Time for action - insert a title screen

Every presentation needs a title screen. Let's get started by creating a new Scratch project and deleting the cat:

  1. From the sprites list, select the stage.
  2. From the scripts area, click on the Backgrounds tab.
  3. Import a new background by clicking on the Import button. The Import Background dialog box displays.
  4. Browse the folders to select a background you like. I'm going to use the wooden-house from the Outdoors folder.
  5. From the backgrounds list, delete the default background by clicking on the X next to the Copy button.
  6. Open the background in the Paint Editor by clicking the Edit button.
  7. Give the slideshow a name by using the Text tool to add text to the image. Look back to the Time for action paint a happy birthday sprite exercise earlier in this chapter if you need help entering text. My slideshow is titled, Buddy's Bottlecap Surgery.


    When the Text tool is selected, you can position the text on the screen by grabbing the black square that appears in the top-left corner of the text area and dragging it around.

  8. Click OK in the Paint Editor to save your work and return to Scratch.
Time for action - insert a title screen

What just happened?

Every presentation needs a title screen, and we just created ours by importing a new background into our project. By now, it's clear that the Paint Editor is a central tool for us in Scratch, but did you notice a subtle difference in the way we added text?

Earlier in the chapter, we created a new sprite named Happy Birthday using the Text tool. This time, we added text to an existing image.

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