
Not only did we use math to solve our question, but we also learned that doubling is a very powerful concept when applied over time. Double my money, please!

With the exception of the pen tool and the mathematical functions, this chapter built on many of the concepts we've learned before. Specifically, we relied heavily on the use of variables to provide an interactive project that is capable of crunching a wide range of number combinations.

This chapter introduced mathematical functions and the pen tool to help us play out the action on the stage. We used math to solve three types of problems in our program. First, we solved the equations. Second, we used math as a conditional check to determine if we needed to double our amount one more time. Third, we used a trigonometric function to graph the results of the double equation in a way that scaled to the Scratch stage.

Much like in daily life, we can't escape math as Scratch programmers. This knowledge is worth accumulating and, once we have it, we can turn the math into a visual message using Scratch's other programming capabilities, including the pen tool, to create designs.

We've covered Scratch's major functionalities, and in the event I've missed something, you have all the information you need to discover it on your own.

Now, we will go forth and share our projects with the world.

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