view the file XML/agency.html in your browser.

Alternatively use the supplied asant build files and enter:

asant run

and browse the output file XML/agency.html as before.

Finally, Figure 17.4 shows a screen snapshot of how your transformed HTML page should appear in a Web browser.

Figure 17.4. Applying tld.xsl to agency.tld.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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