Time for action - download a project

Without further hesitation, find a project you like and download it:

  1. Click the link to download the project.
  2. When prompted by your web browser, save the project to your computer.
  3. Next, open the project in Scratch. From the Scratch interface, click on the Open button.
  4. In the Open Project dialog box, navigate your filesystem and open the project you just downloaded.

What just happened?

We found a project we liked, we downloaded it, and then we opened it. As you review the project code in the Scratch interface, you can begin to answer the question, "How does it work?" You did remember to think like a designer and not a user, right?

Now that you saw the code, are you surprised by what you saw? Don't worry about whether or not you understand what it all means. You will.

Our mothers taught us to share, which brings us to the other implicit concept in this exercise. The Scratch community also encourages us to share, and each project on the Scratch web site is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Creative Commons

The Attribution-Share Alike license is simple in concept and practice. When you find an interesting project, feel free to download it and remix it to create something new. Then credit the original author. The project notes make a great place to credit the work of others. By the time we finish this book, we will have several projects to share with the Scratch community, and we hope that our work inspires someone else to create something new and unexpected.

For more information about Creative Commons licensing, visit www.creativecommons.org.

Have a go hero

Modify the project you just created in some way. If you're not sure where to begin, try inputting different values into the blocks to see what happens.

There is no right way, just exploration.

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